Situ Feng felt that Mordo's mirror space could almost withstand the impact of 50 tons, and if it was a little more, the entire space would fall apart.

Originally, Situ Feng was still wondering why Doctor Strange did not open the mirror space when he fought against Thanos' army.

It turns out that the consumption is too large, and the other party is strong, and there is wormhole shuttle technology, there is really no need to open the mirror space.

However, if you change to Marlene to open the mirror space, it is estimated that a stable space can be formed, and the other party wants to use the suspension ring to break the mirror space, which will definitely consume a lot of mana.

Marlene's infinite magic, even if she leaves the mirror space, can make it continue to exist.

At that time, change the rules of space, block the coordinates of space, and do not allow others to enter and exit freely. Then it is possible to lock the enemy to the maximum.

Or connect the exit directly to the black hole, or next to the sun....

This is sour....

As for what Strange would do if Marlene became a Supreme Mage, it would not belong to Situ Feng.

He can show mercy and arrange for the fan to change Strange's fate and let him avoid a car accident. At this time, Strange is still an ordinary person, and there should be no problem.

Of course, if it is really unstoppable, then Strange becomes Doctor Strange is an absolute point in time, and there is no way to change this fate!

Then Situ Feng will not stop it, and more combat power is also a good thing.

With Marlene's talent, she was basically able to learn all the white magic in less than 1 month. White magic is basically auxiliary, mainly some positive effects, and does not have any offensive magic.

The casting of white magic may be crazy and cool, but the effect is estimated to be just that.

In the world of Marvel, white magic controls the mind and black magic controls the soul. Of course, Loki's magic seems to come from the World Tree. There is also chaos magic or something, this will not be discussed for the time being.

However, power does not distinguish between good and evil, depending on the person using it.

It's like there are two gold bars here, which one is dirty? Which root is noble?

You can't tell the difference, can you?

But those dark magic, if Marlene learns, may take a little longer. Because the source of black magic is more complicated, of course, it basically comes from hell, the demon world, the abyss, and the void.

In Situ Feng's eyes, the time gem was already in his pocket, and he was not in a hurry.

Next, just search for other Infinity Stones.



Karma Taj.

Inside the kitchen.

"I was an abandoned baby and came to Karma Taj when I was 2 years old. Master Gu Yi adopted me, she went back in time, met my parents, and told my father that my surname was Wang, so I was called Lao Wang.

Lao Wang told his story while cooking.

For the flower planting family, two people chatting can talk about their parents' life, family situation, etc., then the relationship between the two people is much closer. And if both parties can eat and drink well at the dinner table, chat well, then it is really good.

"Don't say, although I grew up with Karma Taj, I also went to the flower planter. At that time, I followed an old lama and practiced for a while. What about you, the ancient mage said that you are from other universes?

"How to say, my hometown does not have so many supernatural forces, although there are wars in the world, but the flower growers are peaceful and prosperous." I also came to this world by chance..." The

two talked about everything from astronomy to geography, from hometown to aliens, from hell to the Supreme Mage.

Eat small dishes, drink small wine, and take a sip of peanut rice, happy like a fairy.

"Lao Wang, what does the ancient mage think of human society?"

Situ Feng also asked what he thought, after all, the ancient mage will go to see the eternal after death, and it is better not to provoke or not to provoke for the time being.

"To God what is God, to Caesar what is Caesar!"

Situ Feng, realized, he instantly understood Lao Wang's words.

At that time, people dissatisfied with Jesus' teachings asked Jesus how to deal with the relationship between religion and secular power.

That's what Jesus answered.

In layman's terms, that is to say, you manage yours, I manage mine. Our well water does not violate the river water, don't contact if you have anything, don't contact if you have something.

Placed here, that is to say, the ancient mage only cares about supernatural things, such as evil god invasion, space collision, dimensional war...

Indeed, the Supreme Mages are silently guarding mankind and protecting Blue Star, and do not act in a high-profile manner like the Avengers, lest the world be chaotic. Especially like Captain Marvel, who acts as the world's policeman in the universe, it's oh hehe.

"Lao Wang, if someone wants to unify the whole world, eliminate famine and war, and build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, free, equal, just, rule of law, patriotic, dedicated, honest and friendly society, will the ancient master intervene?

Lao Wang took a sip of white wine and said slowly: "Are there evil gods or demons involved?"

Situ Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, all of them are human beings." Of

course, Situ Feng added in his heart, mutants and artificial humans are also considered humans.

Lao Wang fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he spoke, "Ancient First Mage should choose to pay attention instead of directly interfering. Situ

Feng got the answer and continued to talk with Lao Wang.



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