Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 438: Surrounding

"Boom ~!"


Just a moment, the head of the purple-haired long-haired woman was blown into blood powder, and the body was turned into blood fog, even when her body turned into a blood fog, there was a **** fire to give a woman with a long purple hair. The child wraps up and burns the soul of the other.

"Do not!"

With this situation, there was a hysterical scream that sounded out of nowhere.


"Damn, hurry to stop me!"


As Jiang Yuan did, the white man and the black man on the side changed his face. Then he screamed at Jiangyuan and violently drunk. At the same time, the two men shot and rushed to Jiangyuan.

"Give me death!"

Jiangyuan was cold, and then he did not hesitate to compete. The left hand opened the bow and instantly punched hundreds of thousands of punches to completely cover the two.

A series of terrorist forces broke out, and the two men were beaten up by the hardships, and then the hellfire appeared again, swallowing them and burning their souls.


All the members of the three gods group died in the hands of Jiangyuan.

Although the strength of the three Tenjin group members is good, it is still too weak in Jiangyuan’s eyes.

After destroying the three members of the Tenjin group, Jiangyuan gained millions of bio-energy.

However, although there are a lot of them, Jiangyuan has nothing to care about.

It was only recently that the Zerg planet was destroyed, and the bio-energy he obtained was calculated in billions. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

This will be a few hundred bio-energy members of the three gods group, naturally it is nothing.

After killing the three members of the Tenjin group, Jiang Yuan cast a teleport to the earth and flew back.

Soon after returning to the earth, Jiang Yuan did not tell Tony Stark and others about this encounter with members of the Tenjin group.

Instead, he continued to accompany Qin Gelei and Susan.

As for the Superhero Academy.

Just as Jiang Yuan began to say to Tony Stark, he was only responsible for the creation, specific affairs, or by Tony Stark and others.

However, although Jiangyuan does not deal with specific things, but with the establishment of the Superhero School this time, it is officially and thoroughly taken to the front.

Let many people really know his existence.

No longer treat him as the otaku.

There is nothing to care about these Jiangyuan.

Just pay attention to the development of the Superhero Academy.

It must be said that the establishment of the Superhero Academy is a great opportunity for superpowers and mutants.

Many of them who admire Iron Man and Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, etc., know that Iron Man and others are faculty members of the Superhero Academy.

One by one, they are all enthusiastic to join.

With their participation, all kinds of mutants and abilities have come here.

No matter what these people really come to do, they still have other ideas.

Whenever they come here and are willing to join the Superhero Academy, Jiangyuan is the one who refuses to accept the photo.

With the receipt of the photo, Jiangyuan copied a large number of strange abilities in a short period of time.

All the mutants or abilities who come here will be graded in the school. In the process of ranking, Jiangyuan will have a certain degree of contact with them.

As long as they are in contact, their genetic capabilities will naturally be extracted by Jiang Yuan.

As the ability of these people is extracted, Jiangyuan's overall strength is also further improved.

The blink of an eye has passed.

With the past six months, the Superhero Academy has been firmly established in the Marvel world.

At the same time as a firm foothold, Jiangyuan’s strength has increased several times compared to six months ago.

It will also increase with this strength.

Jiang Yuan is no longer tempered.

On this day, Superman, sentinel, and dead waiter, as well as thirty-six clones, were summoned.

"Jiangyuan, have you suddenly called us to do something big? Have you done anything?" "Are you waiting for Jiang Yuan from the dead hippie smile."

"Well, yes, I am going to take you to fight the tyrants!" Jiang Yuan Shen Sheng.

"Wow, it’s quite a good action. I can’t wait to deal with this guy who cursed me. Let’s go to Jiangyuan. Let’s go and kill the tyrants. When I kill the tyrant, I can go. See the goddess of death, I can't wait to see the goddess of my family again." The dead waiter cheered and said to Jiang Yuan with a look of excitement.

"Well, let's go!" Jiang Yuandao said that he was looking for the eyes of the tyrant.

Soon locked in the tyrant.

When he locked the tyrant, he saw that he would be sitting on a huge throne, and there were corpses everywhere.

Those bodies are some of the strongest in the cosmic race.

However, in front of the tyrant, they are the ants who let him slaughter.

"Bold, even peeped at me, immediately rolled to death!" When Jiangyuan locked the tyrant, he saw that the awning in the eyes of the tyrant suddenly flashed, and then shouted and shouted.

With him, Jiang Yuan glanced at his eyes, then smiled coldly, then took the team members, and a move appeared in the position of the tyrant.

Appeared here.

More than 30 clones of Superman suddenly dispersed, surrounded by the tyrants, and (good Zhao) while the tyrant was surrounded by the cloned superman, the sentinel, Superman, and the flash that followed, against the lightning And others are also lined up in a row, watching each other in an awe-inspiring manner.

Regarding the demise, Jiangyuan has already popularized his existence for Superman and others.

Therefore, they all know that the tyrant is the most powerful boss in the current Marvel universe.

It is extremely powerful.

Dealing with the tyranny is definitely not an easy task. If you don't pay attention, you will die in the hands of the tyrant.

"Your courage is very big, but I really dare to appear in front of me! In view of your courage, I will give you a happy!" The tyrants indifferently glanced at the sentinels and others, followed by the main line of sight. In the park, then open the body.

There is no point on the face because he is surrounded by sentinels and others, and there are any taboos and fears. .

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