Then the mask began to shrink violently, and finally turned into a small dot, and everything within the black mask, whether it was a forest or a rock, all turned into dust in an instant!

"Nine tails... is this in ashes?"

Shou He, who saw this scene, was so frightened that his eyes were about to fall out. He was about to run away, but suddenly his vest felt cold, and half of his body stiffened!

· · 0 flowers 0 0


The sand that made up Shouhe's back body began to peel off and separate, and then dispersed with the wind, and finally, a large hole was revealed!

The two ceremonies saw the merits of one strike, and without hesitation, waved the samurai sword in his hand and attacked frantically according to the dead line and dead point in his eyes!

Shouhe's mind was in a mess, and he was caught off guard in an instant!After taking dozens of knives in a row, he finally let out a cry of despair, which exploded in the air and could no longer gather.

But seeing Takatsuki Izumi and the two ceremonies showing their might, killing two tailed beasts one after another, and watching Sasuke from a distance, Sakura and Temari were both shocked and covered in cold sweats, and their spirits were a little dazed.

Although Sasuke was extremely shocked at first, he soon clenched his fists:

...... ......

"Humans can be so powerful! If I can also have such power, I can definitely avenge that man!"

When Temari saw that Shouhe died cleanly, he was so saddened that he even burst into tears:

"Gai Luo, you died so miserably... eh?"

Just when she was sad, she suddenly heard a muffled sound, she looked up, and her eyes suddenly revealed an unbelievable surprise.

I saw a large piece of Shouhe's sand body on the ground suddenly split open, and Gaara's body actually appeared inside!

"I love Luo!"

Temari rushed forward like crazy, lifted him up and saw that he was still breathing weakly!

At this moment, she heard a faint female voice:

"My knife only killed the tailed beast on his body, not him. When he wakes up, he will no longer be a man Zhuli!"

"It's actually possible to kill the tailed beast, but let Zhuli live? What kind of power is this?"

Looking at the two ceremonies standing not far away, Temari was in a turbulent mood, not knowing what to say for a while.

At this time, a scream of Takatsuki Izumi was suddenly heard in the distance:

"What's the matter? Nine tails have been fried to the point that only so much is left! Then what am I going to eat?"

Hearing the cry of Takatsuki Izumi, Ai Wen who was flying in the air shook his head and smiled, and was about to leave when he suddenly heard a weak voice from a young man below:

"No matter who you are, can you let me join you?" Zero.

☆, Chapter 184 Sasuke's name-calling certificate and writing round eyes! (One more request for full order)

"This is... the second pillar?"

Looking down at the young man on the ground who could not stand still, but looked up at him firmly, Ai Wen's heart suddenly moved.

This time, one of their goals is to say that Orochimaru was absorbed into the command of Sheren-jun, and he became the go-getter who will unify the ninja world in the future.

But considering that Orochimaru first betrayed Konoha in the past, and then betrayed the previous record of the Xiao organization, the young Shirenjun might not be able to control him so easily.

Moreover, he is already the leader of Yin Nin Village, and he may not be willing to surrender to a teenager.

In fact, with Orochimaru's personality, I'm afraid he will only try to trick Shiren in order to study his body.

However, if another person is added, it may be able to restrict him.The mastering technique that superiors like to use is the so-called "pull one faction to fight another one."

 "Three Four Seven" "Er Zhuzi is one of the most talented people in the entire ninja world. Just giving him two cards can make him grow to an extremely powerful level. In addition, he also has an obsession with revenge, Being young, it is much easier to control than Orochimaru!"

Ai Wen looked at the panicked Haruno Sakura, smiled and said to Sasuke:

"Our organization is not a family wine. It's impossible to let you join just with a word from you. Well, you have to do one thing to prove that you are not here to be a spy for Konoha."

Seeing Ai Wen staring at Haruno Sakura, an ominous thought has arisen in Sasuke's heart, but the desire for revenge is enough for him to do anything!So he still gritted his teeth and asked:

"Don't say one thing, even ten things I'm willing to do!"

"Heh... don't say anything you might not be able to deliver."

Ai Wen pointed at Haruno Sakura and said lightly to Sasuke:

"If you kill her now, I believe you are not a spy."


Although there were already faint guesses in his heart, Sasuke's heart still felt like he was hit by a sledgehammer when he heard Ai Wen's words.

He had known Haruno Sakura's feelings for him for a long time, but he didn't respond because he was bent on revenge.

However, the current Sasuke has never killed anyone after all, so if he wants to kill a girl who falls in love with him, he still...

Seeing Sasuke's embarrassed appearance, Ai Wen shook his head and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Sasuke saying nothing, turned his head and walked towards Haruno Sakura.

"Sa... Sasuke, it's fake, don't you take it seriously. Don't listen to that person's nonsense, let's go back to Konoha..."

Seeing Sasuke's expressionless face trying to come over, Haruno Sakura's face was pale and her legs were trembling.Although a voice in his heart kept shouting "Fly! Run!", his body remained motionless.

Sasuke walked to Haruno Sakura, put his hand on Haruno Sakura's face, and said softly:


Hearing Sasuke's gentle voice and feeling the warmth of his palm, Haruno Sakura trembled with joy.

She was about to throw herself into his arms, but suddenly she felt a pain in her heart, her strength suddenly disappeared, her legs went weak, and she fell into Sasuke's arms.

"Sakura...I want to say, I'm sorry."

Slowly closing Haruno Sakura's eyes, Sasuke raised his head, both eyes changed at the same time!

His eyes have suddenly evolved from double-gou jade writing round eyes to three-gou jade writing round eyes!

Seeing the vision in Sasuke's eyes, Ai Wen clapped his hands and laughed:

"Sure enough, as long as the mood changes violently, the Sharinyan will evolve! It's an amazing magic eye!"

He landed on Sasuke and patted him on the shoulder:

"Take this as my gift to congratulate you on joining the organization, don't thank me."

Sasuke's heart was full of intense emotions at this time, and he almost screamed and shouted, and even grabbed the ground with his head. Hearing Ai Wen's words, he could only laugh bitterly.

Ai Wen ignored him, took out a bottle of red potion from his arms, reached out and squeezed Haruno Sakura's face, and then poured the potion into her mouth.

Seeing this scene, Sasuke was also puzzled:

"She stopped breathing. What's the use of pouring potions on her? Did you want to save her body?"

However, his eyes immediately widened with horror!

I saw that after Haruno Sakura drank the potion, her face immediately became rosy and her breathing resumed.

Then he heard the sound of "dang bang" on the ground. Sasuke looked down and saw that it was the shuriken he used to pierce Haruno Sakura's heart just now!

Looking at Haruno Sakura's clothes under the shuriken pierced by the shuriken, Sasuke swallowed his saliva and felt that his whole body was trembling:

"This kind of potion can not only save the dead, but also leave no trace of wounds. This is a miracle! This organization can have such a powerful drug, maybe it is more powerful than I imagined!"

"Sasuke, you just... ah ah ah!"

Haruno Sakura opened her eyes vaguely, and she seemed a little confused after seeing Sasuke, but she still quickly remembered what happened just now, and immediately jumped out of Sasuke's arms like a frightened bird!

Ignoring Haruno Sakura who was standing not far away and wanted to escape but dared not escape, Ai Wen turned his head and asked Sasuke with a smile:

"Do you know why I want to save her?"

Sasuke thought for a few seconds, then replied with a wry smile:

"Because only by asking her to go back and tell Konoha about my betrayal, can I completely cut off my retreat.. 0"

He then took out a shuriken, slashed a line on the forehead guard on his head, and said lightly:

"But no matter what, it's impossible for me to go back to Konoha again."

Looking at Sasuke with admiration, Ai Wen stretched out his finger and shook it and said:

"Don't make an assertion in such a hurry, I'll take you to Konoha to see a good show now."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, manipulated gravity to lift Sasuke up, and then flew to Konoha Village with Shiren-kun, Shokuhou Misaki and the two rituals.

Live in 0.3 rooms.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Wow, administrator, what you did just now was really evil!I'm breaking out in a cold sweat looking at it!Fortunately, you saved Haruno Sakura in the end, otherwise I'd have nightmares at night!

Gentlemen, I like war: Strange, in the previous live broadcasts, have you seen anything more terrifying than this?Why do you have nightmares about this?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: as a girl, there is nothing more terrifying than being killed by the boy you love!But seeing the true face of that Sasuke sooner is also a good thing for Haruno Sakura!

Ai Wen: Oh, I did this, in addition to trying to open his eyes, I can also take the opportunity to experiment with the effect of this ultimate life potion.The result is amazing!As long as he is not completely dead, he can be saved!

PS: Ask for automatic subscription! .

☆、Chapter 185 The spike of Totoro Otsutsuki! (Second, please complete the order)

Gentlemen, I like war: @Red Queen, didn't you take a bottle of this potion from me last time and said it was for research?what's the result?

Red Queen: Sorry, failed.I can't even test the ingredients of this potion.

Gentlemen, I like war: Uh, sure enough, the black technology of the system has far exceeded our scientific research capabilities!

Queen Tokiwadai: Don't belittle yourself. The black hole cannon that Sister Quan released just now really shocked me!I really didn't expect Sister Quan to be so powerful!With such power, why do you need to eat nine tails?

One-Eyed Writer: A wry smile, you overestimate me.The negative effect of this black hole cannon is that it will consume almost all the energy in my body after using it.Now, I can't even use the domineering armament color!That's why I'm interested in the Nine-Tails with a lot of chakra!It's a was blown up to only a few tails!woohoo...

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Sister Quan, don't be so sad!According to what was said in the memory copy, Nine Tails could never be killed by normal methods!Not to mention that it still has a little body fragment left in Naruto's body, and it is not dead at all!It will come back to life after a while.Don't you want to eat it again when it's 20?

One-Eyed Writer: Wait!Why didn't I think of that?Wow ha ha ha ha!Yup!Unless it is beheaded by two rituals!Otherwise, the Nine Tails would never die!If so, wouldn't I be able to eat it again and again?The evil king's true eyes make you really a genius!If you want me to help you in the future, just say, hahahaha! !

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Uh, I don't seem to have this intention...

Ai Wen: I suddenly wanted to observe a moment of silence for the Nine Tails.

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