"Red Tank, I need you now, get me to New York as soon as possible. Besides..."

Magneto gritted his teeth and continued: "You bring Wanda and Kuaiyin too! This time, I may need the strength of both of them!"

After putting down the phone, Magneto snorted coldly:

"No matter what the cost this time, I want these humans to know how powerful our mutants are!"


Ai Wen returned home, still thinking about the information that Mystique told him.

The current situation is similar to the one in the movie. Magneto has everything ready, only one little naughty is needed to activate the machine!

It stands to reason that Ai Wen only needs to find the little naughty and protect her, and then he can nip the crisis in the bud from the beginning.

However, after careful consideration, he gave up the idea.

The reason is very simple, it is not good for him personally!

"If I want to get the most out of this crisis, the best way is to advertise my product! And that product is the steel battle suit against Magneto!"

For Iron Man, Magneto, who can control the magnetic force, is definitely his biggest natural enemy!But Ai Wen remembers very clearly that Iron Man and Magneto in the 616 world have fought several times, and the result is a winner and loser!

It can do this because Iron Man in the comics world has created some kind of "Anti-Magneto Armor"!

"If I can defeat Magneto in this suit and save all the dignitaries at the UN summit, that would be the best advertisement!"

After making up his mind, Ai Wen entered the lottery group.

I am Iron Man: One Piece World is really incredible!Even pacifists have appeared, why are they still using wooden boats?

One-eyed writer: Don't go into it, this kind of mystery is the charm of the different-dimensional world!After my last adventure, I'm in awe!The beginning of three books have now been written!

I'm not a human being: Upstairs, do we want to fight again in the virtual battlefield?Now my "world" can pause for a second!I won't lose to you again!

One-Eyed Writer: Haha, you can't kill me for a second!And with my domineering fist, even your self-healing ability can't stand it!

The king is responsible for the great world: a group of miscellaneous practitioners, even if you go up together, you can't beat this king!

I'm not a human anymore: Ha, still so arrogant, you can challenge the administrator if you have the ability?

The king is in charge of the great world: You... Hmph, this king does not have the same knowledge as a fool like you.

"This flash is really..." When Ai Wen was sighing, suddenly the system issued an announcement!

["You gentlemen, I like war" has joined the group. 】

["King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts" has joined the group. 】

Ai Wen: "It seems that this time, some incredible characters have come in..."

This "I like war, gentlemen", can only be the villain boss in hellsing, the commander-in-chief of the "last brigade"-----major.

"As for this 'King Arthur doesn't understand human hearts', who is this? Is it also a heroic spirit?"

One-Eyed Writer: Yo, there's a newcomer in again, burst photos burst photos!

The true eye of the evil king is the strongest: Are there superpowers among the newcomers?Is there a magician?More importantly---is there a handsome guy?

Red Queen: I would like to know if there are any experts in biochemical technology. My research on corpses has reached a bottleneck.Alas, that Tony's self-proclaimed genius turned out to be of no help at all.

I am Iron Man: I am a genius in mechanical engineering!Not a genius in the undead realm!I'm not interested in studying such a disgusting thing!

☆、Chapter 40 You guys, I like war! (seeking collection and evaluation of flowers)

Gentlemen, I love war: undead?Is there anyone in this group doing research on this?What kind of undead?Could it be... a vampire?

I'm not a human anymore: Hahaha, you think too much, but it's just a corpse I created.This kind of guy doesn't suck blood and feeds on people. The only advantage is that he absolutely obeys orders.

Gentlemen, I like war: it turned out to be just an inferior ghoul, I am a little disappointed.We have already reached a very high level of research on this low-level creature.

One-Eyed Writer: Inferior Ghoul?Lower creatures? (Dan Dang) Are you a newcomer so courageous?Do you dare to fight with me on a virtual battlefield?I'll show you the horrors of ghouls!

Seeing this, Ai Wen immediately understood that the so-called "ghoul" is actually the English "Ghoul", which is the ghoul!

Ai Wen: @One-Eyed Writer, you should be safe.This gentleman who likes war is full of mechanical parts, even if you tear him to shreds, you won't have much flesh.

Gentlemen, I like war: ... to know me so well, it seems that this administrator is not an ordinary person.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: of course, the administrator knows all about our past and future!

Gentlemen, I like war: ho..., hearing what you said really piqued my interest. May I ask the administrator, what is my future like?

Ai Wen: To put it simply - you failed, you failed to kill Akado.

In a huge airship, a small blond man with thick-rimmed glasses and a side parted head sat in the captain's seat.

But now, the thief smile that he always had on his face suddenly disappeared.

"Failed? Damn... how is it possible? I have been preparing for sixty years! I have created countless monsters! Can't I still defeat the biggest monster?"

The major clenched his fists, his whole body has been transformed into a machine, so he not only has no pain, but also has no sense of touch, taste, and smell.

The aroma of flowers, the taste of food, all these are meaningless to him.

Turning himself into a robot and surviving, the major's only obsession is to defeat Akado!The most powerful vampire in the world!

Gentlemen, I like war: Admin, why did I lose to that monster Arcador!Can you go into more detail?If you want a reward, I can give you the countless gold jewels left by the Third Reich!

Ai Wen: Sigh, in fact, you are very close to success, there is only one reason for your failure - that guy is too strong!

After all, Ai Wen immediately uploaded the entire "hellsing" to the group file.

[A total of 11 members of the group downloaded a large memory copy (hellsing), and the host obtained

Point points. 】

A few seconds later, it was the Red Queen who read it first.

Red Queen: @朱君I like war, I noticed that the vampires in your world are much more powerful than Dior!In addition to immortality and self-healing ability, it also has all kinds of strange abilities!It can even devour the souls of others by sucking blood!So much fun!Be sure to talk to me about the technology for creating artificial vampires!I could trade Umbrella's biotechnology!

Gentlemen, I like war: wait a minute, I want to see how I failed... how is it possible!Even after taking the life of Warrant Officer Schrödinger, he still did not kill Arkado!It only took him thirty years to kill more than three million souls in his body before he woke up!How could such a monster exist in the world!

The major's mind collapsed.He turned himself into a machine and survived for so long to defeat his old enemy.But now he found out that all he did was let Akado sleep!

I'm not a human being: how can vampires be so powerful?While sucking blood, you can also suck the soul!There are millions of lives in the body!Nothing could kill him except the atomic bomb!I think I might be a fake vampire...

Looking at the power of Akado in the memory copy, Dio felt that he would not have the courage to call himself a vampire in the future...

One-Eyed Writer: This guy named Arcador is terrifying!Even his own army, his own retainers, and even his own subjects were swallowed up!Even our ghouls can't do that.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: what a terrible guy, the dungeon said that this Akado was originally a human being!Then he turned into a vampire!It's unbelievable!

Flying Pirates: I have traveled all over the world and have never seen such an outrageous monster!Compared with us devil fruit power users, this Akado is truly qualified to be called a "devil"!

The king is responsible for the great world: Hmph, if I still have the Deviance Sword, no matter if he has one million or ten million lives, it can be wiped out!oh oh oh shit!

(February 2th to February 4th)

☆, Chapter 41 Xiaomo and the two rituals! (seeking collection and evaluation of flowers)

King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts: Well, compared to this Arkado, those Heroic Spirits I've competed with before are like jokes.I never thought there were such powerful vampires in the world!

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: this newcomer, who are you after all?

King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts: Ha, my name is Mordred, and I am the only orthodox heir of Knight King Arthur Pandora!

When Ai Wen saw it, he was surprised and happy: "I'm going! She turned out to be Xiao Mo!"

The true eye of the evil king is the strongest: Mordred?Who is that?I've only heard of King Arthur.

I am not a human being: I am a Chinese, so I am very clear about this history!Mordred is the one who betrayed King Arthur and killed him!Known as the "rebel knight"!

One-Eyed Writer: Interesting! @Arthur King doesn't understand people's hearts, there is a saying that you are the illegitimate child of King Arthur and his sister Morgan, is this true?

King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts: Hmph, don't mention it, my mother only regards me as a tool to deal with King Arthur!As for that king... I get angry just thinking about it!He refused to make me his heir because of my origin!Until the end, I said that I don't have the power of a king!It's utterly abominable! "

The king takes on the great world: the king?Hahaha, there is only one hero in the world who is qualified to be called the king. I am the only one in the world.The rest are just some ugly bastards.

King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts: bastard!What nonsense are you talking about?Do you want to be my ghost under the sword? (╬ ̄Dish ̄)

The king is in charge of the great world: Hehe, even if this king does not have a deviance sword, it is more than enough to deal with miscellaneous cultivators like you, come on!Let this king teach you what a king is! !

[The king is in charge of the world, and King Arthur was banned for ten minutes because he didn't understand people's hearts. 】

Ai Wen sighed, if Xiao Mo confronts Jin Shan now, he will just be abused.

RED QUEEN: Well, Mr Major, I don't think there's any point in fighting Arcador with more to win!Instead, it will only increase the number of troops in the river of death!The only way to kill him is to create an ultimate biological weapon that is extremely powerful and has absolute self-healing ability, which he can never kill!

At this time, a person who no one thought of suddenly spoke up.

I can see death: there is nothing in this world that cannot be killed!

Gentlemen, I like war: Huh?what do you say?Could it be that you have some way to kill the monster Arcador?

I can see death: I...I don't know if I can do it, but...my eyes can see the death of all things!

Gentlemen, I love war: the death of all things?what are you saying?

I can see death: I don't know it myself... Two years ago, I seemed to have an accident, then I was in a coma with the concept of "death", and now I can see as soon as I open my eyes To the dead end of all things in the world!I have a hunch that as long as I cut along these lines, I can kill everything in the world!

Ai Wen: Two years in a coma?The dead end of all things?Are you two ceremony?

I can see death: Admins really know everything!So do you know how to keep me from seeing these horrible dead lines?I've had enough for two years!If I'm going to continue watching these "deaths" all the time, I might as well self-destruct and become blind!

Evan: Don't!You can see because of your physique!Even if you poke your eyes blind, you can still see these dead lines!

I can see death: what?Then what should I do?

Ai Wen: Hmm... Have you ever heard of a man named Canzaki Chengzi?

I can see death: I do have a woman with this name approaching me these days, but I don't like her because I don't think she has any intentions!

Ai Wen: This woman is a famous magician.If you are willing to cast under her door, you should be able to let her teach you how to control your evil eye of death!

I Can See Death: The Eye of Death...?Is this the name of the ability I have?

Evan: Exactly!This magic eye allows you to see directly the end of all things!Coupled with your special physique, you can even see the "death" of the atmosphere, thoughts, and time in the future, and then "kill" it!In theory, you can kill even God!

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Killing God?Admin, this kind of middle two lines, even I feel a little embarrassed!Does it really matter what you say?

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