When the naval officer in the corner saw this scene, everyone was even more frightened.

At this time, Virgo only felt that his heart was full of despair.

"I'm afraid Kizaru may not be able to do such a thing! The other side is already so powerful as a follower. Who else in the navy is the opponent of these people?"

Ai Wen smiled when he saw everyone's horrified expressions.

After using the stone ghost face and two serums, Kuaiyin not only strengthened his physical strength and speed, but also accelerated his thinking, which made time greatly slow down for him!

Like Quicksilver in "X-Men: Apocalypse", when the X Academy exploded, he rushed in and saved everyone in the Academy!

And now Quicksilver can do this incredible thing effortlessly.

At this time, Ai Wen's eyes flashed, and he suddenly saw Virgo and the others who were tied to one side.

"Huh? This isn't... Hehe, Golden Lion, these are the naval officers you tied up?"

The golden lion nodded.And being stared at by Ai Wen, Vergo felt like a mouse being stared at by a cat!

He was about to say a few words when I saw Ai Wen walking to his side, and then he shoved his hand into his chest!

"You... wow!"

Virgo felt that all the energy in his body was pouring out like a flood!The body withered down at a speed visible to the naked eye.At this moment, a mutation occurred!

I saw that Virgo's whole person turned into a dark blue flame, and then the "peng" burst open, turning into countless sparks, slowly infiltrating into Ai Wen's body!

Standing in the midst of Mars, Ai Wen closed his eyes and carefully experienced a sense of satisfaction that came from his soul.

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(February 2th to February 4th)

☆, Chapter 70 Coming to the top war! (on the shelves on Tuesday for the first order)

Just now, he not only sucked Vergo's flesh and blood, but also sucked his soul into his own dead river.

Moreover, he even took in part of Vergo's memory!

"Oh, so that's how you contacted JOKER. Unfortunately, it's useless to me."

Ai Wen buried this part of the redundant memory in the river of death.At the same time, he also felt that the river of death in the depths of his consciousness seemed to grow a little bit!

"What would it feel like if I sucked the Aokiji...even the Akainu?"


"Forgive me, please don't kill me!"

Seeing this terrifying sight, the remaining few naval officers were frightened, their courage was gone, and they desperately begged for mercy.

Ai Wen ignored them, sucked them all dry, and when he turned around, he saw the surprised, astonished and curious eyes of the qun members.

Akado laughed lowly:

"Huh... To be able to suck up the flesh and soul directly with my hands, even I can't do this kind of thing... This administrator is really not an ordinary person."

"Sure enough, this administrator is also the same as Akado... No, maybe a more terrifying monster!"

The major narrowed his eyes, and the weird smile on his face subsided a little.

At this time, the sound of applause suddenly came from the crowd.

When Ivan saw it, I saw Esdes standing out from the crowd, applauding and saying:

"What a beautiful ShaLu! If I'm not mistaken, you seem to have devoured the flesh and even the soul of this guy just now!"

Ai Wen nodded with a smile, Esdes said with shining eyes:

"It's normal for the strong to eat the weak! But because of you, my blood is boiling now. Please lead us to the battlefield as soon as possible!"

Seeing that the qun members seemed to be aroused by Esdes' words, Ai Wen laughed and said:

"Okay, let's go to the battlefield now! Enemies who dare to stand in front of us, whether they are hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands, will die!"


Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

The sea has been frozen by Aokiji, and the war between the 10 elites of the Navy, and the 1600 members of the Whitebeard Pirates and its more than [*] pirates is about to break out!

But the strange thing is that the coaches of both sides did not launch a full-scale attack, it seems that they are waiting for something!

Holding a huge naginata, standing on the bow of the Moby Dick, the burly white beard suddenly laughed at the Sengoku Marshal on the execution platform:

"Gu la la la, old ghost of the Warring States period, I can feel it, you are afraid!"

In front of the execution platform, including the new general Fujitora, there are four generals sitting!Hearing this, their faces were a little ugly.

The muscles on Sengoku's face twitched twice, and he said in a deep voice:

"You don't think I'm afraid of you half-dead old ghost, Whitebeard!"

Whitebeard smiled and said:

"It's not me that you are afraid of, but the golden lion and his companions!"

Hearing this, the Warring States frowned suddenly!

He just got the news yesterday that the Golden Lion raided the G5 branch, not only robbing two warships, but also the base director Vergo and others!

If the Golden Lion is alone, he is not afraid, but if his unfathomable companions also come, this war on the top is afraid that it is really dangerous!

Suddenly, Garp, who was standing beside the execution platform, sensed something, his face changed, and he looked up at the sky.

I saw a huge naval battleship, breaking through the clouds and falling from the sky!

"Jie Hahaha, Whitebeard you old fool, here I come!"

Hearing this familiar laughter, Warring States sneered:

"Golden Lion, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

When the navy soldiers saw the warship in the sky, they were all surprised:

"Isn't that our battleship? How can it fly in the sky!"

"Idiot! That's the golden lion! The legendary flying pirate!"

"No, I heard that the Golden Lion has many powerful companions! Even the three generals were defeated by them..."

"Hurry up and shut up! Saying this is to shake the heart of the army! Do you want to be shot?"

At this time, the Warring States period looked as if he had been prepared for a long time. He took out a golden phone bug and said coldly:

"Zhan Taomaru, dispatch pacifists! Shoot me down the battleship in the sky!"

(February 2th to February 4th)

☆, Chapter 71 Eight-foot Qionggouyu! (On the shelves tonight for the first order)

On the outside of the sea level frozen by the Ice Age, Zhan Taomaru, wearing a red apron and holding a big axe, responded to the phone bug:


Then, Zhan Taomaru shouted:

"Start, attack me all! The target is the battleship in the sky!"

Beside him, there are rows of robots with exactly the same appearance!There are hundreds!It's a pacifist!

The "Wise General" Warring States had long expected that the Golden Lion would likely launch a surprise attack from the sky, but ordinary cannons couldn't hit that high at all, so he subverted the pacifist trick!

Once the Golden Lion appears, he dispatches the pacifists and uses their laser cannons to destroy the Golden Lion's airship!

Under the orders of Zhan Taomaru, the hands and mouths of the pacifists lit up with dazzling golden light!

"Drip drip... Whoosh whoosh!"

Within a few seconds, thousands of laser beams shot towards the air battleship at almost the same time!

At this time, there was also a smile on Sengoku's face:

"Even if your comrades are capable people! You can't resist the fire of so many pacifists! Golden Lion, you and your comrades are both threats to world peace! I will bury you and Whitebeard today!" "

However, an expression of disbelief appeared on his face immediately, his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost:

"This...how is this possible?"

It's no wonder that he was surprised. He saw that every deadly laser light, as long as it shot within three meters of the air battleship, immediately seemed to hit an invisible mirror and was reflected in all directions!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Wow! What's going on?"

"It's laser light, hurry up!"

The reflected laser light shot everywhere, and some of them blew up the navy!Some were shot on the pirate ship, making the pirates also embarrassed!


The phoenix Marco spread his wings and flew, blocking the dozens of laser beams that were directed at the Moby Dick.

But Whitebeard didn't care, looking at the battleship in the air with curiosity in his eyes:

"Golden Lion should not have this ability, is this... his legendary companion?"


On the deck of the battleship, Tony in a battle suit laughed:

"After I got the pacifist, I thought about what I would do if I encountered such an enemy in the future? So, I thoroughly studied the mechanism of this golden beam and developed this I force field that can reflect it ( I-field!"

He patted a mecha beside him and said with a smile:

"All the mechas I brought are equipped with an I force field generator! As long as they are all turned on, I can protect a battleship!"

Ai Wen can't help but sigh:

"As expected of Tony in the 616 world, in terms of scientific research, Vega Punk can't keep up with him!"

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