Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Dragon Ball World

(ps: This chapter is a fan, from the beginning of the Dragon Ball, it belongs to Fan, the text Man Wei has already killed the tyrant, basically it is finished, then dc and the evil spirits to fight, but also close, the Marvel is generally not How can I write long, the system is too confusing, and the sadness of the timeline. After all, Marvel itself has various modifications... The next text and the outside of the book are written...)

Conquering dc and Marvel, Jiang Yuan used some of the cosmic coordinates obtained from the evil spirits, and shuttled through various worlds. However, during the process of shuttle, he discovered that these worlds are all superpower worlds. Most of them are similar to Marvel's and dc's ability systems.

After a series of shuttles for a while, Jiang Yuan felt that there was no meaning, so instead of crossing the coordinates, he chose to traverse.

With his current ability, no matter what world he goes to, he has absolute confidence to protect himself.

The virtual door opened and Jiangyuan stepped in.

Suddenly, the power of the air suddenly surged.

A familiar transmission feels.

When Jiangyuan appeared again, but after he appeared again, he found himself out of a cliff top, and around the cliff, there was no one, and there was no living creature at all.

"Hey, 13, how is it wrong?" Jiang Yuan frowned suddenly. As the brow wrinkled, he found that his ability was actually weakening. There was a seal that shrouded his body and sealed his ability.

Just in the blink of an eye, he lost his ability to cross and could not cross again.

Such things can be said to be quite unbelievable.

With his unification of Marvel and dc's strength, he can beat the Milky Way with a punch.

Easily reverse the past and travel through time and space.

Under such circumstances, he will be sealed, which is absolutely not right.

Seeing him subconsciously looked up at the sky and felt the surrounding situation. Look. Wool, Chinese net

"It is the law! It is the law of the world! The law of this world is different from Marvel and the dc universe. As a result, after I entered this world, my ability was suppressed. I want to restore my strength. To unblock this seal, I must understand the world. The rule of law is to learn the power system of the world." Jiang Yuan felt the atmosphere of the space, and said indifferently.

Although the strength is sealed, he will not panic.

With a unified dc and Marvel, his state of mind has already been exercised to a very strong level.

If you are scared when you meet such a thing, he will not be an unprecedented king of dc and Marvel universe.

To know **** the evil spirits, he can also inherit the authority of the evil spirits. The multiverses under his command are innumerable, but the existence of the king of the universe.

"Host, your perception is not wrong, it is indeed the influence of the law." The sound of the 9:27 sighed in Jiangyuan's mind.

"Do you know what the world is?" Jiang Yuandao.

"Dragon Ball World, here is the world where Dragon Ball is!"

"Oh, Dragon Ball? Dragon Ball is not a interstellar stream, and all the alien races coexist. What the Saiyan people are, it is different from the system of Marvel and the dc universe. It is really weird." Jiang Yuan is very confused.

"Because it is the strength of the host is too strong, let the origin of this world open the protection of the plane, with the power of the entire plane to limit the strength of the host." Analysis of the road.

"Forget it, seal it and seal it, as long as the road is right. But, hey, this seal is really thorough. I look at it, not only some of the different abilities I have been sealed, but also physical fitness. The strength is actually sealed.

Now I am at most equal to an elite ordinary commando soldier. Jiang Yuan waved his hand and said, looking at the sky with a smile.

"Although the origin of the universe seals the power of the host, but the host is powerful, even if the host does not learn the power system of the current world, the host can also reactivate the power for a hundred or two years.

Because the source of the universe seals the power of the host, it is necessary to mobilize a large amount of force to suppress the host at all times. After insisting on two hundred years, it will automatically give up the seal. "After ninety-two seven analysis.

"One or two hundred years? Oh, although in my current state of life, not to mention two hundred years, live for millions of years, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, it is no problem to live in this world. But let me Waiting for two hundred years to restore strength, it is still too long, and I don't like passive. Since it is the power system to learn the world, then in theory, I am able to extract the creatures of this world, or the power of human beings is the fastest. Let's upgrade the strength from the new." Jiang Yuan eyes a glimpse.

"Yes, the host! In addition, if the host wants to leave here in the shortest time to take advantage of the huge bio-energy that the host is currently accumulating, he can upgrade the 9252, and let the body be summoned by the 9256, forcibly breaking this space. , leave here." Nine-five and twenty-seven.

"If you summon your body, I don't like to be a deserter, and I am also interested in the world of Dragon Ball." Jiang Yuandao.

"Well, it’s all decided by the host."

"Right, 9252, give me the test, when is the timeline of Dragon Ball World, in the end is the Monkey King period, or is it in the middle and late?" Jiang Yuan talked about the turn and ordered the 9256.

"Yes, the host!" The answer to the ninth five-seventh, said: "Host, according to the probe, now is the Monkey King, I just discovered the Sun Wukong of the Seventeenth Boy, he will be here not far from the forest. Among them, fight with a bear."

"Are you young? Very good!" Jiang Yuan glanced at his eyes. "So, the next world will be very interesting. Bic, the devil, what the Saiyans are, and the artificial people, as well as Fliesa, Sha Lu and the devil Buu...

It’s a world of people’s blood. I don't know how to extract their energy. In addition, I am looking forward to fighting them. I hope they will not let me down. ”

"It certainly won't let the host disappoint. Although it is the host, the majority of people in this world are not host opponents, but have to admit that this world power system is indeed very special to some extent. The existence of this world is qi, and the activation of the gas can make the host's combat power explode."

"I know, I am going to find a bio-absorbable ability to say, since my huge creature can still be there, then I can withdraw it at will." Jiang Yuandao.

"If the host summons my ontology, I can use those bio-energy, but in the current world, it is recommended that the host still acquire bio-energy from the new, and then use the bio-energy of the world before 390 to extract the ability."

"Why? There is no difference in bio-energy." Jiang Yuan is different.

"There is no difference in theory, but in fact the biological energy of each world is actually different from the essence. With the current world's biological energy to extract the biological capabilities of the current world, it can perfectly inherit the genetic capabilities. In other worlds, bio-energy may not see anything in the short term, but once there are too many genes, it will not let the host gene chain collapse."

"That's it, I still get it again. Anyway, getting it is also a very simple thing, not killing it." Oh! I have been used to it... and there are many huge creatures in this world, plus alien races. It’s not difficult to regain a lot of bio-energy.” Jiang Yuan snorted and then went down the cliff.

Although the strength is sealed, but with his ability, the next cliff, is still a small meaning.

However, it has not been done for a long time.

Since he has teleportation and gained super-flying ability, when has he climbed himself.

After going down the mountain, Jiangyuan’s eyes followed: "H, ant! Ant brother, we are really good. The first time I took the gene in the world of Marvel is you. Now the world of the Dragon Ball is the first to meet you. It really makes people Feeling. Since you first met you, it is still necessary to extract your strong genes first."

I saw that there was a nest of ants not far from Jiangyuan.

Although he can now have zero bio-energy, after extracting this nest of ants, there is still no problem in extracting the ant gene. .

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