Chapter 292: Sentry robot vs flashing

After leaving the place, Jiang Yuan returned to his estate with Susan.

Come back here, um, the main purpose is of course not for what 啪 (), but the only way to better protect Susan.

Since the country of m has produced a sentinel robot.

And he has already attacked him, then this is definitely not finished.

Jiangyuan, who is familiar with the plot, is very clear. In addition to the first generation, the sentinel robots in the back are all capable of copying. From the point of view of the sentinel robot, it has obviously copied some capabilities, so it is definitely not the first. The sentinel robot of the generation, and in terms of material, is also much stronger than the first generation of sentinel robots that use gasoline to make energy.

Under such circumstances, the sentinel aircraft "2017" will be followed by large-scale hunting of mutants, and even have begun to hunt for mutants on a large scale. In addition, the world is not just a mutant. The existence is the fusion of several Marvel movies and even the comic world.

As a result, the range of hunting of sentinel robots will naturally increase a lot.

With such factors, Susan, as a capable person, is naturally quite dangerous.

Although Susan's ability is good, the fighting power of the sentinel robot is absolutely terrible.

Don't look at them and they have just been solved by him.

In fact, Jiang Yuan is very clear that the sentinel robots are not only powerful, but they can be mass-produced on a large scale. In addition, they have extremely powerful intelligence. In addition to this, they also have information sharing.

As long as one sentinel robot replicates the capabilities of other mutants, this information can be instantly shared with other sentinel robots, allowing other sentinel robots to have such capabilities all at once.

This kind of effect, let the sentinel robot in the Marvel movie, suddenly became a super killer.

Just after returning here, Jiang Yuan arranged a room for Susan.

Well, the room is naturally his room.

Then, Susan ran to wash, and Jiang Yuan was connected to Tony Stark.

"Hey, Tony." Jiang Yuan spoke to the communicator.

"Is there something?" Tony Stark's voice came, and when the sound came, Jiang Yuan clearly heard the sound of dj's heavy music.

Judging from the noisy sounds coming from the communicator, Tony Stark is obviously going to have his nightlife at a bar.

"Have you been attacked today?" Jiang Yuandao.

"No, but how can you ask this?" Tony Stark, who was dancing with the music rhythm while talking to Jiang Yuan, listened to Jiang Yuan’s words, and his body suddenly shook. Immediately stopped the behavior of Judi, the fast-step bar went out outside, and while walking, he asked Jiang Yuan awkwardly.

"The next step is to pay attention to safety. The secrets of the country have created a group of robots. These robots have the means to replicate the ability of the mutants, and it is very likely that even the capabilities of the capable people can be copied. As far as I know, they have It has the ability to resemble teleportation, and may even be a teleport, as well as ray attacks, ice attacks, fire attacks, and so on.

If they find you, don't care, contact me in the first place. Jiang Yuanzheng told Tony Stark.

"There are such things, those guys are doing this, OK, I know, then I will be careful." Tony Stark stunned and followed with a nod.

"That's good, if you can, it's best to let the Red Devil keep following you, even if you want to go to nightlife or something, don't be alone." Jiang Yuandao.

"This doesn't need you to say that I will, I will be with the little spider, and the dead waiter and Banna together." Tony Stark said with a smile, this is just finished, followed by Tony Stark Suddenly said: "Voto, Shet, I seem to see the kind of robot you said."

"I will come right away." Jiang Yuan looked a whole face, followed by a quick talk to Tony Stark, finished, teleported to Susan's bathing room), to Susan said: "Susan, I want to go out one." Hey, what's the matter, let Jarvis contact me the first time..."

"Okay." Susan answered.


Susan’s words just fell, Jiang Yuan disappeared from the place.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan appeared in the position of Tony Stark.

The communication of their team members is all equipped with positioning devices.

With this positioning, Jiangyuan can easily teleport to other members.

And even if there is no such thing, with his ability to see the sky, it is also the first time to lock the position.

When it appeared at Tony Stark, I saw Tony Stark, which was outside the bar.

It is already equipped with exoskeleton armor.

When Tony Stark was equipped with an exoskeleton armor, in the distance, there was a silver robot attacking a stunning girl in black.

It is a sex-like paper with an oriental face.

Just to see at first glance, Jiang Yuan could not help but be one of them.

"Fan Binbin!"

"No, no, this is the world of Marvel. It is impossible to have Fan Binbin's existence, so this sister paper is supposed to be - flashing!"

Jiang Yuan’s thoughts were spinning fast, and he quickly identified his identity. 5.7

When I identified the identity of my sister's paper, I saw the sister paper and was attacked by the sentinel robot.

The rolling ray attack kept bombarding her, but every time the ray attack directed her, she failed to hit her because there was a portal in front of her, sending the attack away, or herself. I sneaked into the portal to escape the attack, and then appeared behind the sentinel robot to attack the sentinel robot.

Or directly attack the sentinel robot against her, send it out at once, and use the other side to attack the sentinel robot.

In this case, a single sentinel robot deals with flickering, and obviously can't blink anything. .

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