Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Sun Wukong’s nameless effort

Jiang Yuan shook his head helplessly, and finally took out his pocket, saying that it was gone. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

Then Jiang Yuan also made a little extra tiger meat. When scholars called the chickens on earth, they reported the tiger meat with mud and buried it under the barbecue.

As time passed, the tiger's flesh changed from its original color to a golden color, and it radiated a burst of meat.

Sun Wukong smelled this smell on the side, and the saliva kept staying. His eyes were still motionless watching Jiang Yuan’s movements, as if he was afraid that Jiang Yuan would swallow the tiger meat.

After a while, Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay, it's already good, you taste it." After Jiang Yuan tore off a piece of meat and gave it to Sun Wukong.

However, after seeing that it was already good, Sun Wukong did not care about the meat in Jiangyuan’s hands. Instead, he grabbed a whole tiger that was still roasting, and directly pulled a tiger leg and ate it.

After the tiger meat entered the mouth, Sun Wukong’s eyes lit up, only to see the beginning of Sun Wukong’s mouthful of swallowing.

Jiang Yuan shook his head with a smile, then picked up a little meat and ate it.

After a while, Jiang Yuan took out the buried tiger meat and then tore it off and gave it to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong has already eaten most of the tigers already eaten, but seeing Jiang Yuan’s movements, Sun 380 Wukong still ate. This time, in a pound of mouth, Sun Wukong can’t help anymore. Eat your own hang.

However, Jiangyuan did not give Sun Wukong a chance, and soon he ate it. In the end, only a little tiger meat was left.

Sun Wukong looked at Jiangyuan and ate all the food a little bit, but he could do nothing. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

At the end of the day, Jiangyuan was still stunned and sat down with satisfaction.

Sun Wukong saw Jiang Yuan’s action screaming and went straight into his house.

After Sun Wukong walked in, Jiang Yuan sat up and looked at the direction of the Sun Wukong house and whispered.

"Nine-five and twenty-seven, is there any air that you say in Sun Wukong?"

"No, I just didn't find it at all. It should be a young problem. I still haven't learned it, but I have noticed another breath on his body. This breath is also very strong, even close to the strength of the Hulk." Said in September 5th.

Jiang Yuan smiled.

"I know, okay, wait a while, let's see what happens. After all, we are foreign people. We still need acquaintances in this world, and Sun Wukong is a good choice. It will be great for us in the future. Help, okay, I am going to sleep." Jiangyuan just lie down.

Lying on the ground, watching the stars in the sky.

"Dragon Ball World, since I can dominate in DC and Marvel, how can you not get a sigh of relief when you come here, and I like the many capabilities of Dragon Ball World. Next, let me know how to dominate this world. "When Jiang Yuan finished, he slept with a smile on his lips."

The next morning, after Sun Wukong woke up, he saw the Jiangyuan outside the church and walked over to prepare to wake up Jiangyuan.

"Get up, time is not early, we should go into the mountains, or else we have not eaten today, I will wait for you to make me delicious at night." Sun Wukong shook Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan was still dreaming. He felt that someone was shaking himself. Jiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and saw that after Sun Wukong, he got up and said.

"So early, wait a little longer, I still want to sleep." Jiang Yuan replied.

"What do you sleep when you sleep, don't you know that the morning is the best time, you can't waste it, I have to go to practice, and then I still have to find something to eat. There is no time at all. Come on, let's go into the mountains together." After pushing the river source again.

Jiang Yuan was helpless, and then followed Sun Wukong into the valley.

Yesterday, because I had just arrived, and looking for Sun Wukong, I did not carefully observe this valley.

At this time in the valley, Jiang Yuan discovered that the valley is very large, and many places are like artificial.

"Well, (bdbe) I have to cultivate, where are you going? Are you with me or find a place for yourself?" asked Sun Wukong. After that, I put on a posture of cultivation.

Jiang Yuan looked at Sun Wukong's movements and smiled, and said that in addition to curiosity.

"It's a bit interesting, this way, I am by your side, see how you cultivated, and you are busy, I will watch your cultivation by your side, no matter what I am." Jiangyuan sat down. Come down.

Sun Wukong heard that he did not care about Jiangyuan, but immediately cultivated it. Slowly, Sun Wukong entered the state, only to see Sun Wukong left and right, and closed his eyes and danced his hands.

Although it seems to be chaotic, but Jiangyuan was also a strong man in the world of Marvel. How can he not see the extraordinary state of Sun Wukong's cultivation at this time, and then his eyes brightened, and he danced directly with the movements of Sun Wukong. .

Slowly, Jiangyuan gradually became skilled from the earliest unfamiliar state. Then Jiangyuan closed his eyes and let his heart dance.

After a while, I only heard the 9252.

"Yes, very useful. I don't think Sun Wukong's nameless practice is helpful to you. It's a bit interesting." said 9:527.

Jiang Yuan heard the words and did not understand what the meaning of the words of the 9:527.

"What helped me, you said clearly." Jiang Yuan asked.

"Helping you again, is that you feel your body yourself, is it more integrated with the laws of the world than before, and your strength has also recovered a bit, can you detect it?" asked in September 25 .

Jiang Yuan heard his eyes closed and began to feel his body. This feeling, as it was said in September 5th, restored his strength. Jiang Yuan then happily began to practice Sun Wukong's exercises. Forgot God.

After a period of time, Sun Wukong recovered from the state of cultivation, and saw that Jiang Yuan had learned his own practice, and Sun Wukong grew up with amazement.

However, Sun Wukong did not wake Jiang Yuan, but waited for Jiang Yuan to wake up.

After a period of time, Jiang Yuan exhaled a sigh of gas and his eyes opened. At this time, Jiang Yuan’s mouth did not consciously rise again.

"How come you can do my exercises, who are you? Is it to see my movements by my side?" asked Sun Wukong.

Jiang Yuan heard that Sun Wukong thought about this matter and explained it later.

After listening to Jiang Yuan’s explanation, Sun Wukong nodded and said.

"Okay, nothing, anyway, we are friends, it will be, it is not a strange thing, okay, clean up and we are going to find something to eat." After the completion of Sun Wukong, he got up. .

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