This is an abandoned factory.

There are a lot of cars parked here.

Most of the cars here are stolen.

Because the place where Jiang Yuan is now is also the territory of a car thief.

At this time, there are already five people lying on the ground, and the chests of the five lying down are obviously sunken.

Opposite Jiang Yuan, a young man with red hair, wearing red trousers and a T-shirt, was looking at Jiang Yuan murderously.

When he looked at Jiang Yuan murderously, the temperature of his body surface kept rising.

This is a fire mutant.

Although in terms of ability, he is completely incomparable to the Fantastic Four's Thunderbolt, but his fireball attack is many times more powerful than that of ordinary people.

Often a fireball can make people miserable.

Just when he was looking at Jiang Yuan murderously and preparing to confront Jiang Yuan, he saw a person silently drilled out from the void.

This is a red-faced middle-aged man in a tuxedo.

He is... the Red Devil!

Almost at the moment when the Red Devil appeared���Jiang Yuan's eyes suddenly flashed with coldness, and then he completely ignored the red-haired young man and set his sights on the red devil.

"Red Devil, you actually showed up."

When Jiang Yuan set his sights on the Red Devil, a smile instantly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you?"Seeing Jiang Yuan like this, the Red Devil frowned subconsciously, with a little surprise in his eyes. He felt that he should know the man in front of him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

After all, a lot of this guy's face was covered up, so he couldn't see clearly.

"You will know it later. Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes and said

"Don't play tricks on me. No matter who you are, tell me immediately what is the purpose of your attack on my brotherhood's peripheral organizations? If you don't explain clearly, you will stay here today."The Red Devil glanced at Jiang Yuan coldly, and then said fiercely

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability yet." Jiang Yuan said

"Are you arrogant?"The Red Devil narrowed his eyes, and then he moved suddenly, disappearing from the spot in an instant, and then appeared behind Jiang Yuan. At the same time, he slashed Jiang Yuan's neck with his right hand like a knife, and the speed was quite fast.

But his speed was fast, and Jiang Yuan's reaction was also not weak.

Almost at the moment when the Red Devil attacked, Jiang Yuan suddenly turned around and grabbed the Red Devil's hand.

While grabbing it, Jiang Yuan suddenly exerted force.


Suddenly, the sound of bones breaking was heard, and the bones of the Red Devil's right arm that had been chopped off were crushed by Jiang Yuan.


Being hit unexpectedly, the Red Devil screamed in pain subconsciously, his face turned pale instantly, and then he suddenly teleported away from the spot.

When he disappeared, because Jiang Yuan's hand was still holding his hand, Jiang Yuan was also made to disappear from the spot by him.

When they appeared again, they appeared in a high place.

When they appeared here, the Red Devil made a fist with his left hand and attacked Jiang Yuan's face.


Jiang Yuan stretched out his other hand and easily grabbed the Red Devil's left fist, then squeezed it hard, and immediately the bones of the Red Devil's left hand were crushed.

"Who are you?"

After two quick attacks, he was caught and his hand was directly disabled. The Red Devil's face changed drastically, and then he looked at Jiang Yuan with great solemnity and said:

"When I subdue you, you will know who I am. I have been looking for you for a long time. Jiang Yuan said coldly.

"Have we had conflicts before? Or have we fought each other before? Otherwise, why would you come to me?"The Red Devil asked puzzledly.

"Yes, we have fought before."Jiang Yuan said.

Hearing Jiang Yuan's words, the Red Devil's thoughts turned rapidly, trying to figure out where he had fought with the man in front of him, but he could not think that this man was Jiang Yuan.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better let me go, otherwise we'll all die together."After the Red Devil thought about it, he couldn't figure out who Jiang Yuan was, and then he said to Jiang Yuan viciously.

At this time, they were in the sky, falling towards the ground, and the speed of falling was very fast. In their situation, it wouldn't be long before they would hit the ground heavily.

"Do you think I am a baichi and will give you a chance to escape?" Jiang Yuan sneered

"Since you won't let me go, then prepare to die."The Red Devil's eyes flashed with ruthlessness, and then he took Jiang Yuan to the headquarters of the Brotherhood and let Magneto deal with Jiang Yuan.

No matter who this guy is, the Red Devil knows very well that this person will definitely be miserable if he meets Magneto.

Because Magneto's power is one of the most powerful mutants he has ever seen.


But before he could teleport again, Jiang Yuan's hand holding him suddenly burst out with a high-voltage pulse current. The strong current hit the Red Devil's body fiercely, and the Red Devil was electrocuted all over his body. His body was numb and his movements were stiff. Just when he was stiff, Jiang Yuan let go of the Red Devil's right hand, and then slashed the Red Devil's neck with a knife, knocking the Red Devil unconscious. After knocking the Red Devil unconscious

, Jiang Yuan was not afraid of the trend of falling.

He was above an overpass at this time.

In this situation. Under such a rapid fall, when he was about to hit the overpass, Jiang Yuan's right hand suddenly stretched out, and then saw the spider silk ejected, and suddenly stuck to the bridge of the overpass. Then he exerted force, and even his body was pulled up in the direction of the spider silk, which easily allowed him to dissolve the falling force.

But even if it was not dissolve, Jiang Yuan would not be afraid.

After all, he extracted the challenge's bounce and anti-hit genes, so he had the ability to resist the impact.

After dissolving the falling force, Jiang Yuan immediately led the Red Devil to the seaside villa where Tony Stark was.

He did not forget to give the Red Devil to Tony Stark for research.

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