Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Super Saiyan

When I heard the turtle fairy, Jiang Yuan did not want to answer with a direct smile. Look. Wool, Chinese net

"There is nothing, but my ability is quite special. I can extract the ability of others to let me use it. This ability is also different. It is forced extraction and coordination. If the room is forced to extract, it will hurt the player. But with the extraction, there is no harm." Jiang Yuan explained with a smile.

The turtle fairy nodded and continued to ask.

"So why is the strength of Goku also enhanced?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and continued to answer.

"In fact, just because I just extracted Wukong's ability, I found that Wukong's body is about to break through a stage, so I will give back a little of my energy, and then let him improve his ability. The reason why he will improve so much is because My ability is specific, it can match the energy of others, so it will be like this!"

After listening to Jiang Yuan’s explanation, the turtle fairy understood. Then the turtle fairy opened his mouth, but it was still not - what was said.

Looking at the turtle fairy people's words and words, Jiang Yuan probably understood the meaning of the turtle fairy. Then I saw Jiang Yuan smiled and said to the people around him.

"Well, we are all fine, so let's go, let's take a break in my room, and the old man, see what else you have to tell me, let's go, let's go to where I say." After saying Jiang Yuan, he went out outside the room of Sun Wukong.

But after seeing Jiangyuan go out, Boomer immediately worried about it, just like a follower, very worried. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

After Jiang Yuan noticed the action of Bouma, he smiled and said it back.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do, don't worry, you should go back to rest, wait for me to talk to you after a meeting, absolutely nothing!" Jiang Yuan said with a smile, and touched the face of Boma. .

Feeling the gentle movement of Jiangyuan, Boma nodded shyly and then walked away with Kiki.

After listening to Jiang Yuan’s words, the turtle fairy immediately understood that Jiang Yuan knew what he meant, and then he followed it with pleasure. At this time, the speed of the turtle fairy was not like an old man, but quickly rushed out.

Looking at the turtle immortal look, Jiang Yuan smiled helplessly, but still followed.

After a while, the two went to the room in Jiangyuan, then Jiangyuan closed the door of the room, and pulled over two stools and sat down and asked.

"Old man, are you looking at Sun Wukong's appearance, your heart is itching, and you want to improve your strength? But also, you are old, if you improve your strength, God knows when you can, can't even improve Still two, now I can see how this opportunity can be missed." Jiang Yuan said.

The turtle fairy nodded and heard the question of strength, and immediately recovered.

"Yes, my strength has not improved so much for so many years. I just saw the appearance of Goku. I am really anxious, so I also want you to help me improve my strength! Of course I can also cooperate with you to extract energy!"

"But I also know that your strength is tyrannical and you can actively find Goku. It must be that he has what ability you need, so he will choose him, and my room will volunteer to find you, but you can rest assured that the old man I have practiced for so many years, there are still a lot of exercises, as long as you need it! But the premise is that you can also let my strength improve a little!" Turtle immortal said that the end is really unbearable, 尴尬 direct Blowed his head.

Looking at the sly turtle, Jiangyuan smiled a little.

"I know, probably already understand, so, I will look at your body for a while, I can look at the old man, I look at the ability I need?" Jiang Yuan asked.

When I heard Jiangyuan, the turtle fairy knew that Jiangyuan had already promised, and then nodded happily, and then sat directly like a primary school student, motionless.

Seeing the appearance of the turtle immortal, Jiang Yuan smiled unconsciously, then placed his hand on the shoulder of the turtle fairy and began to look up.

Jiang Yuan himself has no ability to view it. Just saying that it is actually viewing is just to install a look. At this time, Jiang Yuan entered his own consciousness space and communicated with 9252.

····Seeking flowers·······

"Nine-five-seven, why did I just extract the Super Saiyan gene of Sun Wukong, and finally got the gene of Super Saiyan? What do you mean? Is there a difference?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Super Saiyan, in fact, is very simple, that is, the strength of Sun Wukong is not strong now. At most, it can only open the strength of Super Saiyan, and even it takes a long time, but because of the blood, he still With this ability, but as his strength continues to improve, this ability will gradually be unblocked, so the genes you can extract now are just the genes of Super Saiyan!" Explain it.

After Jiang Yuan listened, I probably understood it.


"That is to say, I can only unblock the Super Saiyan because of the strength of Sun Wukong, so the genes I can absorb can only be used by Super Saiyan. If he is to improve his strength, I need to re- Extract the genes! Then my strength can improve my Super Saiyan gene?" Jiang Yuan continued to ask.

"In theory, this is the case, but because you use the specified extraction, and the extraction is 10 times higher than the random extraction, not only because you can only specify a gene to extract, but also, that is, you can extract The gene, while the strength of the extractor is improved, you can also improve! So you will save the next thing you need to extract again, so the explanation is completely understood? "Continue to explain in September 25th.

Jiang Yuan heard that he understood it thoroughly, then nodded and said that he understood and continued to ask.

"Right, then I just absorbed the Super Saiyan gene of Sun Wukong. Can I still continue to absorb other genes?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Sorry, because your strength is not enough now, you can't continue to extract. You can only extract new genes after waiting for a period of buffering. That is, you need to wait for a while. You will feel it yourself, then you can extract it!"

Jiang Yuan sighed and then withdrew from the space of consciousness, while watching the turtle immortal in front of him smiled and said. .

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