Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 379: Cold captain wears soft

"Who are you?" Seeing Jiang Yuan appear like this, the captain of the cold captain squinted.

"You asked me to come out, you actually asked who I am." Jiang Yuan blinked his eyes.


Jiang Yuan’s words just fell, and the cold captain slammed into Jiangyuan. As he shot, he suddenly saw the horror of cold and shrouded Jiangyuan.

In the face of such chills, I saw Jiang Yuan's face unchanged, and then attacked himself.

"It's really looking for death."

"I thought it was awesome. It turned out to be an idiot."

Seeing Jiang Yuan, the cold captain couldn't help but sneer. Since he got the ice gun, he has experimented. The attack on this thing is quite terrible.

Even if the aluminum alloy is frozen by the ice, it will be sad, not to mention people.

However, the sneer that followed him disappeared and was replaced by shock.

Because he found that the ice of the ice hit Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan turned out to be nothing, as if the cold air was not worth mentioning to him.

"How is this possible, what is your ability?" The cold captain exclaimed, while exclaiming, he turned without hesitation and fled.

"13 wants to run away in front of me, don't you think you are too arrogant?" Jiang Yuan smiled. When the words fell, both hands were copied into the pocket and marched toward the cold captain. It was just a step forward, but every step Stepping out, but walking a few meters away.

It is completely like the top-level light work in the Chinese legend, shrinking into the inch.

Under the pursuit of Jiang Yuan, he soon caught up with the cold captain.


The captain of the cold was very gloomy, and the ice gun in his hand kept firing a few shots on Jiangyuan, but like the situation just now, he couldn’t hurt Jiangyuan.

"Shet." The cold captain screamed, then suddenly took out a desert eagle from his arms, and then raised his hand and fired several shots at Jiangyuan's 嘭嘭嘭.

The bullet instantly tore the air and attacked Jiangyuan at an incredible speed.


The roar sounded, and as the roar sounded, the captain of the cold captain shrank again, because he found that the bullets that were shot out were in the air when they were hitting Jiangyuan, and they stopped in the air. At the same time, he turned back and then directed him.

Let the cold captain change his face.


Almost as he changed his face, the bullet shot at him.


Between the electric and the Flint, the cold captain slammed the gun in front of him with a cold gun, and then the horrible chill erupted, and the inverted bullet was suddenly frozen.

Seeing that the bullet was frozen, the cold captain suddenly gave a sigh of relief, but he just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw the frozen bullet, and continued to attack him.


The captain of the cold cursed again, followed by the incomparable wandering, and the dangerous and dangerous escape was almost an attack.

When he escaped the attack, he would fire at Jiangyuan again with the ice gun.



Just listening to a light voice, in the sound of these sounds, the cold captain found that the ice gun in his hand violently dismissed and flew, and then flew toward Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan gave it to the hand.

After getting the ice gun, I saw Jiangyuan aiming the gun at a police car not far away, and then fired a shot.

Then I saw the cold air eruption, and the police car was suddenly frozen into ice sculptures.

"Well, the power is really good." After the police car was frozen into an ice sculpture, Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"..." Cold captain.


"..." All the police around.

At this time, the captains of the cold and other people were a little dumbfounded. They all thought that Jiangyuan was to solve the trouble. However, they did not think that Jiangyuan would take the initiative to fire a police car and freeze the police car.

"Hey, man, it seems that there are some misunderstandings between us. We are not enemies, but like-minded friends, brothers." The cold captain shook his head and said to Jiang Yuan.

"Oh, you think too much, I am not a friend, brother." Jiang Yuan shrugged and followed: "Be prepared to get rid of it."

"Can I have other options?" The cold team leader said.

"Of course it is not." Jiang Yuandao.

"Then of course I chose to surrender." The cold captain smiled. When he smiled, his hands held up to his head, and he was ready to surrender.

However, just as he put his hand to his head, he saw that a grenade didn't know when he was taken to his hand, and pulled the ring and then threw it at Jiangyuan.

Almost at the moment when the grenade was thrown, he slammed down to the side of the ground.

Shows strong reactions and calculations.


Then the deafening explosion sounded, and as the explosion sounded, the waves rolled into the sky and the fire rushed for 380 days.

Then calm down together.

When it calmed down, the cold captain couldn't help but cursed Shet again.

Because he found that the source of the bombed Jiangyuan did not have anything, as if the shock wave of the grenade did not hit him.

How is this possible...

He clearly stuck in time and threw it at Jiangyuan at the moment of the explosion.

"A good calculation, just like your ability, um, you can continue to live." Jiang Yuan praised the cold captain, praised him, followed him to see him hit a ring, almost started in him At the moment of the moment, I saw the body of the cold captain, suddenly and uncontrollably suspended, and suddenly ten meters away from the ground.

When he was ten meters off the ground, the cold captain found that his hands and feet were out of control, and at the same time there was a horrible pressure on him, which made him extremely uncomfortable and painful.

"Do you think that your plan is very good, so fun?" Jiang Yuan smiled and said to the cold captain.

"It's not fun at all, I am wrong, let me go, I am willing to surrender." The cold captain smiled bitterly, saying that while turning around, the policemen in the distance said: "Hey, little girls, not yet. Come in and catch me, hurry, I sin...".

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