Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 426: Iron Man injected with Superman Pharmacy

"Boss!" After Superman brought it, he greeted Jiang Yuan.

"Yeah." Jiang Yuan responded, and then gave the position in front of the computer to Superman: "Look, there is nothing you are interested in." After that, Jiangyuan continued to observe another part of the warehouse - weapons Library.

Mutants also need weapons. This is undoubted, and all weapons have to be customized. The most important thing to pay attention to is the technology and equipment needed for this customization. This makes Jiangyuan more interested.

Although with his current strength, there is no need to equip the weapon or anything, and the general weapon will not make him interested. After all, he now has two kinds of killers, Quake and Silver surfboard, but there are There is nothing to watch, and he doesn't need it. The "three or six" superheroes in his team may not need it.

In addition, the Tianqi organization has been famous for a long time, Jiangyuan also wants to see this Tianqi organization for so many years, on the weapons, in the end there are many breakthroughs.

During the observation, Jiang Yuan discovered that there are quite a few weapons here, there are cold weapons, and there are some hot weapons.

There are quite a few weapons, and they are still ahead of the game.

And the number of weapons is quite large, and the space bracelets are not finished.

"Take these weapons away." Seeing, Jiang Yuan gave a sigh of relief to Superman, and he continued to walk in, leaving the problem to Superman. Fortunately, the number of clones of Superman is enough, and it can bring enough The things, so Jiangyuan has no feeling at all.

Going inside again, Jiangyuan found a huge safe. Jiangyuan reached out and touched it. He felt a little funny. "This skin is too thin. Can it really be called a safe?" Jiang Yuanshen) took a finger In the lock on the side of the safe, you can see that it is recessed into a deep pit. Then, with a force, the whole lock is dug out.

The safe is then opened.

There are a lot of diamonds, jewellery, and a lot of equity contracts, as well as some property information, and farm materials.

In terms of value, at least a billion dollars worth of knife or something.

There is also a bookshelf on the side of the safe. The bookshelf is filled with various clipping clips. Jiangyuan will open it. All of them are written by superheroes. They are also marked with red pens, which indicate the superheroes. weakness.

Like the Flash, Spider-Man, and Sharen, some of the weaknesses of the electro-optic people have been written.

Upon seeing it, Jiangyuan’s eyes subconsciously picked up, and then did not pay attention to these weaknesses. Right, they put all the books on the bookshelf into the space bracelet.

Whether it is right or not, these are first returned to the study of Norman Osborne and others.

Packed up almost, Superman also directed his clones to pick up all the large objects, clone people carrying huge culture tanks and weapons, flying to the sky, and soon disappeared into Jiangyuan's field of vision.

After Superman left the clone superman, Jiang Yuan’s body shape disappeared.

Although Jiangyuan finally left, when he returned to the base, Superman did not return yet. After a while, the super talents appeared with the Superman clone team.

After the appearance, I did not want Jiangyuan to arrange anything, and all the materials were collected.

After these materials were collected, Jiang Yuan dialed the phone number of Tony Stark.

"Hey, man, what's the matter? I heard that you made a big vote today, but unfortunately I was in a meeting and couldn't make it. Otherwise, I must go and join in the fun." Tony Stark connected the phone. The voice of the smile came out.

"Meeting? I said Tony. If there is no meeting, it will be a meeting. Then I think there will be many people crying in the world and rushing to the meeting." Jiang Yuan snorted and looked strange.

"Hey... How do you know? I said Jiang Yuan, you guys won't use your special ability to steal." You are envious, haha, don't envy, if you want to, I can also arrange dozens of sister papers for you.” Tony Stark sighed and said with a smile, this Tony was in class, in a villa, only to see his surroundings, it was a lot of girls lying down. paper....

Every one of them has no film, and many faces have more satisfaction.

With more and more members of the Jiangyuan team and more and more scientific research capabilities, with the emergence of Superman pharmacy, today's Tony Stark, and Norman Osborne and others naturally eliminated the original The genetic agent, but the injection) Superman Pharmacy.

With the injection of Superman's pharmacy, today's Tony Stark is strong both physically and in that respect.

and so……

For Tony Stark, the top playboy, he is naturally more enthusiastic to use his body.

In the recent period, Tony Stark, in addition to routine research with Norman Osborne and others, and occasionally control the exoskeleton warfare, and the devil, like this large number of unobstructed assemblies, that is also Held several times.

With the popularity of Tony Stark, I don’t know how many beautiful steel powders I have every day, waiting for him to be lucky.

"Okay, who envy you, although you are in good health, but I advise you to stay a little longer, be careful when one day is not paying attention to impotence." Jiang Yuandao.

"Hey, curse me less." Tony Stark didn't have a good voice.

"Okay, don't talk to you. I am looking for you. I got a 5.2 property, jewelry, land or something. You let the little pepper come over and help me. In addition, I got some research materials this time. Tomorrow, you'd better come over and look at Norman Osbourne." Jiang Yuan snorted and then got back to business.

"Well, let me let the little peppers pass," Tony Stark said.

"It's still tomorrow, it's so devastated by you, she is afraid that there may not be energy today." Jiang Yuandao.

"Ha ha ha... you really envy." Tony Stark laughed, not blushing at all.

"Too lazy to care about you..." Jiang Yuan was speechless, followed by a phone call, wondering if he should find a full-time life assistant, but just a little thought, he dismissed the idea.

It’s too much trouble, not his style. .

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