"No, these prisoners are no longer human! Maybe some of the Golden Lion's accomplices have abilities similar to Moria! They can transform living people into undead zombies! Only in this way can this kind of thing be explained!"

After all, Ivankov is skilled in medicine and knowledgeable. After the initial surprise, he quickly guessed the reason.

"Then can they beat Magellan?" Imazuna asked.

Ivankov shook his head:

"The poisonous giants are so corrosive that even the Iron Man can't stand it. They will soon be corroded to the point where there are no bones left!"

But at this moment, only to hear "Whoosh! Whoosh!" Two red lights shot straight at him, piercing through Magellan's poisonous giant at once, punching two big holes in his mouth!

"Uh... what's going on?"

Magellan's eyes darkened, his huge body swayed and fell to the ground, and the giant skeleton on his body began to gradually disappear.

"What kind of ray is that? It knocked down Magellan in one fell swoop?"

Ivankov and Imazuna looked back in horror, and saw a man in a steel battle suit holding his hands high, apparently it was him who sent out that deadly red ray just now!

"This... what kind of attack is this? Even the pacifists of Vega Punk can't have such power!"

Looking at the appearance of Iron Man, Ivankov instinctively regarded him as a robot!

PS: Ask for evaluation, ask for flowers!

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☆、Chapter 26 Paining the Yellow Ape! (seeking collection and evaluation of flowers)

Ivankov clenched his fists unconsciously.

"What is the origin of these people? Will their existence threaten our revolutionary army?"

In the monitoring room of the advance city, Hannibal, the deputy director, looked at the screen on the monitor and trembled all over!

Although all his subordinates are afraid of him, they all know that Magellan is the patron saint of this advancing city!

But the patron saint, has now fallen!

"Department... Director, what should I do now?"

Hearing the voice of his subordinates, it took Hannibal half a day to understand that he was calling himself!

At this moment, Hannibal really wanted to cry without tears!

Although he has always wanted to become the director, he is definitely not in the current situation of such a great enemy!

On the other side, Tony laughed proudly when he saw that he made a good attack:

"My full-power shock cannon can penetrate even hills! This is the power of science!"

Beside him, Ai Wen can't help but sigh:

"Tony in the 616 world is indeed several grades stronger than the movie world! If you face the Iron Overlord, this Tony can only be solved with one shot!"

At this time, the Red Queen suddenly sent a private chat to Ai Wen.

Red Queen: The corpse created by Mr. Dior is similar in many ways to the zombies created by the T virus, but has intelligence!And greatly enhanced bodily functions!Admin, can you send me a corpse sample so I can study it?

Ai Wen smiled eccentrically. If the Red Queen really got inspiration from corpses to create intelligent zombies, would she really become the queen of zombie earth?

Red Queen: Oh, and one more thing, I'm also very interested in Devil Fruits in One Piece World, can the administrator find some samples for me too?

Seemingly feeling embarrassed to keep making demands, the Red Queen added:

"If I have researched anything, I will definitely share it with you, the administrator."

Seeing this sentence, Ivan's eyes lit up, he lowered his head and thought, and then said to Dio:

"Come with me."

The two walked to Magellan. At this time, the venom on his body had almost disappeared, but the corpse prisoners had been corroded to only bones.

"Sure enough, this guy is still angry!"

With the keen five senses of a vampire, Ai Wen soon discovered that Magellan still had a breath!

"As expected of a person from the world of One Piece! The body is really strong!"

Ivan turned his head and said to Dio:

"You drain his blood now and turn him into a corpse!"

Although he didn't understand what Ivan wanted to do, Dio happily inserted his hand into Magellan's chest.

A few minutes later, Magellan, who seemed to be fully recovered, stood respectfully behind Dio, as if he had become his servant.

Seeing this scene through the monitor, Hannibal couldn't hold on any longer, and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

"No way, how can such an enemy be beaten? Order all the jailers to retreat across the board!"

Hearing Hannibal's trembling voice, his subordinates also turned pale.

Magellan's strength, they know better than anyone else, such a person has suddenly become an enemy, and no matter how many people go up, they will commit suicide!

At this time, I saw that Ivan touched Magellan who had become a corpse with his right hand, and then Magellan disappeared all of a sudden.

"This... is this a space transfer?"

Hannibal only felt dizzy, but he also knew that such a powerful enemy was definitely not something he could handle, and immediately rushed out of the monitoring room.

"You must inform the Warring States Marshal as soon as possible, these people are too terrifying!"

"What? What did you say?"

Hearing the voice from the phone bug, the Warring States Marshal's expression changed drastically.

Robots far beyond pacifists!The ability to transform the strong into zombie warriors who are not afraid of death!And the ability to space transfer!

The strength displayed by these mysterious companions of the Golden Lion is almost no less than that of Qiwuhai!

After hanging up Hannibal's call, the Warring States Marshal immediately picked up another phone bug and contacted the battleship of the three generals in front!

"Polusalino! No one in the city can stop the Golden Lions now! You rush over as soon as possible, and use your speed to entangle them. Wait for the other two generals to arrive and annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

After listening to the words of Marshal of the Warring States Period, the eyes of the three generals were full of astonishment.

Magellan was defeated by a single blow and transformed into a zombie warrior!Finally lost by the enemy?

"Oops, space transfer ability, what an interesting guy."

Kizaru laughed cheerfully:

"This kind of guy is qualified to be my opponent. You should catch up quickly. I'll take a step first!"

Then he immediately turned into a golden light and disappeared into the air!

Advance the city.

After sending Magellan, who turned into a corpse, to the Red Queen with a red envelope, Ai Wen and others went all the way up, and soon came to the top floor of the advance city!

There were no obstacles along the way, and after Magellan's defeat, the jailers all fled.

Walking out of the gate to advance the city, it was night, and the golden lion took a deep breath and laughed:

"Jie hahahaha! I'm finally free again!"

And Ai Wen began to try to use the ability of his fluttering fruit to easily fly into the sky.

"Well, it looks like I'm not slow enough to fly, wait, what is that?"

Just when Ai Wen was about to land, he suddenly saw a golden light flashing in the distance, and then he heard a cheap voice:

"Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

Ai Wen's pupils shrank, and he saw a golden light shot straight at him from the horizon. Although he saw it, he didn't have time to dodge!

But just before being hit by the golden light, Ai Wen roared in his heart:


Then, everything stopped!

In the still world, Ai Wen could see clearly, a middle-aged man in a yellow suit, his right leg turned into a golden streak, and he was only a few meters away from kicking himself!

"As expected of the fastest person in the world! If I don't have the ability to stop time, I really can't even fight back!"

At this time, the "world" full of muscles and knots appeared behind Ai Wen, and his fists had all turned pitch black!

"However, within the few seconds of stopping, the one who can't fight back will become you! Kizaru!"

Ai Wen burst out laughing:

"Take my fist of the world! It's useless, useless, useless, useless, useless!"

PS: Please collect!Ask for reviews, ask for flowers!

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☆、Chapter 27 Defeating the Kiwi! (seeking collection and evaluation of flowers)

The world is like a fist as big as a casserole, with a dark and domineering armed color, and then, it starts to madly crush the motionless Kizaru in the air!

"It's useless, useless, useless, useless, useless!"

In the anime, Dior once used the world to pierce the xiong mouth of Huajingyuan Dianming with one punch!It can be seen how heavy the fist of this substitute is!

However, the physical strength of humans in the One Piece world cannot be judged by common sense.Moreover, as a student of Zefa and an admiral of the navy, Kizaru must have undergone considerable training.Ai Wen never expected to use "world" to kill him alive.

In one second, the "world" thumped Kizaru hundreds of punches!Ai Wen estimated that the time would soon resume operation, and immediately took out a scarlet long qiang from the system space.

This gun is exactly the Noble Phantasm that Aiwen won in the last lottery before entering the world of One Piece - the gun of a thousand thorns!

However, due to Aiwen's "European Emperor" attribute, the enhanced version of the Thousand-Thorn Spear that was drawn also has another function: once a day, transform into a heroic spirit Cu Chulainn, which lasts for 1 hour!

After Ai Wen held the gun, a red light immediately appeared on his body, and then he turned into a man with long blue hair----Cu Chulainn!

And at this moment, the three-second standstill time has come!


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