Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 432: Rolling up the apocalypse, playing the worm planet!

"Do you think you can kill me?" Apocalypse stood on the other side and said something like this. Jiangyuan was very impatient and replied to the past: "There are two things on earth that can never be killed. One is Xiaoqiang. One is a flea, of course, there must be one more place, that is you, but I really want to kill you, it is not difficult, I am just too lazy to trouble. Look at the 1 wool 3 Chinese network "Apocalypse can not restrain, listen to it As soon as a punch hit, Jiang Yuan easily resisted it, and he gave him a foot. This is the red naked play.

"Don't think that only you have the ability to transform!" Apocalypse spit out a sentence, thought it could kill his prestige, I did not expect Jiang Yuan to care more, and hooked his finger, "Come on, I am today. Just to try to rust the parts of the body.” Apocalypse ran away again, but this time, it became a bit like a Hulk. In the face of such an enemy, Jiang Yuan was just waving his hand.

However, this is also helpless. After all, Jiang Yuan is in an absolute disadvantage from the bottom up and 13 days, and the Apocalypse is the opposite. From the top down, use the whole body to force!

However, after this confrontation, Jiang Yuan also tried to find out the real power of Apocalypse after becoming a Hulk form, even worse than himself.

Moreover, when the two men hit each other, Jiang Yuan also felt that after the Apocalypse turned, the fist uploaded a hot temperature, at least the sun's appearance temperature had passed!

"Very good, this kind of battle is interesting. It seems that I have to come up with something to play with you." The strength of the apocalypse's Hulk form also makes Jiangyuan more excited and directly spurs the speed.

Blocking the punch of the Apocalypse, his hands quickly clenched into a fist, and swung at a high speed, instantly forming numerous afterimages.

At the same time, because the speed of the boxing is too fast, the double fist and the air friction rubbed, and a lot of flames were generated. It was as if a lot of flashes shuttled back and forth between his fists, accompanied by his fists hitting the air, forming a shock wave, such as a storm. The apocalypse is pouring away!

After the transformation, the blow he used, the power is definitely stronger than usual!

The Apocalypse was too late to defend, and Jiang Yuan’s attack was very wide. He only had time to cross his hands to protect his head. The countless flame shock waves had already fallen on his body.

boom! boom! boom!

The low crash sounds like a storm!

The whole person of the Apocalypse suddenly slammed the ground back under the bombardment of a large number of flame shock waves!

However, although he seems to be embarrassed, in fact, he has not suffered much damage. After all, the high temperature of the speed of light back and forth, the heat of the surface of the body is more than several thousand degrees, he can not cause any harm at all, and that The shock wave only caused some skin trauma to him!

"Good, then you will try this trick again."

Jiang Yuan’s voice has just fallen, and it’s already full of strength, and a punch is coming out!

The fist hit the air, suddenly formed a strong air pressure, and then, this air pressure turned into a fierce roaring tiger, and bite and hit the apocalypse not far away!

Moreover, Jiang Yuan’s speed of issuing this attack is too fast, so that the Apocalypse has no time to react, and the whole person has been violently knocked out by the white tiger formed by the pressure!


The man was still in midair, and a lava-like blood spurted out of his mouth.

But this was only the beginning. After the white tiger slammed him, the speed suddenly increased, pushing his body and flew nearly a kilometer in one breath before he burst open!


When I was awkward, a powerful wave of shocks broke out from a special technology planet not far away! This planet is a Zerg planet.

Before the Jiangyuan and Apocalypse attacks did not fall here, the Zerg was peeping at Jiangyuan and Apocalypse.

Zerg has always been a race with a strong sense of aggression.

They are extremely fond of invading other planets, and at the same time they like to plunder the bodies of some strong people.

I like to use the body of the strong to cast a nest, or to train offspring to cultivate the super warrior of the Zerg.

The high level of the Zerg, and seeing the increasingly fierce battle between Jiangyuan and Apocalypse, is quite happy.

Because the more intense the battle, the more they explain, they have the opportunity to plunder the bodies of Apocalypse and Jiangyuan, and even genes, flesh and blood.

Such a strong, once plundered, will certainly enable their Zerg warriors to further develop their strength and become stronger.

However, they did not think of it. In their concern, the battle between Jiangyuan and Apocalypse suddenly turned to where they were.

Let them not even take a defensive measure and they will be hit.

Suddenly, I saw a large number of Zerg soldiers and spaceships, which were directly shaken off, and even some insufficient nests were blown away and rolled up into the sky!

In the blink of an eye, the Yuwei shock wave, which bursts into the pressure of the tiger, spreads to half of the 333 **** of the entire star.


However, at this moment, the planet suddenly trembled, and Jiangyuan, who was originally prepared to pursue the Apocalypse, immediately stopped and looked at the distant planet; "I even peeked at me, and I was prepared to I am waiting for an attack? Is this the rhythm of finding death?"

Under the eyes of Jiang Yuan, he found that on the planet, this would be a large number of interstellar weapons unique to the Zerg to drive the Zerg, aiming at him and ready to shoot.

"This Zerg planet does not have to exist.

Thinking in this way, Jiangyuan immediately used the space transfer, and the starlight began to rise. Jiangyuan quickly reached the height of the Zerg planet!

The next moment, all the Zerg warriors who remained conscious above the Zerg planet were stunned and stunned!

Because Jiang Yuan appeared, he punched down against their planet.

The powerful force suddenly rushed out, and the river was crushed.


Just a punch, the zerg planet was blown open by the hard, all Zerg warriors turned into dust with the collapse of the planet. .

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