Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 407: Goodbye Mephisto

Among the manors where Jiangyuan is located. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

At this time, Jiang Yuan was sleeping with Susan.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan, who was asleep, had a glimpse of his eyes and suddenly woke up. When he was awake, there was a killing in his eyes.

Almost as soon as he was awake, Susan was equally awake.

"What happened?" Susan asked Jiang Yuan.

"The manor came in a few small mice, I will deal with it." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"Oh." Susan responded with a dress and took it with her side. "I will go with you."

"No, you are here waiting for me. I will go back and go back soon." Jiang Yuandao said that his body shape disappeared from the place.

When it reappeared, it was already in the location of the manor's swimming pool.

When he appeared here, I saw three demons here.


With the sudden emergence of Jiangyuan, the three demons suddenly discovered Jiangyuan. After discovering Jiangyuan, their eyes jerked brightly, and then 427 saw that the demon suddenly made a strange call, with his cry. I saw a black cloud suddenly hit, and then a dozen demons suddenly appeared.

Among them is a female demon.

"Is the one who killed me?" After the female demon appeared, she glanced at Jiangyuan indifferently, and then asked the strange devil.

"Yes, the captain, according to our investigation, is his moving hand." The strange demon, quickly said.

"Very good." The female devil responded, and then looked at Jiangyuan: "Your courage is very big, even dare to kill my team members, and kill it, you even use the method of Ling Chi My teammate, you said how I should treat you."

When the female devil spoke, she played her own finger, and she was on the top and mastered everything.

It seems that everything is in her grasp.

Jiangyuan is just an ant.

"My courage has always been very big. In addition, not only is my courage very big, but your courage is also very big. You dare to come to the door. Have you heard of my name? This is what Mephisto is. Teach you these **** demons?" Jiang Yuan smiled and glanced at the female demon, followed by the opening.

"Mu Festo adults!!! You...who are you, how do you know about the Mephisto adults!" The female demon who was still indifferent and tall, listened to Jiangyuan’s words, and his face changed suddenly, then Suddenly said to Jiang Yuan, when the words fell, it was somewhat alert.

"You don't need to know, you just need to know that the technique of Ling Chi is not only for your men, but... it is your luck, here is my manor, so I won't let you tarnish it." Jiangyuan shrugged his shoulders.


The female demon sank and followed by a wave: "Give me the kill!"



The words of the female devil just fell, one left and one right, there was a demon, killing Jiangyuan.

When they were killed, each other’s right hand slammed out with sharp claws and slammed toward Jiangyuan.

However, before they attacked Jiangyuan, the scene of shock occurred. I saw two demons, suddenly frozen into ice sculptures, and suddenly solidified on the ground, running.

In this case, the female devil's pupils are shrunk again, and not only her, but also the demons who come with her.

"Continue to me!"

"Go together!"

"kill him!"

When the female demon scorpion (bddb) shrinks, the face sinks, then the devils are ordered again, and then all the demons around her are attacked against Jiangyuan.

"I really don't know what it is." Jiang Yuandao, when the words fell, it was just a recycling. Seeing the horrible cold, he shrouded the devil on the attack, and then there was no accident. All the demons that were attacked were suddenly Once again frozen into ice sculptures.

"There is only you left." After the devils were frozen into ice sculptures, Jiang Yuan looked at the female demon with a body that was obviously a little shaken.

Although the strength of the female demon is higher than the strength of these ordinary demons, even if she can't do this, she will solve the problem of ten demons.

This situation made her feel the pressure.

So she turned and jumped away.

Speed ​​is applied to the extreme, it is quite fast.

"come back!"

The voice of indifference came from the mouth of Jiangyuan. At the same time as the sound came out, there was a horrible suction, shrouded the female demon, and then saw the speedy attacking female demon, faster than running. Backward to the back of Jiangyuan, and then flew to the side of Jiangyuan one meter, followed by a sudden rotation, facing Jiangyuan.

In the face of Jiang Yuan, the female devil's face is very ugly, she is struggling wildly, wants to get rid of the bondage, but she finds that no matter how hard she struggles, she can't get rid of it.

This will be her, completely shackled to the body.

"What did you do to me, let me go." The female devil said loudly to Jiang Yuan.

"Do you know this thing?" Jiang Yuan smiled. When he smiled, his right hand hit a finger and suddenly saw a hellfire. At his fingertips, this hellfire was just a flame.


Almost at the moment when it appeared, the female demon's body violently trembled. The two eyes stared at the flame in Jiangyuan's hand, and the teeth trembled.

"Ground... Hellfire! You...who are you, why are there hellfires?" said the female devil in a frightened mouth.

"Why should I ask my name in succession, so you don't think you are mentally handicapped?" Jiang Yuandao, when the words fell, Jiang Yuan bent a finger and saw the flame shrouded toward the female demon.

Suddenly fell on the female demon's body, and suddenly saw the female demon's body burned up, and it was about to be burned to ashes by the Hellfire.

However, in these circumstances, suddenly the female demon changed, and the burning flame on her body was suddenly absorbed. At the same time, her face changed.


She suddenly became a Mephisto. .

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