Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 44: a bit awkward

After Jiangyuan left, the dead forest continued to make its own breakthrough in the room, and all the things that Jiangyuan had just done, the dry forest is known, knowing that he was saved by Jiangyuan, knowing that Jiangyuan has helped My own breakthrough. Look. The wool thread and the Chinese network also know every word that Jiang Yuan just said.

But the dry forest is only conscious, knowing this thing, but can't express it. After Jiangyuan went out, the breakthrough of the dry forest is nearing the end, and only the mouth of the dry forest is slowly changing. It seems to be saying Thank you.

After Jiangyuan went out, he did not immediately return to his room, but walked over to the room of Bouma~.

Jiang Yuan understood that what he said in the afternoon was a bit embarrassing. At this time, Jiang Yuan carefully thought about it, perhaps he should not say what he said at the beginning.

However, Jiang Yuan’s own subconscious mind still feels that Boma is good to himself, but Jiangyuan has what he wants, and Bumma wants to use money and exchange other things for these things. This is Jiangyuan’s total. Can bear it. If Jiangyuan is chosen now, perhaps Jiangyuan is still the same.

Slowly, Jiangyuan went to the door of Boma's room. At this time, Jiangyuan saw that Buma's residence was dark, and there was no one in the house.

"It seems that no one is coming back, and I don't know where I went. Maybe I really said it is a bit heavy, but since I have already said it, it is also for him. Maybe this is the most important answer." Jiang Yuan whispered, and finally Jiang Yuan slowly turned and left. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

However, when Jiangyuan turned around, he immediately saw a figure, and this figure was shocked when he saw Jiangyuan. Then he only saw the mouth of the figure. The bus continued to twitch, as if there were many words. I want to say it, but I can't say it, and my body is still shaking.

Jiang Yuan himself felt the same when he saw this figure. He didn't know what to say at all. Then he saw Jiang Yuan smile a bit.

"You are back, I am afraid that you are dangerous to go out, so I want to come over and see if you have come back. Now that you are safely coming back, I will be relieved. Ok, let me go early, I will go back. "When Jiangyuan is finished, he is ready to leave immediately."

But at this time, people hardly closed their eyes, tears could no longer hold back, shouting loudly.

"You mix" eggs, you give me back, you give me back what I stole, my heart is back to me, now you stole my heart and want to leave, you are a mix Egg, why, why, why do you want such a passion, maybe my previous practice is to let you give up your dreams, but have you ever thought about it, I am afraid because I am afraid of losing you, I am afraid of Wukong today. The look is what you look like in the future. I am afraid that the person sitting next to the bed next time is not Kiki is me, I am afraid of everything, I am afraid of losing you!" Said that Boma finally raised his head and raised his head at Boma. When the tears continue to stay below, they simply can’t stop.

Looking at the Buma who is crying and fluid, Jiangyuan knows what he has done before. The words that have been said have completely hurt the heart of Bu Ma. At this time, seeing the appearance of Bo Ma, Jiang Yuan’s heart is also very uncomfortable. Then Jiang Yuan slowly went to Bouma, and directly saved Bouma, and then he hugged.

However, when Buma felt free to break when he felt that he was being hugged, he wanted to break free from the embrace of Jiang Yuan. However, Jiangyuan’s strength was great, and Boma could not resist at all. In the end, Bouma tried to continue to resist a few times. There was no way. Bouma could only accept his life, and then Bouma continued to use Jiang’s body with his fists. Knocked!

"Do you know how scared I am. I am afraid that you will be Wukong in the future. I am afraid that I will see you in the end. I am afraid that I will only be able to guard you silently. You know I noticed you when I first entered my sight, but you completely ignored me at the beginning, now I remember, but you said the words directly this afternoon, I The heart, my heart was very painful at the time. Finally, at the moment you turned away, I really felt that my world has completely collapsed. Why, why do you want to walk into my heart and take my heart away? Finally, I must ruthlessly abandon me!" Boma cried and asked.

····Seeking flowers··

When Bouma did not say a word, Jiang Yuan’s heart was painful. He knew that Boma had said everything, and Jiang Yuan sighed.

"I don't know if you think about me, but you want me to give up my dreams, want me to give up my dreams, I can't do it, even you have to use money to measure my dreams, you Do you know that this feeling is like a child suddenly being taken away by a beloved thing, the heart is completely occupied by negative energy. I admit that what I just said is a little bit, but this is mine. In my heart!"

"I know, I mean, maybe, the two of us are really not a person of the world, because in my world, I will always be for strength, to exist for being strong, and you want to be stable, want Reliance, I really don't know if I can give it to you, because there are dangers in my world every day, so I don't know what to do, so in order to make you not painful, I can only make up my mind today. You said those words!" Jiang Yuan said.


At this time, Bouma raised his head directly, and his eyes stared at Jiang Yuan seriously.

"Do you think that you let go of it for me? Do you think that as long as I leave you, I will be happy? You are wrong. When you turn and leave, my heart is broken. Finally, I am aimless. When the sign is like a walking dead, walking on the street constantly, and the place I walked is the place I have been with you. In one such place, our memories will emerge a little, until finally, I actually It’s crying to finish this road, why do you want such a passion, why do you want such a heart!” asked Boma.

At this time, Jiang Yuan finally knew what his position was in Bouma’s heart. At this time, Jiangyuan immediately pulled Buma, and he was holding it in his arms, just like cloth. Like a body, Ma is completely inseparable! At the same time, Jiang Yuan has decided in his own heart, Boomer himself will not give up, because Buma is worth doing it yourself! .

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