Like all the other people who don't know Jiang Yuan very well, Whipsoe just thinks that Jiang Yuan is a nerd, a loser, a piece of trash, not worth mentioning at all.

If he wants to make a move, he can kill Jiang Yuan in an instant.

And now that Jiang Yuan has just surpassed Tony Stark, then let's start with Jiang Yuan.

Anyway, Jiang Yuan's last name is Stark, and anyone with the last name Stark deserves to die.

As Whipsoe moved forward, he soon saw Jiang Yuan's sports car speeding towards Whipsoe's position. When the car was speeding over, Whipsoe swung the long whip in his hand and attacked the car fiercely.


Suddenly, flames shot up into the sky, and earth-shaking explosions sounded. The car exploded instantly.

"Is he dead?"

"It's really a piece of trash!"

Whip Suo curled his lips, a sneer appeared on his face, and then he looked towards the car driven by Tony Stark.

However, just as Whip Suo looked towards the car driven by Tony Stark, he saw a man in exoskeleton armor suddenly jumped out from the flames of the explosion.

After he jumped out, he instantly approached Whip Suo, and then he spun his body and hit Whip Suo hard with a whirlwind kick. With just one kick, Whip Suo was knocked out.

After being knocked out, Whip Suo fell heavily on the ground ten meters away, and rolled several times before stopping. When he stopped, blood was oozing from his mouth, and there was obvious shock and anger in his eyes.

"Tony Stark? No, you are not Tony Stark, you just have an exoskeleton armor too!"Whisper struggled to stand up from the ground, furious. He thought the attack was a sure thing, but it turned out like this.

He really didn't expect Jiang Yuan to have an exoskeleton armor. In fact, it was not just him, many people didn't expect such a thing.

Although Jiang Yuan is Tony Stark's younger brother, it is normal for him to have an exoskeleton armor.

But in the eyes of many people, they don't think Tony Stark would give such a powerful weapon to his useless brother.

This formed a dark under the lamp.


After struggling to stand up from the ground, Whipso roared at Jiang Yuan angrily, and rushed towards Jiang Yuan. While rushing, he swung his whips, generating powerful energy, tearing the air, and killed Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan just moved his body and easily dodged the attack with his super reaction.

Seeing Jiang Yuan dodge his attack, Whipso moved the whip in his hand and continued to attack Jiang Yuan, but was naturally dodged by Jiang Yuan again.

"The exoskeleton armor made by the Whip Cable is indeed quite powerful, but unfortunately, it is too crude. If this guy is given enough funds, there should be no problem in making a more powerful exoskeleton armor."

Jiang Yuan dodged the attack while feeling the power of the Whip Cable. It would be very easy for him to kill the Whip Cable, because the exoskeleton armor of the Whip Cable was too crude, and there were many places where the skin was exposed. If he wanted to kill the Whip Cable, he would not have chosen a melee attack when he just jumped out, but would have used Jarvis's smart lock to lock the exposed parts of the Whip Cable's skin, which would have caught the Whip Cable off guard.

But he was going to use the Whip Cable for an experiment, so naturally he couldn't kill the Whip Cable.

After dodging the Whip Cable's attacks for a while, Jiang Yuan saw the muzzle of a gun appear on his shoulder, and two bullets suddenly attacked the Whip Cable.


Bian Suo's pupils shrank, and he swung the electric whips in his hands violently, forming a special stance, and then he actually blocked the two bullets.

"If I can block two bullets, what about more?"Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes, and then the bullets kept firing.

"clang clang clang……"

Whipso swung the electric whips in both hands rapidly, blocking all the attacking bullets. However, although he blocked the attacks, his hands were obviously numb and sweat appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that blocking the large-scale bullet attacks consumed a lot of his physical energy. If he failed to block a bullet, it would be very likely that he would lose his life.

"The frontal defense is pretty good, but it's time to end it."Jiang Yuan nodded, and he had a certain understanding of the simple exoskeleton armor of Whipsuo. Then he moved his body and approached Whipsuo again. Whipsuo whipped at him without hesitation, but Jiang Yuan dodged the attack by just turning to the side, and then appeared beside Whipsuo, grabbed the Ark reactor on Whipsuo's chest, and pulled it forcefully. The Ark reactor of Whipsuo was taken away by Jiang Yuan.

As the Ark reactor was taken away, the arcs of Whipsuo's two electric whips suddenly dissipated, and Whipsuo suddenly became just an ordinary person with a strong body.

So in the next second, Jiang Yuan swept Whipsuo down with a sweeping kick, then stepped on Whipsuo's chest, stretched out his left hand, and the muzzle of the gun appeared, aiming at Whipsuo's head, making Whipsuo dare not move at all.

"Don't kill him."

Just as Jiang Yuan pointed his gun at Whiplash's head, a man wearing an exoskeleton armor flew over from the side and said to Jiang Yuan. This man was naturally Tony Stark.

"Yes, I know."Jiang Yuan replied.

Just as they were doing this, they saw a large number of inspectors running over and quickly approaching this place.

"Jiang Yuan, hand the man over to the police. Tony Stark communicated with Jiang Yuan through the communication.

"No problem, but I need you to have someone take him away secretly as soon as possible." Jiang Yuan said

""Okay." Tony Stark replied.

Then Jiang Yuan loosened Whiplash and handed it to the police after the police came to him. As for the Ark Reactor in his hand, although it was only the first generation product, Jiang Yuan did not give it to the police, but took it away directly.

The police did not say anything about this.

They all thought that Whiplash had an energy source, and it was very likely that he had stolen the technology of the Stark Group in some unknown way.


"Who is that person? We must get him!"

Unlike the others who were shocked by the Whiplash attack, Justin Hammer's eyes flashed after seeing this situation.

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