Chapter 296: Extracting spatial transfer capability


Jiang Yuan glanced at it and followed it slightly.

For him, saving people is not difficult.

"That's great." Hearing Jiang Yuan said, the flashing face suddenly glowed.

"Although I can help you to save people, I have a condition." Just when the flashing was happy, Jiangyuan’s words suddenly turned.

"Hey?" flashed and slammed, followed by subconscious vigilance: - "What conditions do you have?"

"Don't worry, the conditions are very simple, give your hand a _ down." Jiang Yuandao.

"Ah..." Blinking and slamming his mouth, it was obviously shocked by the condition of Jiangyuan.

As a flicker in Europe and other countries, what is a handshake is itself an ordinary etiquette. It is nothing at all.

"How do you not want to." Jiang Yuandao.

"Of course not, do you want to soak me?" Blinking his head and talking to Jiang Yuan with a smile.

"You think too much." Jiang Yuanbai flashed a glance.

"Is it?" The flashing smile again, followed by the hand to reach out to Jiangyuan, and then grasped Jiangyuan's hand: "Hey, this is all right."

"Wait." Jiang Yuandao, when the words fell, followed by secretly ordering 9252, "Nine-five-seven, give me the opportunity to extract the flickering space transfer gene."

"Yes, the host." The answer is no hesitation.

"It costs 200,000 creatures to specify the extraction of scintillation space transfer genes!"

"The scintillation space transfer gene is specified in the extraction."

“Successfully extracted the scintillation space transfer gene, is it fusion?”

"Integral immediately!"

"The beginning of the fusion."

“Spatial transfer gene fusion is successful.”

Under a series of prompts and Jiangyuan's deterministic order, Jiangyuan's biological energy has spent 200,000. At the same time, the flashing space transfer capability was also successfully extracted by Jiangyuan.

The flickering space transfer ability is weakened in the movie world, but her ability is in the comic world, which is quite powerful.

If it weren't for the movie world that weakened her ability, the sentinel robot could not be her opponent at all.

Because she can completely exile the sentinel robot to other planets, and even other spaces may not be possible.

Space transfer is definitely quite powerful.

Although this will only cost 200,000 bio-energy, in fact, the ability of this ability to Jiangyuan is not small.

Jiangyuan’s current spiritual strength is far more than flashing. All the powers that Jiangyuan has exerted in this ability can be exerted many times more powerfully than it is.

In particular, if Jiangyuan has a full-blown ability, for example, to unblock the power of the phoenix, then its exile ability may not be able to tear the space, and directly exile it to other parallel spaces, or sub-spaces.

After all, the power of the Phoenix itself is able to cross time, such a powerful ability combined with space transfer, breaking the space is not impossible.

After copying the ability to flicker, Jiang Yuan did not let go of the flashing hand, but shone: "Where do you need to save the people, I am directly at the height of the place."

"This... I don't really know where they are. I just know that they were caught by the kind of robot that just attacked me." The bitter opening.

"Then you have their photos, if you have their photos," Jiang Yuandao.

"I have this, I have their photos on my mobile phone." Blinking quickly nodded, said that he quickly picked up his mobile phone and found out the photos of the people she wanted to save.

In the photo, there is a Chinese girl with a yellow coat of windbreaker and a denim shorts. She has a short hair and a goggles on her head. It looks very cute and lively.

"What is her name?" Seeing such a photo of Jiangyuan's eyes subconsciously, after all, this is Asian, Chinese, but when he sees such a face, he subconsciously feels cordial.

In Marvel, although there are many Chinese variants, Jiang Yuan currently has the first one that he really touches except for the flashing mutant who has the oriental face. Asian variants.

···· ask for flowers·

Just to see the first sight of the photo, he is very sure that this is definitely Asian.

"Li Qianhuan!" replied without hesitation.

"Is she?" Jiang Yuan is amazed, no wonder it will be Asian, and now it is more certain that his perception is correct. At the same time as the words fell, Jiang Yuan's eyebrows suddenly opened, and then watched it toward the surrounding area.

His eyes straddle a large number of cities in the blink of an eye for various comparisons.

Soon he found the position of Li Qianhuan.

Li Qianhuan, who saw this meeting, was in a container, which was a container that was transported by an open car.

Not only does it have the existence of Li Qianhuan, but there are also dozens of other mutants.


Those variants have men and women.

All of them were brought to the handcuffs and anklets. At the same time, their condition was very bad, obviously what was injected, and the spirit was quite sluggish.

In addition to the mutants and the sentinel robots, there are two young people wearing white coats in the container.

The two young men in white coats are constantly controlling the computer and doing some data comparison.

One of them had a purple-red hair, a brow in the brow, a cold face, another with a golden hair, a short stature, and at the same time fat, with a pair of glasses on his face.

"Bart, these mutants are really a group of monsters, and their physical strength is far more than our ordinary people." The young man, while manipulating the computer, spoke to the youth of the purple-red hair.

"You are not studying them on the first day. Isn't this normal?" said the young man with purple hair.

"Haha, it's also true, but no matter how powerful they are, it can't fight the sentinel robot now. In addition, I see that the quality of the sister paper caught this time is good. Once sent back, it will definitely be killed, so it is so dead. It’s better to let me solve my physiological needs. I have been studying them for a long time. I haven’t relaxed for a long time.” The young man, who was swaying to the purple-red hair, smiled and said, suddenly stood up and looked at Li Qianhuan. The location went over. .

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