"What does this guy want to do?"

"Is he trying to be funny?"

"Catching bullets with your hands, could it be funnier?"

"It's simply overestimating one's own abilities!"

It wasn't just the black-clad men who were shooting who saw Jiang Yuan grabbing the bullet with his hand. In fact, many people in the club saw this. When they saw this, they all had sneers on their faces and obvious mockery in their eyes.

None of them believed that Jiang Yuan could catch the bullet, and they even didn't think that Jiang Yuan could withstand the attack of the bullet.



The sound of swords clashing suddenly rang out, and then something happened that stunned many people around. Jiang Yuan actually caught the bullet in full view of everyone.

"How can this be……"

"Shit, I am dreaming, am I dreaming?"

"Mutant, this guy is a mutant! Be careful, be careful... Shoot immediately, shoot him immediately."Although Jiang Yuan's behavior was shocking, the people around him were only shocked for a moment, and someone immediately reacted and roared at the others.

At the same time, the person who was shouting chose to shoot Jiang Yuan first. Then

, there was a loud gunshot.

The other people around also reacted, and then they shot at Jiang Yuan.

The bullets kept approaching Jiang Yuan. Facing these bullets, Jiang Yuan suddenly moved his body, either to the side, or somersaulted, or stood upside down, or leaned his body. No matter how the bullets attacked, he actually dodged the bullets one by one, making the surrounding gunmen's shots miss.

Seeing this, the faces of the shooters all looked bad.

Then more crazy gunshots rang out. Seeing this

, Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes, and then he suddenly picked up a table in the club and slammed it towards the left forward.


Suddenly there was a loud roar, and then someone in the front left was hit by Jiang Yuan's table and fell to the ground.

As this person fell to the ground, Jiang Yuan jumped in front of the person who first shot Jiang Yuan, and then stretched out his right hand to grab the person's neck.

When this person was caught by Jiang Yuan, he struggled frantically, trying to break free from Jiang Yuan's hand, but he couldn't. The next second, Jiang Yuan pinched this person's neck and swung him to the right, hitting this person against the wall.

Then the wall was stained red with blood. It turned out that when this person was thrown out by Jiang Yuan, his head hit the wall and broke his head.


Jiang Yuan just killed the first shooter, and then he jumped again and appeared on a bar five meters away. He slashed down with his right foot and killed a man in black hiding behind the bar. Then he jumped out again.

When he jumped out, his original position was covered by a large number of bullets, but none of them hit him.

Then people kept being killed.


In a blink of an eye, five minutes passed


The gunshots roared

""Hahaha, I hit him, I hit him!"

Then an excited voice was heard, but this excited voice soon stopped and turned into a shocked curse:"Shit, he blocked it, his body blocked the attack of the bullet!"

It turned out that Jiang Yuan was hit by one of them when he was jumping, but after the bullet hit Jiang Yuan, it was as if it hit an alloy steel plate, and it was directly blasted away, and it failed to penetrate Jiang Yuan's defense at all.

"This guy's defense is too strong, ordinary bullets are useless against him, change to armor-piercing bullets, quickly send someone to get armor-piercing bullets to attack him."

Seeing Jiang Yuan killing people non-stop, but no one could kill him, those who attacked Jiang Yuan in the club cursed him, and then sent people to get armor-piercing bullets. Armor

-piercing bullets are not something that everyone can easily get.

However, in the United States, a country where there are places to openly sell arms, it is not difficult to get them as long as you have money.

Soon, someone equipped with armor-piercing bullets started shooting at Jiang Yuan.

When the man equipped with armor-piercing bullets shot at Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan subconsciously felt the danger, and moved his body to the side to avoid the bullet. When he dodged, he saw the bullet brushing past his body, and suddenly penetrated the wall behind Jiang Yuan and went straight out.

"Armor-piercing bullet?"

Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and then looked at the person who fired the gun.

He was no longer on the third floor, but on the fourth floor of the club.

In just five minutes, he went up to the next floor.


When Jiang Yuan looked over, the man who fired the gun shot at Jiang Yuan again.

As the bullet rushed towards Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed, and then he did not choose to dodge, but reached out to grab the bullet again.

"He actually grabbed at the bullet again!"

"He’s dead, this guy is definitely dead this time!"

"Armor-piercing bullets, the bullets that Martin fired were armor-piercing bullets!"

"Even if this guy in front of him is a mutant with amazing defense, he will definitely not be able to withstand the attack of armor-piercing bullets."

"Oh, shit, he caught the bullet again. He even caught the armor-piercing bullet.……"

Seeing Jiang Yuan grab the bullet again, cold laughs rang out again, and then the cold laughs turned into shouts of shock again.

Because Jiang Yuan also caught the armor-piercing bullet.

Although Jiang Yuan's hand showed obvious signs of skin breakage when he grabbed the armor-piercing bullet, the armor-piercing bullet was definitely caught anyway.

You know, the power of armor-piercing bullets is completely different from that of ordinary bullets.

This thing is equivalent to a super equipment with armor-piercing properties in the game.

Even if you have invincible defense, you will be miserable when you encounter armor-piercing equipment.

"Return it to you!"

Jiang Yuan grabbed the armor-piercing bullet and shook his hand, causing the bullet to return to the direction from which it came, piercing through the body of a man in black, and most of the shield in front of him was also pierced.

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