"Why are they in the sky? Wait, look at this route, are they flying towards our X Academy? Could it be that...the professor's telepathy just now was discovered by them?" Following Cyclops' words, Jean Grey and Storm also looked up at the screen. When they saw the two exoskeletons on the screen, they were surprised. Then Jean Grey said curiously:

"No matter whether it is true or not, stop them first." Cyclops said, and when the words fell, without waiting for Jean Grey and Storm to agree, he suddenly activated the attack program of the fighter plane, and a large number of bullets shot towards Tony Stark and Jiang Yuan.

""Warning, warning, there is an attack coming."

Just as Cyclops started the attack of the fighter plane, Jarvis, the intelligent program of Jiang Yuan and Tony Stark's exoskeleton armor, warned the two of them respectively.

Hearing this warning, Jiang Yuan and Tony Stark frowned at the same time, and then moved their bodies to avoid the attack of the bullets.

After dodging the attack, Jiang Yuan and Tony Stark immediately looked up at the fighter plane not far away.

"Who is flying that fighter plane that actually attacked us?"After Tony Stark dodged the attack, he asked Jiang Yuan curiously

"Who knows?"Jiang Yuan said

"I'll go ask." Tony Stark's eyes moved, and then he ordered Jarvis to hack into the fighter's system and communicate with the other party.

"The fighter plane system has been hacked, and the communication has been found. Is it connected?"On the fighter plane that Cyclops and others are riding, the fighter plane program sends an alarm to Cyclops and others.

"Connect the communication." Cyclops ordered without hesitation.

As the communication was connected, Tony Stark's figure suddenly appeared on the fighter's screen:"Who are you and why are you attacking me?"

"Hey, I found two beauties. Beauties, can I get your phone numbers? Let's have dinner together tonight." Before Cyclops could answer, Tony Stark spoke to Storm and Jean Grey.

"Who wants to eat with you! Tony Stark, we are the X-Men. Cyclops' face darkened, and he spoke to Tony Stark in a cold voice.

"X-Men? Good job, it seems that you are the ones who read my mind earlier. I haven't even gone to find you yet, but you come to me first, do you think I, Tony Stark, am easy to bully?" Tony Stark narrowed his eyes, his face suddenly turned cold, and he spoke to Cyclops and others in an extremely cold tone.

After saying this, he said to Jiang Yuan beside him:"Jiang Yuan, the fighter plane in front of us is piloted by a member of the X-Men."

"Very good."

Jiang Yuan heard this, his eyes flashed coldly, and he rushed towards the fighter plane at a very fast speed.

"Bang bang bang……"

Upon seeing this, Cyclops activated the fighter's attack program without hesitation and attacked Jiang Yuan again.

A large number of bullets were fired, and at the same time, missiles were fired.

These missiles were obviously not ordinary missiles. After they flew out, they directly locked onto Jiang Yuan. Upon seeing this, Jiang Yuan activated the muzzle with his shoulder and ordered Jarvis to intelligently lock onto the attack. Then a series of bullets were fired to block all the attacks.

While blocking the attacks, his figure continued to fly towards the fighter.


Seeing Jiang Yuan resist the attack of the fighter so easily, Cyclops couldn't help but curse, and then turned his eyes to Storm and Jean Grey.

"Storm, go out and teach him a lesson. Cyclops ordered.

Cyclops is the captain of the X-Men, so he has the right to command.


Storm responded, then opened the hatch and rushed out.

Storm is one of the few Omega-level mutants (level 5 mutants) in the X-Men series of female characters.

She is a superhero under the American Marvel Comics and first appeared in"Giant-Size X-Men" No.

1 (May 1975).

Her real name is Ororo Monroe.

She was born in Manhattan, New York, United States.

Her mother is a Kenyan immigrant.

Her family has inherited the superpower of controlling the weather for thousands of years.

She can control lightning, create tornadoes, and cause heavy rains.

Therefore, the locals worshipped her as a god.

After being discovered by Professor X, she was invited by him to join the X-Men and Became the deputy captain.

Storm can even summon cosmic storms and cosmic torrents when she is at full power.

She once lifted Thor's hammer and served as the female Thor.

In the comics, she joined the Avengers (did not quit the X-Men).

In short, Storm is absolutely super powerful among the X-Men. She is second only to Jean Grey at full power.

And when Jean Grey did not create the Dark Phoenix, in terms of normal state, Storm's strength is much stronger than Jean Grey.

As Storm rushed out of the battleship, there was a howling wind, thunder and lightning, and rolling lightning suddenly appeared in the sky. At the same time, Storm was seen hanging in the air, heading towards Jiang Yuan.


Jiang Yuan saw this and his face became serious. He then stopped in the air and did not immediately continue to attack the fighter plane.

Jiang Yuan was somewhat afraid of Storm's strength.

"Are you Jiang Yuan Stark or Tony Stark?"Storm saw Jiang Yuan stop and flew to a position ten meters away from Jiang Yuan, then asked Jiang Yuan

"If you want to fight, just fight. Why waste so much time talking?"Jiang Yuan said

"Then, as you wish." Storm said, and when she finished speaking, she waved her right hand and shouted,"Fall."

Then several thunderbolts enveloped Jiang Yuan, and the speed of their attack was quite fast.

Jiang Yuan's face sank. Although he was not afraid of thunderbolts, his exoskeleton armor might not be able to withstand the attack. Once the exoskeleton armor could not withstand it, he would fall to the sky, so he quickly dodged and did not choose to resist the thunderbolt. At the same time, a large number of bullets attacked Storm.

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