Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 440: Fight against death




A series of explosions are constantly generated in the universe. When these sounds are produced, I see Jiangyuan and the tyrants fighting fiercely. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

The fists of the two people kept hitting ~ together.

Even when the fists hit together, their figure is still amazing - moving in the void.

Such as two meteors.

Non-stop collisions.

Under such a collision, the _ void is constantly cracking.


With another collision, Jiangyuan and the tyrants retreated at the same time.

When retreating, the tyrants looked coldly at Jiang Yuan: "It is really an incredible force. You are obviously just an ordinary person of the earth, but you can exert this power.

What kind of secrets do you have in your body, and it is actually able to let you play such strength.

Say, what is your secret, telling your secret, if you can satisfy me, this time I can't forgive your disrespectful sin. ”

"Profess me? Fighting the hegemony, you can't help but think too much. Although your strength is really strong, but you want to defeat me but you are also dreaming." Jiang Yuan sneered, sneer, The Quake hammer appeared again, and when the Quake reappeared, a silver surfboard suddenly appeared under the feet.

Almost at the moment when the silver surfboard appeared, he completely liberated the power of the phoenix, letting his power burst into an infinite horrible force in the blink of an eye, and then rushed toward the tyrant.

When rushing up, the hammer of Thor in the hand smashed.


In the eyes of the tyrants, the cold awns flashed, the infinite gloves appeared, and then the fists did not retreat to the Jiangyuan contend.

Boxing out like a dragon, like a cosmic explosion.

Rolling up the light of Cui Can, people can't open their eyes at all. At the same time, black holes appear, a lot of space turbulent, and dark matter emerges.

Even when space turbulence and dark matter emerged, time and space were suddenly frozen at this moment.

"Afraid of you!"

Jiang Yuan’s violent drinking is also a full-scale urging of his own power, and it is completely slammed with the attack of the tyrant.

Then I saw Jiang Yuan’s body exploding.

It is suddenly turned into blood meal.

His powerful flesh was completely blasted under the attack of the tyrant.

I have to say that the attack of the tyrant is terrible.

However, when Jiang Yuan’s body was blown up, he saw only the side of the tyrant, his body was cracked, and horrible blood flowed out of his wound.


The face of the tyrant is very unsightly, although from the results, he has the upper hand, but as one of the most powerful existence in the universe.

The tyrant is still the first time it has been beaten so badly.

Even the flesh is cracked and almost collapses. If this matter is known to other people who know their name, it will be quite unbelievable.

At the same time his face is not good-looking, his sight is still dead in the place where Jiangyuan's body is turned into a **** fog.

When I looked at the past, I saw that Jiang Yuan was resurrected again. Even at the same time of resurrection, there was an extremely terrifying force, and then attacked again.


The tyrants did not change their face, and they once again fought fiercely with Jiang Yuan.

The mountains are flying.

The building was piece by piece into ashes.

The battle between the tyrants and Jiangyuan is, in some cases, an absolute battle for God. It is not something that ordinary people can intervene at all.

However, although ordinary people can't intervene, Jiangyuan is surrounded by sentinels and Superman.

Their strength is not bad.

This will really be hands-on, naturally it is ok.

"Go together!"

The sentinel suddenly said to the superman watching the battle.

"This..." Superman's eyes are a hesitation. According to what he thinks, Jiangyuan's fight against the tyrants is a fair battle. In such a situation, they should not rush into it.

And the most important thing is that Jiangyuan has not yet ordered them to participate.

If Jiang Yuan ordered it, he would naturally not hesitate.

However, Jiang Yuan did not make an order and rushed to participate. This said that it would not destroy some of the good things of Jiangyuan.

····Seeking flowers··········

"Let's go together, he has no effect on me!" Just when Superman hesitated, Jiangyuan, who was fighting with the tyrant, suddenly said that it was because he was fighting the tyrant. Let 957 extract the genetic power of the tyrant.

Therefore, Jiangyuan’s fighting power has once again had an incredible surge.


"Kill him!"

"The fighting power is full!"

"The fighting power is full!"

"This is the universe, there is no need to hide its own strength, and the most important thing is that it is far from the earth, so let's play it on a large scale."


After the sentinels and others listened to Jiang Yuan’s words, they were very uncomfortable with the scorn of the tyrants. After they rushed out, they all had full fighting power, and then they went to the tyrants like a wolf. Go up.



A force that is more terrifying than Jiang Yuan’s personal shots will explode.

This kind of power makes the eyes of the tyrants unbearable.

Because before that, he did not think that the sentinel and others could actually explode such terrible power.

So he quickly rushed to the ability, and suddenly he saw him in front of him, and there was also a shield that blocked the attack.

"Give me broken!"

However, when the shield blocked the attack, Jiang Yuan became a fist in his right hand, fully mobilizing the physical strength and spiritual strength, and then gathered on the right hand fist, facing the shield of the tyrant, and smashed up.



The sound of roaring and cracking sounded, and the shields of the ancient tyrants were destroyed. Under the power of Jiangyuan, the inch cracked and the attack of the sentinel and other people hit the tyrant.

The battle suddenly became terrible...

This battle is a few days.

After several days passed, the tyrants were eventually killed by Jiang Yuan and others.

His strength is indeed very strong, but the power that Jiangyuan's team is now showing is even more terrible and powerful. .

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