Seeing that the swordsmanship of the two ceremonies has greatly improved, and the shot is as fast as lightning, and the light wave shot by the enemy was "killed" in an instant, Ai Wen was very pleased.

In fact, her Demon Eye of Immediate Death was originally one of the best in the group to defy the sky, but due to her own lack of physical ability, she has been unable to fully utilize this ability.

But after the cell transformation and the potential developed by the Great Elder, the two rituals finally truly possessed the strength to kill even gods!Four.

☆, Chapter 503 Ai Wen's means!Frieza's anger! (7 more for full order)

"what happened?"

Likum looked at the two ceremonies, his face full of astonishment.

Among the Ginyu special forces, his strength is only lower than that of Captain Ginyu, but even if he is the captain, it is impossible for him to lose the ball of light that he shoots with all his strength at once!

Looking at the monitor again, Likum found that the combat power value of the two rituals was still less than [*], and his heart was even more confused, and he did not understand what happened.

Seeing this scene, the other Ginyu team members also hesitated, and a thought flashed in their hearts almost at the same time:

"These guys... are they really powerful?"

After a few seconds, Likum suddenly shouted desperately:

"Look at my Likum---- Vanishing Cannon!"

Taking a deep breath, Likum suddenly opened his mouth "[*]", and sprayed out a huge wave of light at the two ceremonies!

This move, the Vanishing Cannon, is his biggest trick, enough to change the planet's terrain!Except for Captain Ginyu, no one in the Ginyu Special Forces dared to take this blow!


Seeing that the vanishing cannon was about to hit her, the two ceremonies were too lazy to draw the samurai sword. Looking at the incoming light waves, her eyes suddenly turned blue, and then the two blue rays broke. The pupil came out, just hit the light wave!


After a light sound like a balloon explosion, the "disappearing cannon" really "disappeared" in the air!Nothing is left!


Likum's open mouth couldn't be closed for a while, he stared at the two rituals in a trance, he could hardly believe his eyes!

He is enough to destroy the disappearing cannon of the planet, how can he be stared at by others!

Seeing Likum's stupid appearance, there was a trace of disdain in the eyes of the two rituals, and then the eyes immediately turned into a dark blue, and the pupils were scarlet!

Captain Ginyu was shocked and instinctively shouted:

"Licum be careful..."

Next, everyone saw that blue rays shot out from the eyes of the two rituals again, shooting directly at Likum!

However, Likum reacted a little slower because he was too shocked, and he was about to be hit by the ray!

Just at this critical moment, a wonderful thing suddenly happened!


Likum's body moved several meters in the air for some reason, which directly caused the two death rays of the two rituals to shoot into the air, and finally hit the ground, punching two large circular holes in the ground!


After finally escaping, Likum didn't know what happened, so he could only roar, his eyes were full of confusion and surprise.

Seeing his appearance, the four-eyed Guldo laughed, and the laughter was full of disdain:

"Hey stupid big guy! If it weren't for me, Mr. Gur, you must have turned to ashes by now! Don't thank me!"


The death ray, which was supposed to be guaranteed, was actually empty!The two ceremonies were also somewhat unexpectedly wide-eyed, and the small mouths were slightly opened.

At this time, she suddenly heard Ai Wen's warm voice:

"Haha... That green guy knows how to temporarily stop time and psychic power, so he should have used this method to save the big man!"


Upon hearing this, Gurdo's smile immediately stiffened on his face, but he looked at Ai Wen and said coldly:

"This must be what Vegeta told you, right? Humph, what do you know? This uncle's time stops, he is absolutely invincible! Let's see how I will kill you next... What are you laughing at?"

Guldo was boasting incessantly when he suddenly found that the five people on the opposite side were looking at him like a fool!Especially the two ceremonies, there was even a trace of... pity in his eyes!

"Damn! You bastards! I killed you!"

Feeling the contempt of the other party, Guldo suddenly exploded!

Due to his short stature, he often suffers from all kinds of discrimination, and Guldo's response has always been to kill all those who dare to look down on him!

"Drink... look at me..."

Condensing the superpowers of the whole body, Guldo is ready to try to immobilize everyone on the other side!Then, the other party can only become a lamb to be slaughtered!

Just before he released the immobilization technique, Guldo suddenly found that the scene in front of him had all changed!But he didn't react for a while, and instinctively shouted:

"Self-fixation technique!...Huh?"

Finally realizing something was wrong, Guldo suddenly spurted blood out of his mouth, and then his four eyes looked down, and he was so frightened!

It turns out that his head is no longer on his neck!Instead, it keeps falling down in the air!

"Wow ah ah ah..."

Hearing Gurdo's screams from loud to small, and finally disappeared completely... Watching his headless body fall from the sky weakly, the rest of the four Ginyu special forces all poured out a deep feeling in their hearts. The chill, a terrifying shock shook their whole bodies!


Bart's whole body was dominated by fear, and he was so frightened that he could barely speak, but when he saw Guldo's bizarre way of dying, a terrifying thought emerged in his heart:

"These people... don't they..."

Admiring the terrified appearance of the members of the Ginyu Special Forces, Vegeta felt a strong sense of joy in her heart!

Except for Gurdo, the strength of the other four was far above him!But now... but only four poor bastards!

He glanced at Ai Wen and said with a sneer:

"You guessed it right, our leader also knows how to use time stop! And... far more powerful than that little 2.8 dwarf!"


Hearing this, even Captain Ginyu was shocked and stiff!

If the other party has this ability!Then his body exchange may not be successful!

Looking at the appearance of the enemy, Ai Wen smiled softly...


Frieza's mothership.

Standing on the edge of the mothership, Frieza's face was sinking as he looked up at the sky.

The ominous thoughts in his heart are getting stronger and stronger!Clearly, something is about to happen!

Suddenly, from the clouds in the sky, a spaceship identical to Frieza's mothership descended!Looking at the ship, Frieza couldn't help but change color, and his face was full of anger!

"Gula! You bastard! You came to grab my prey!".

☆, Chapter 504 The shock of Gula, the strongest frozen demon strikes! (1 more for full order)

Looking at the spaceship in the sky, Frieza's heart was filled with anger and... fear!

Gula is the first child of his father, the Kurdish King, and his strength is much more powerful than Frieza!

Both Frieza and Gura are from a race known as the Frozen Demons.This race is born with extremely powerful strength, and it will continue to grow stronger over time!

However, because their power is too powerful, every move will cause great damage to the surrounding environment, and even make it impossible to live a normal life!

Just think, if Frieza could just lift his foot and step out a big hole in the spaceship, how could he get to Namek in the spaceship?

So to solve this problem, Frozen Demon invented a "weakened form".It is to change their bodies to be very weak so that they can control their power.

And the worst frozen demon family in power control has more weakened forms.

Frieza doesn't know how to control his own power, so he has as many as three weakened forms!

And his older brother Gula is just the opposite!Because he is very good at controlling power, he can not only maintain his original form since 22, but can even derive a new "enhanced form"!

" does this bastard know about Dragon Ball...could it be...he's been eavesdropping on my communications?"

Thinking of this, Frieza not only clenched her fist, but quickly released it again.

In fact, if someone else had dared to snatch Frieza's belongings, he would have killed him long ago!But facing Gula...he really didn't dare!

However, Frieza quickly remembered something else.

"There seems to be something abnormal on the combat power detector just now! Maybe... this can be used!"

The spaceship quickly landed on the ground, and then, Gula, who looked exactly like Frieza's final form, floated out of the spaceship.

When Gula saw Frieza, who had transformed into a dwarf and was sitting in the hovercraft, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and said coldly:

"How many years have passed, and you can only live normally by changing into this look. Don't you feel ashamed?"


Unexpectedly, the other party came up with a slap in the face. Frieza was anxious and angry, but he still forcibly suppressed his anger and said in a low voice:

"You must have come for Dragon Ball too. But... do you know that there are other outsiders on this planet now! Among them, some people have even reached hundreds of thousands of combat power, or even more. high!"

"Ho... so what?"

Gula smiled indifferently:

"Hundreds of thousands of combat power, in my eyes, is the same as ants! That is, you will take it seriously!"

What he said actually implied that Frieza, who maintains the weakest "dwarf form" at present, has only [*] combat power!

But just after Gula finished speaking, the three subordinates behind him exclaimed almost simultaneously:

" is this possible?"

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