Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 320 1 Sword Superman! The Confused Saitama!

The tornado raised the super ability to the peak, even if it was a distance of hundreds of kilometers, it only took her a few minutes to fly there.

After breaking into Fubuki's house directly, no one was found. She frantically rushed into the usual gathering place of the Fubuki group----a certain cafe.

The two members of the Fubuki team were drinking coffee and chatting when they heard a "Bong!", and the door of the cafe was blown into pieces in an instant! But all the pieces were frozen in the air and did not fly out!

But that's it, the people in the cafe are also scared to death, and some people even get under the table!


The two members of the Fubuki team are a little stronger than ordinary people. Where have you seen such a scene? They all broke out in a cold sweat!

In the end, a fat man with sharp eyes recognized the tornado at the door! He dared to speak to Roar:

"Miss Tornado, may I ask..."

Before he finished speaking, the tornado rushed in front of him like a cannonball and said viciously:

"Where is Fubuki now? Do you know?"


The two members were stunned. It's not the time for the Fubuki group, they just came here to drink coffee and chat?

Seeing their expressions, Tornado guessed it, and became even more anxious. With a loud shout, it smashed through the wall of the cafe and flew out! At the same time, people halfway across the street could hear her roar:

"Ahhh! Blizzard..."

The two members of the Fubuki team looked at each other, not knowing what was going on...

Godslayer World.

Aiwen took out the super soldier serum and G virus serum for her to take, and then took out the stone ghost face for her to take.

After this series of strengthening, the current Fubuki, with physical fitness alone, is enough to become an S-class hero!

"After all, the one-punch world is full of weirdos, and physical fitness alone won't help!"

After thinking about it, Aiwen directly gave Fubuki the power that he despised—the torn silver hand!

In addition, he also used the Prometheus Secrets to take out the power that he accidentally acquired when he killed Siegfried: the Dragon Slayer Sword---the Heavenly Demon Lost, and gave it to Fubuki!

This Dragon Slaying Sword is a skill similar to a curry stick. It releases the energy in the body in one go to kill the enemy! And unlike the tearing silver hand, this skill can be used to attack in a large area! Hit enough to destroy an army!

But now Aiwen, the single attack has the golden wheel reincarnation explosion, the group attack has the silver wheel rebirth explosion, the shock fruit, etc. These two skills are completely useless to him, it is better to use them as a reward for his own woman.

According to Aiwen's judgment, although Fubuki's current overall strength is not as good as Tornado, if purely in terms of output against a single strong enemy, it is no longer under Tornado! At least among S-rank heroes, it ranks third Bit no problem!


Feeling the newly acquired power, Fubuki trembled with excitement!

She has lived in the shadow of her sister since she was a child, so she dreams of beating tornadoes!

It's a pity that she originally chose to toss the snow blowing group, which was completely abandoned. Just gathering a few ants, how could it be possible to knock down the Tyrannosaurus rex?

But now, Fubuki has a confidence that she has never had in her heart, even if she now faces her older sister who was scared to death before, she will dare to fight!

Just when Chuixue was feeling ups and downs and she was smug, her face suddenly changed, as if she felt a surge of anger in the dark.

"No! This is... my sister! She seems very... angry?"

Because they both have super ability, there are some strange spiritual links between their sisters. As long as one party has some kind of extreme experience or mood swing, the other party can also feel it!

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Fubuki turned back to Aiwen and said:

"Sister seems to be very unstable. I'm going to go back and see what's going on. Also... I also want to test the Ability I just acquired?"


Hearing Fubuki's words, Aiwen's face was amused:

"Do you have to try your own sister when you get a new ability? This pair of sisters is really interesting. 99

After thinking about it, he said:

"You can go if you want, but... remember to turn on the live broadcast, so that if you are in any danger, I can immediately rescue you.

Fubuki blushed slightly, but Aiwen was her man after all, so she no longer felt coy, nodded directly, and then returned to the world of One Punch Superman.

As soon as he returned to his home, Fubuki took a deep breath.

I saw that from the balcony to the living room, it was like a hurricane passing through, the furniture was all torn apart, and even cracks appeared on the walls!

She gave a wry smile, and was about to pack up when she suddenly heard the voice of the broadcast outside the window:

"Evacuation alert! Disaster level, ghost!

"A huge creature appeared in City D! City D has been wiped out!"

"The giant creature seems to be approaching the nearby city B, please evacuate the nearby residents immediately!""

"City B? Isn't that not far from here?"

Fubuki clenched his fist, and a high-spirited fighting spirit suddenly appeared in his eyes!

At the same time, a bald man sitting in front of the TV suddenly stood up!

"Justice done!

"Wow! It's the end of the world!

In City B, the people were already in chaos, and countless people were fleeing frantically.

I don't blame them. With the sound of "Boom" and "Boom", everyone can see clearly that a giant with a height of a thousand meters is walking towards City B! Behind him, there is a broken wall. !

"Don't push me!

"Hey! Don't stand in the middle of the road!"

A man who ran for his life in a hurry yelled at a woman in black in the middle of the road. Then I pushed hard, but I couldn't push it at all!

Looking at the huge crowd of people in front of him, Chuixue frowned and was about to jump directly over when suddenly, a cold voice came from the air:

"`〃 Fubuki, what are you doing here?"

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Fuxue's body trembled slightly, but she immediately raised her head and said firmly to the tornado floating in the air:

"I'm here to defeat the monster!


Tornado laughed:

"That weirdo is a ghost! Are you a B-level hero looking for death?"

She smiled and pointed at Fubuki and said:

"I'm sorry, I've been letting you go all the time, but it's because my sister is not good that you have some messy thoughts.

Tornado turned to look at the giant who was getting closer, and said lightly:

"When I defeat this giant, you can go back with me. Let me protect you from now on, don't be a hero or something! 35


To the tornado's surprise, Fubuki also laughed, and while laughing, her right hand suddenly turned into a silvery-white metal arm!

Just when Tornado was confused, Fubuki took out a knife from his arms, aimed it at the giant in the distance, and chanted a strange incantation:

"I swear here, I, I will not allow me to cut constantly things exist, and this sword is an invincible blade that can cut and cut (good Zhao's) everything on the earth!"

As the mantra was recited, a huge momentum surged out of Fuxue's body, and the endless airflow even formed a huge vortex around her body! The tornado's pupils also shrank!

"This... what's going on? Fubuki shouldn't have such an ability!"

The momentum continued to accumulate to the top, and Fuxue slammed his right hand, and from the knife, a sword qi that was more than ten meters long, blasted the layers of air at supersonic speed, and slashed straight at the giant in the distance. past!

After eating the king of biceps, he gained huge amounts of body, but his mind became stupid, the giant reacted a little slower, and he was hit by this sword energy!

"What! Wow dust!"

It was directly slashed into the forehead by the sword energy, and then pierced through the back of the head! The giant's eyes suddenly darkened, he shook it, and fell backwards!


The small half of City B was suddenly crushed by the giant!


Tornado's eyes immediately became bigger than copper bells! But before she could say anything, a wailing came from behind her:

"Why? Why didn't I catch up!

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