Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 368: Battle of the Flash

"Hands up, don't move!"

These police officers just surrounded Jiang Yuan and Qin Gelei, and they saw that the police had pulled out the guns, and then directed Jiang Yuan and Qin Gelei.

Seeing Jiangyuan is somewhat speechless.

Not only is Jiangyuan speechless, but Qin Gelei is also speechless. I don’t understand what is happening~ things.

Therefore, without words, Jiang Yuan simply ignored the police around him, with Qin Gelei and a little girl to continue.


"Put down the children's paper!"

The surrounding police roared again, and while roaring, it was obvious that some of the policemen had clenched the guns. A pair of Jiangyuan had a slight change and it would inevitably shoot.

Even when the surrounding police wanted to shoot, Barry Allen’s eyes were subconsciously smashed.

The reason why they came here is based on their news that the gimmick called Su language was kidnapped.

Su is a Chinese.

And it is not an ordinary person.

It is a princess of a family in China, and his identity is quite noble.

When people run in the middle of the city to travel, the result is that they have been kidnapped. If this is not handled properly, the entire Dongcheng public security system will be sad.

This is definitely a very bad political event.

"I said that you have misunderstood what?" Seeing these police officers, Jiangyuan stopped, and then looked at them with strange look.

"Let the child down and hug his head."

"Don't mess with me, or we will shoot!"

Listening to Jiang Yuan’s question, the surrounding policemen said that they would ignore Jiang Yuan’s words, but said to Jiang Yuan again.

"It’s really troublesome, give me a sigh." Jiang Yuan’s eyes slammed and then snorted. With the coldness, the horrible thoughts suddenly shrouded the police, and all the police except Barry Allen They all got to the ground.

When they were lying on the ground, all the policemen who were lying on the ground looked at Jiangyuan with their eyes wide open.

They are all very shocked.

They all never thought that Jiangyuan would be a capable person.

In addition to the ability, who can just smash them down with just a violent drink.

Those who can? ! ”

When other people were kneeling, Barry Allen’s pupils were also shivering, and they turned to the subconscious, thinking about whether they should learn to be like other policemen.

Because he never wants to expose his differences.

Just when Barry Allen thought about it, Jiang Yuan took the little girl's hand and missed Barry Allen with Qin Gelei. When he missed it, Jiang Yuan faintly said to Barry Allen: "Flash, if you want If you shoot, then let's do it now, oh, yes, forget that you have scruples and come to Domino Park to find me at night."

After saying this, Jiang Yuan completely ignored the shock of Barry Allen, and left the place with Qin Gelei and a little girl.

"Who is he, why do you know that I am a flash." Seeing Jiang Yuan’s departure, Barry Allen’s body suddenly became stiff, then turned around and stared at Jiangyuan’s farther and farther. The figure, I really want to catch up, but I took another look at the many police officers on the ground, but did not catch up.


"Brother, are you a capable person?" After leaving the place, I saw Su’s words and looked up, curiously asking Jiang Yuan.

"Yes." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"Wow, it’s really a capable person. Brother is awesome." Su said with a cheer, then looked at Jiang Yuan with a very adoring look.

"Well, the little girl is going to end up playing, you should go home." Jiang Yuan slammed the head of the Su language and then undoubtedly said.

"But I still want to play with your brothers." The Su language fluttered with his own beauty, looking forward to watching Jiangyuan Road.

"No." Jiang Yuandao.


"No, it doesn't work, why come so much." Jiang Yuandao said to Qin Gelei: "Piano, you are going back to the hotel alone, or send me this gimmick with me."

"Let's go together." Qin Ge Lei said.

"Well, let's send her back together." Jiang Yuandao, when the words fell, I saw Jiang Yuan's body shape, and disappeared from the place with Qin Gelei and Su language.

····Seeking flowers······

When it reappeared, it was already in a luxurious manor.

Here is where the Su language temporarily lives in the Midtown.

As for why I know this.

It was because Jiang Yuan came to the place with the Su language, read the heart of it, and then learned about this place.

With Jiangyuan’s current strength, it’s too simple to read such things.

"Well, little girl, you are back here. Don't run any more in the future. Midtown is not a peaceful place." Jiang Yuan said to the Su language, and then he left Qin Qin with his place.


For Jiang Yuan, a little girl like the Su language is just a passerby in life.

After this departure, there is basically no possibility of seeing you next time.

"who are you."

"Small language, whisper you are back!"

"Awful guy, let go of the whisper."


Just when Jiangyuan was about to leave, he suddenly heard only a screaming sound, accompanied by the sound of this screaming voice, followed by a woman who came from the side, a woman dressed in a very fashionable and very fashionable.

All kinds of famous brands are worn on the body.

At the same time, with a lot of expensive jewelry, whether it is earrings, necklaces, and bracelets are valuable.


Seeing this woman, Su language calls back to it.

"Hurry up." The fashion woman’s voice is right.

"Oh." Su said, and then walked to the side of the fashion woman.

"I don't care who you are, what is the purpose of lifting the whisper, the whispers are not easy for the people like you to contact, and immediately roll me out and get out of the manor." When the Su language came to the side of the fashionable woman, see The fashionable woman looked at Jiang Yuan and Qin Gelei coldly and said.

Even at the same time, I suddenly pressed a button on the clothes, and then I saw a large number of guards from the surrounding. .

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