Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 15: Super Saiyan

Looking at the flying brilliance of Buma, Jiangyuan smiled and picked up the hand he had just grasped Buma and smelled it.

"I really can't think of it. On the first day of waking up, I met such a fragrant." The situation is gorgeous, interesting and interesting." After Jiang Yuan was resting on his arms, he fell asleep quietly.

In the following days, the news that Jiangyuan was waking up had already spread. At this time, all the people had seen Jiangyuan, and the state of Jiangyuan was not bad. All the people were relieved.

On the second day, Jiang Yuan went out of bed and walked out of his room. After he went outside, he began to practice Sun Wukong’s nameless practice again. And feel the degree of recovery of your body.

In this way, I spent the rest of the day calmly. On the fifth day, the turtle fairy once again went to Jiangyuan to find the "three five three".

"I didn't expect your predecessors to need such cultivation. Your strength is already very strong. You don't need to be so tired at all." Turtle Immortal said.

Jiang Yuan smiled.

"All people are the same. If you don't work hard, no matter what strength you have, you will be overtaken. I don't like that feeling. I want to stand at the top of the world. I want to be the strongest, even though you feel My strength is very strong, but I can tell you that there are strong people in this world. I am not one of them. I don’t talk about others. Another breath of the day, you feel it. How do you feel? ?" Jiang Yuan asked.

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s other breath, the turtle fairy was sweating and nodded slightly, indicating that he was strong.

Seeing the movement of the turtle fairy, Jiang Yuan continued.

"His strength is indeed very tyrannical, but I still want to tell you that what you see is only the tip of his iceberg. If all his strengths are displayed, let alone the earth, even the solar system, the Milky Way. Even the entire universe, the whole world will be wiped out!"

The turtle fairy heard the news and was horrified. In the cognition of the turtle fairy, the strength was already extremely strong, but Jiang Yuan said that it was only the tip of his iceberg. How can the turtle immortal not be surprised.

Jiang Yuan smiled.

"But you don't need to worry about this thing, because he has nothing to do with him, he will only find me trouble, so I need to become stronger, I need to be very strong, only then I can get out of his control!" Answered.

The turtle fairy sighed for a moment, then silently digested Jiang Yuan’s message. After a while, the turtle immortal asked again.

"The predecessors, do you really pose a threat to us? Or do you really only want to practice the qigong of us?"

Jiang Yuan nodded.

"As you saw that day, if I want to pack you, it is very easy, so you don't need to worry about this, but your qigong, to be honest, I have not touched, so I want to experience it!" Answered.

The turtle fairy sighed, and then said what it was like, just say it.

"Knowing the predecessors, that line, you can rest assured that I will tell you everything about me, including the practice method of Turtles Qigong! Because I want to gamble, I want a different world!" The eyes of the turtle fairy are very positive.

Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"I hope." After that, he ignored the turtle immortal and returned directly to his room.

After the second day, the turtle fairy once again found Jiangyuan. At this time, Jiangyuan saw not only himself, but also the dry forest. Sun Wukong was also by his side and looked at the turtle fairy seriously.

"Today I am going to give you a good explanation of my practice method of turtle qigong. So from today, you will receive a very serious level of training. If you want to become a strong person, you have to be patient, of course. If you can't stand it, just quit it!" After seeing only the color of the instructor of the turtle immortal, staring at the three.

Although it is said that the dead forest has been followed by the turtle fairy, but has not learned the turtle qigong, at this time, when you hear the turtle fairy, the dry forest is very excited, and even Sun Wukong has a great interest in the turtle qigong. .

Looking at the look of the three, the turtle fairy nodded with satisfaction and continued.

"Well, since you haven't quit, then I started, start with me!" At this point, I saw the turtle immortal dancing his body, each movement is a very strange and angular movement, but It looks very harmonious....

Seeing that the turtle immortal had begun teaching, the three immediately began to learn in a model.

Jiangyuan opened up because of the strength of the body, so although the movement of the turtle fairy is very unacceptable, Jiangyuan can easily do it together. Slowly, after a while, Jiangyuan has been able to do it himself. Go through a complete set of cultivation.

The turtle fairy has been watching the performance of the three people on the side. After seeing Jiang Yuan’s practice of learning how to cultivate his own Qigong Qigong, the turtle fairy laughed bitterly.

"It’s really a person who is dying than a person. It’s also a person. I created the Turtle School Qigong or improved it on the basis of my Master before, but it took me ten years, but it’s just a short half-day to see the seniors. I have already cultivated more than half of it, and the blow is really too big." The turtle fairy thought.

However, the turtle fairy knows that Jiangyuan’s strength is very tyrannical, and it is so easy to complete the cultivation of the turtle qigong. It’s all because the previous foundation is good. After I want to understand it, the turtle fairy will continue to teach.

In this way, when Jiangyuan had not fully recovered from the body, after getting up in the morning, he first contacted Sun Wukong’s nameless 2.8 exercises, and then followed the turtle immortals to practice the turtle qigong.

Time passed quickly, and it took two months to blink. During this period of time, Jiang Yuan’s body has completely recovered, and he feels that he is tyrannical at this time. Jiang Yuanwei smiled.

During this period of time, Bumma would be shy to escape every time he saw Jiangyuan, even if it was staying together for a short time.

Jiang Yuan knows that this is Buma's shyness, but Jiangyuan does not say it, because Jiangyuan has more important things to do on its own.

"The body has completely recovered. It seems that it is time to extract a gene with bio-energy! But what should be extracted, is it a turtle qigong? Or is it a super-Saiyan bloodline of Sun Wukong?" .

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