Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 414: Super killing woman, angel

After talking about the situation with Susan, he disappeared from the place with Jiang Yuan's body shape.

When it reappeared, it appeared on the top of the container.

After he appeared here, he stood with his hands on the container and then swept his mentality toward the inside of the container.

At this time, Allen still suffered from torture.

The current is still puncturing and irritating his body.

Although Allen is called Flash, it does not mean that he can use lightning.

Just saying that his speed is as fast as lightning.

Even if his variability has a certain relationship with lightning, but the current thorns provoke his body acupuncture points, but also make him unable to bear.

However, although Allen was screaming, but at the same time as Allen participated, Jiang Yuan’s eyes could not help but emerge a strange color.

The reason for this is that he found that Allen's body spurred with the current thorns, and there was a change.

This kind of change can't be seen by ordinary people, but as a super-spiritual master, Jiang Yuan's current mental power is perceived, but it is clear that such a situation can be found.

and so……

He did not go to rescue Allen immediately, but stood on the container and let Allen suffer.

Since this matter is good for Allen, then let him be tortured, that is nothing.

Which strong person has not been bitten.

When Allen screamed, I saw the inside of the container, and there were other people.

Like Alan, many of them are also tied to their hands and feet and are subject to current attacks.

There are men and women. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

Looking at it, there are as many as sixteen.

They have variants, abilities, and some ordinary people.

One of the most influential Jiang Yuan is an 11-year-old Lori.

That loli is also tied to her hands, her feet, and a current thorn to her body.

However, although it was attacked by current, Lori did not have much screams.

Although the face is also changing, it is obviously hard to attack the current.

In addition, she wears a blindfold and is dressed in black.

Carefully aware, Jiang Yuan can feel the killing from this Loli.

Even if this loli looks quite cute from the outside, Jiang Yuan knows this loli, it is not easy, and it is very dangerous for many people.

Of course it is nothing to him.

"Is this Loli a super killing son-in-law?" "Jiangyuan has a flash of light and looks at the black loli with interest."

In addition to these sixteen people who are tied, there are many others around.

These people are either holding weapons full of sci-fi colors.

Or wear some clothes that look cool, hold a whip or something.

For example, one of them.

Wearing a black trench coat, enchanting, wind, love, has a long wave of long hair, both hands are dyed blood red, and nails are very long.

This will hold a whip in her hand.

From time to time, it will be whipped against more than a dozen people who are bound.

Every lash is very heavy, leaving blood marks on those who are whipped.

Even the super-killing woman, who looks very cute, has been whipped.

And it's not just as simple as being whipped, it's also being taken care of.

In addition to the people in this black trench coat, there is one person who makes Jiangyuan more concerned.

It was a handsome young man with a pair of metal wings.

This will have a cold expression on his face, and he will play with a pair of short sticks.

The short stick is obviously made of special materials.

In the process of playing with him, there is actually a current distribution.

"Is this person an angel? No, because it is an archangel!" Jiang Yuan glanced at his eyes: "So the people who arrested Allen this time are the people of the Apocalypse organization? The apocalypse guy started to do things again?"

Under the turning thoughts of Jiang Yuan, I saw the woman in black leather coat, constantly waving the whip, letting those who were drawn, constantly groaning and crying.

And as the painful voices of those people are louder, the louder their voices, the more excited the black-skinned woman is, the faster and more fierce the whip is.

And when I waved the whip, my face was still sick and red.

"It's really enough", when I meet such a female madman, Allen and the super-killing woman are also unlucky." Jiang Yuan's mouth is full of a smile, still not to stop anything.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed.

With more than an hour passed, I saw a truck loaded with containers and came to a factory.

This is a factory that looks big.

After arriving here, the truck driver took out the documents and looked at the security guards at the guard's door. Then he drove in and drove in.

When the trucks entered the factory, the security guards did not notice the existence of Jiangyuan.

The reason why I didn't notice it was because Jiang Yuan was invisible.

Jiang Yuan copied the power of Wan Wang, and under such development, he had the ability to manipulate the magnetic force to achieve his own stealth.

Plus Jiangyuan is now quite a lot of bio-energy.

To the extent that he does not know how to use it.

In such a situation, he often mixed with Susan.

Naturally, the stealth ability was also copied by him.

Not only Susan's stealth ability, but even this time, it also copied the ability of many other superheroes.

Anyway, these capabilities will not conflict. (Zhao Zhaohao)

The help of 9527 is completely integrated and extremely powerful, and he naturally does not miss these abilities.

Light is calculated by ability. How much capacity does Jiangyuan have now? Even Jiang Yuan himself must know how to count it.

Too many abilities to copy, resulting in a lot of abilities, were put on hold by him.

After all, he is not fighting all the abilities.

A lot of abilities are purely based on their ability. They can be kept first, maybe they can be used someday.

Just like the current stealth.

Under normal circumstances, does Jiangyuan need to be invisible?

That is impossible in nature.

But this will make him invisible, but it just saves some trouble.

After entering the factory, I saw the car going straight into the factory building.

Soon it was a great workshop. .

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