Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 6: Shock

Seeing that the Wolf King was hit, the wolves stopped the attack directly, but they were facing an encirclement of Jiangyuan, and they looked at Jiangyuan with sorrow.

Jiang Yuan simply ignored the look of the wolves, but walked directly toward the wolf.

Looking at Jiangyuan, who is constantly moving towards the Wolf King, the wolves finally couldn't help it anymore. They only saw another huge wolf king screaming directly, ordering other wolves to rush to Jiangyuan. The rest of the wolves immediately attacked Jiangyuan when they heard the screaming.

Seeing the movement of the wolves, Jiangyuan directly raised his speed to the fastest, and immediately arrived at the wolf king's side, then his left hand grabbed the wolf king.

Just seeing Jiang Yuan just caught the Wolf King, he immediately shouted in the body.

"Nine-five-seven, hurry, give me the genes immediately! Hurry!" After Jiang Yuanzhen’s pull of the wolf king’s body, he retreated to the rear.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan took the Wolf King's constant retreat, the wolves seemed to be mad, and continued to rush to Jiangyuan.

At this time, Jiangyuan was anxious to die. At this time, Jiangyuan heard the most beautiful and wonderful voice. 13

"Detected genes that can be extracted! Do you choose to extract genes?"

At this time, Jiangyuan immediately chose it.

"To meet the extraction requirements, the genes are extracted immediately, and the genes that are immediately extracted are extremely fast genes! Whether to choose fusion!"

How does Jiangyuan have time to choose to disagree, and he agreed immediately if he said nothing. At this time, what Jiangyuan needs most is the gene of speed.

I saw that Jiangyuan had just chosen to agree, and the two legs felt full of strength. Look. Wool, Chinese net

However, after Jiangyuan extracted the speed-fast genes, he still did not let go of the Wolf King, but continued to shout.

"Give me the genes again! Mother's let you just bully me, I have to clean up you today."

"To meet the extraction requirements, the gene is extracted immediately, and the extracted gene is a shock gene! Because the extracted gene is the Wolf King gene! Is it a shocking effect on ordinary organisms, is it selected?"

Jiang Yuan heard a sigh of relief. Because Jiangyuan does not understand the effect of this shocking gene, or Jiangyuan does not know how strong this gene is.

But in the end, Jiangyuan has already extracted it, so I will agree directly, and then I will see Jiangyuan choose to agree.

Just after Jiang Yuan chose to agree, Jiang Yuan felt a magical atmosphere gather toward his body.

Before the Marvel world, although Jiang Yuan also extracted a lot of genes, but for this feeling of genes, Jiangyuan has never been extracted, so I do not understand what is going on.

At this time, after extracting the shocking gene late, Jiangyuan immediately felt that he was facing the opposite wolf group, and there was a feeling of being tall and high, and looking at many living creatures around him, there was a temperament that was unprecedented.

At this point, I noticed this change. Jiang Yuan felt that this should be mad. Then I laughed a bit.

"Now is the time for my revenge. Are you ready for these beasts? I want you to know that some people are not what you can provoke." After seeing Jiang Yuan’s eyes twisted, he turned to the opposite wolf. group.

The wolves were still attacking Jiangyuan, but when Jiangyuan blinked, they stopped immediately, and then they saw that these wolves stayed in the same place, and they shook in Shanghai. .

Seeing the performance of the wolves, Jiangyuan sneered a sneak, then slowly walked toward the wolves, and while Jiangyuan continued to walk, he saw the wolves slowly crawling down, Jiangyuan at this time. Give them the feeling that they are like their king, not exactly what they say is their god!

Jiangyuan was very tyrannical because of his previous strength. When he was in the world of Marvel, he defeated the strongest and the strength had reached its peak.

If it is not because of the rule of the Dragon Ball world, Jiangyuan is now able to crush the entire world of Dragon Ball.

At this time, because of the chance of coincidence, Jiangyuan got the shock gene, but because the previous Jiangyuan strength is very strong, so the shock gene has also been enhanced, so it can have the effect at this time.

In the end, Jiangyuan quickly accelerated his speed and rushed directly into the wolves. Only in the moment when Jiangyuan rushed into the wolves, the wolves of the wolves continued to linger, and they did not move at all. Still hand.

Because Jiang Yuan got a strong gene, he was extremely tyrannical in strength. Together with the extremely fast gene of the Wolf King that was just extracted, Jiangyuan’s strength has improved and he does not know a few grades.

It was only after a long time that the wolves that had been chasing Jiangyuan before the sea had been cleaned up by Jiang Yuan. At this time, all the wolves had completely died.

Looking at the bodies of the surrounding wolves, Jiang Yuan sneered and said.

"It’s always necessary to come back to the mix, and I can only be unlucky to meet you." After saying Jiang Yuan, he will not go away.

Because I got the speedy gene, I wasted a lot of time when I came out, but now because of the relationship between the speed genes, Jiangyuan quickly reached the door of the village.

After looking at no one around, Jiang Yuan walked in. Then I went back to my room and lay down to rest.

Early the next morning, after Jiang Yuan got up, he practiced the exercises of Sun Wukong again.

I don't know if it is because of the reason for absorbing genes last night. Jiang Yuan can feel that after he practiced the nameless practice today, it seems that the recovery of his own strength has accelerated.

300 However, Jiangyuan does not care, because Jiangyuan is preparing to dominate the Dragon and Pearl World with the power system of the Dragon Ball World.

After a period of time, Jiangyuan returned to the village after the cultivation was completed. At this time, all the people got up. Jiangyuan, who came back from the outside, did not care, but said a goodwill.

After the greeting, Jiang Yuan saw that Sun Wukong and Bouma had already come out. When they went outside, Jiang Yuan saw that the two had already packed up, as if they were ready to leave.

"Well, Uncle Niu, we are ready to go, change the sky, if there is a chance, I am coming back to look for you, and Kiki, you have to obey, and live with Uncle Niu." Sun Wukong looked at the little girl beside the demon king. Ramp.

But at this time, Kiki did not say anything, rushed to the side of Sun Wukong, and took the Sun Wukong directly.

"Wukong brother, I have to go with you, I also want to go out to meet the world." Finished his eyes focused on Sun Wukong.

After all, Sun Wukong was very simple. He saw Kiki’s gaze and chose to agree.

Jiang Yuan thought after seeing the performance of Sun Wukong.

"Sure enough, the story of the Dragon Ball World has not changed much, but I don't know because of my arrival, the Dragon Ball World will be what it is!" Jiang Yuan directly turned around. .

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