Although the Black Panther is confident that with the Zhenjin suit, he can fear nothing, but he doesn't want to alarm the police or something to make things worse, so he is ready to fight quickly.

"Eat my punch!"

As soon as the figure moved, the black panther rushed up like a real leopard and punched Fluffy's forehead, trying to stun it.

But just as he rushed up, he saw a flower in front of him, and the bear's mouth seemed to be hit hard, and the whole person flew out like clouds and fog!

"Boom - boom!"

The black panther was hit by the fluff with one claw, and shot backwards like a cannonball, smashed through one wall at once, and finally fell deeply into the second wall.

"Well... my head hurts..."

Deeply embedded in the wall, the black panther only felt dizzy and almost fainted, and at the same time, a storm was set off in his heart:

"Such terrifying destructive power! If I wasn't wearing a vibrating gold suit that could absorb all shocks, I'm afraid I'd already be flesh and blood! What is this monster? Could it be the product of genetic modulation?"

And seeing the destruction caused by his own claws, Fluff's face was sluggish, and he even forgot to chase the enemy.

"Wow, you are really not easy, you almost demolished the house."

As soon as he heard the master's voice ringing in his ears, Fluff was like a child who had done something wrong, lying on the ground with his hands folded over his face, making a pitiful whimper:

"¨'Wang woo..."

Ai Wen, who was wearing pajamas, was both angry and funny when he saw such a big fluff pretending to be such a strange look.

He was dreaming while hugging Shokuhou, but he was woken up by the sound of the black panther crashing through the wall, and when he came out, he found the fluff and the large human-shaped hole in the wall in front of him.

"Let me see... Who the hell is this guy? How dare you break into my house? Oh, it's you?"

Looking at the black panther who was trying to get up from the wall through the hole in the wall, Ivan suddenly felt a sense of absurdity and almost laughed out loud.

Whether in comics or movies, Black Panther is just a second- and third-tier character. Apart from the Zhenjin suit, only his Super Virgin character is worth mentioning.

In the Women's Federation 3 movie, Thanos went to Earth to grab the Soul Gem.Originally it had nothing to do with Wakanda, but he insisted on taking in the Avengers and directly led Thanos' army to his (Li Qianzhao) hometown!

When facing the tyrant army at that time, the men of the Black Panther said that once the battle was defeated, Wakanda would be completely destroyed!This is worse than the consequences of Thanos snapping his fingers!

But these are nothing compared to the Black Panther in the comics.In the comics, the Black Panther also took in the Avengers again and again, and as a result brought disaster to Wakanda again and again, including the army of Thanos!

Sometimes people wonder if the Avengers are his father!

In the end, the entire country simply perished, and the citizens were almost dead, leaving only a pile of tombstones!

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the black panther, Ai Wen suddenly had a thought in his heart.In the group, I sent a private chat to Esdes,

Ai Wen: Esdes, I have an opportunity here for you to test the strength of the Scourge.You... come and help me destroy a country! .

☆, Chapter 270 Natural disasters come, slaughter the city and destroy the country! (Four more for full order)

Ai Wen wants to destroy Wakanda, not entirely because of the offense of Black Panther.

In the near future, he will definitely rush out of the earth and go to the universe.And if you want to make a spaceship, what material is more suitable than one of the hardest materials in the Marvel Universe, vibranium, which can absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy at the same time?

Just looking at the big hole in the wall, Ai Wen can feel the power of the fluffy claws.If an ordinary person was hit by this blow, he would have turned into meat sauce long ago.But when he looked at the black panther, it seemed that he was just a little dizzy, as if he was not injured at all!

"In addition to vibrating gold, Wakanda's technology is also very advanced. Nanotechnology is almost comparable to Tony in 616! How can a black country that has been closed to the country for thousands of years and never communicated with the outside world has achieved such great achievements? Among them There must be something strange."

I am very interested in Wakanda's vibration gold and secrets, so Ivan will invite Esdes to take action.

After all, if it was just to destroy a country, he could do it himself, but afterward Wakanda reckoned there was nothing left.And Esdes' Frost Dragon and the extremely cold freezing air will only freeze people to death, and will not turn everything into ashes like the Deviance Sword or the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion.

As soon as he heard that the country was going to be destroyed, Esdes responded excitedly.

Super S Queen: Haha!The administrator is really my bosom friend.I've got such a useful weapon of war as the Scourge, but it's useless at all!This feeling of depression really makes me uncomfortable!You wait, I'll come right now!

Ai Wen: Hey, what are you anxious about, it's late at night now.When I get to that country, it won't be too late to call you here.

Super S Queen: Well...then don't make me wait too long.Now the empire is at peace, and there is no war at all!It seems that I can only rely on you, the administrator, to satisfy me in the future!

Ai Wen: Hey, I will definitely satisfy you this time!

By the way, after flirting with Esdes, Ivan directly stretched out his hand and used the gravitational control of the reincarnation eye to suck the black panther over.

"Um...ah! Let me go, actually have super powers?"

Being strangled by Ai Wen's hand, the black panther's face was unbelievable. Isn't this Ai Wen just relying on battle clothes to fight, is he an ordinary person?

"Humph! I didn't bother to use this trick again, you are lucky today."

Ai (cadh) Wen first tore off the black panther's mask, revealing his panicked face, and then pulled out one of his own hair, turned it into a granulation, and inserted it into the black panther's brain.

"Ahhh...what are you doing? You devil! Woah..."

After struggling for a few seconds, the black panther's face immediately became dull, and he no longer resisted.

And Shokuhou, who heard the sound and followed him all the way, broke out in a cold sweat when he saw Ai Wen's hand, and looked at Ai Wen with awe in his eyes.

After a while, the sleepy-eyed Gong Rin also ran over.As soon as she saw the black panther, she was stunned for a while, and then immediately jumped up:

"Oops! Isn't that the rude person I beat last time?"

She turned her head to look at the hole in the wall, her face also filled with anger, and she clenched her fists and shouted:

"Did this guy break into my house again to be a thief? Look at me this time, I won't beat you down completely!"

Hearing that Gong Rin treated the villa as his own home, Ai Wen first smiled with relief, and then ordered directly to the black panther:

"Come here, I have a lot to ask you."


African country, Wakanda.

In the eyes of the outside world, this is a primitive country without any industry or modernization, and its poverty level is second to none in Africa.But almost no one knows that under a wonderful high-tech shield, there is a mysterious advanced country hidden!

The real Wakanda people live in this metropolis under the dome, with a total population of more than one million.

Today, a streamlined spaceship landed vertically on the airport, and the grim-faced Black Panther stepped down from the spaceship.

"Yo, heroic prince, how's your revenge journey going this time?" Princess Su Rui, dressed in national costumes, stood at the airport to greet her brother.

But what surprised her was that Tuchara did not greet her with a smile as usual, but nodded to her casually, and then said:

"Su Rui, I have something to tell you, take me to the laboratory."


Although he was a little confused, Su Rui habitually obeyed his orders and led Tuchara to his laboratory.

"Look, this is the next-generation nano-suit I'm working on. It can not only absorb kinetic energy and energy, but also concentrate the absorbed energy and emit it! Catch the enemy by surprise!"

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Su Rui ostentatiously introduced his latest invention to his brother.

"Well, that's really nice..."

Taking a closer look at the half-finished nano-suit, Tu'chara showed a satisfied smile, then he turned his head and whispered to Su Rui:

"Your genius also has high value and shouldn't die like this."

"You... what did you say?"

Su Rui almost thought she heard it wrong, and suddenly she felt a pain in her abdomen, and her eyes slowly turned black.

Tuchara looked at his fainted sister, turned his head and walked directly out of the laboratory. When he got outside, he ordered to a soldier:

"Hurry up and notify the Minister of Military Affairs Wakabi, I have an urgent matter to see him."


Ten minutes later, the side of the invisible barrier covering the entire Wakanda suddenly cracked a small hole, and Ivan and Esdes walked in.

Seeing that such a big dream-like metropolis was hidden in a large virgin forest, Esdes' face also showed a hint of consternation.

But in her eyes, a look of excitement soon shot out, and she even licked her lips lightly:

"I've destroyed countless cities and tribes, but it's the first time I've completely destroyed such a big country."

Ai Wen chuckled and reminded:

"Be careful, just kill everyone. Don't destroy the building too much."

He looked at the bright lights in the city and said slowly:

"After all, this place will be mine from now on."

"Ha ha……"

Esdes laughed: "I know, administrator, I will know how to behave."

Then, she immediately took out the ancient winter coffin and started to activate her super powers!

A few minutes later, the surrounding temperature began to drop suddenly, and huge frost dragons appeared in the air one after another, and their eyes shot out a ghostly glow!

Soon, the number of frost dragons exceeded fifty!And it keeps increasing!

Pointing to the city ahead, Esdes laughed at the giant dragon:

"Go, my Scourge, and freeze all the humans inside into ice sculptures!".

☆, Chapter 271 Super Ice Age?The wrath of the gods? (Five more for full order)

Dozens of huge ice dragons suddenly appeared on the border. Unless the Wakanda people were blind, how could they not be found?

Strangely, none of Wakanda's various advanced radars and defense systems responded!

However, among the citizens in the city, someone soon discovered anomalies.As soon as it was passed on, more and more people began to scream in panic:

"Look, dragons! So many dragons!"

"How is that possible? Is this some kind of [*]D projection?"

"Have you never heard of such a program?"

"What are the military doing? What about the government? What the hell is going on?"

The panic spread more and more widely, and soon it reached the palace.

When King T'Chaka learned that there were a large number of giant dragons on the border, he couldn't believe it at first.I still ran to the balcony of the palace to see it, and was immediately stunned. After a few seconds, I turned around and shouted:

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