Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 48: Defeat the crane

Only Jiang Yuan’s fist was shrouded by a constantly rotating cyclone, and the surrounding air was shattered by the cyclone that told the rotation, and Jiangyuan’s attack had already hit the light bomb!

The cyclone collided with the light bomb, and there was no such strange effect as the strong collision of the previous one. On the contrary, only when the crane of the Hexian people reached the front of Jiangyuan’s fist, it was The high-speed rotating cyclone is torn and morphed into small spots scattered around. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

And these green light spots have more and more in the end, and finally they can't see Jiang Yuan's figure. At this time, Jiang Yuan looks very strange, because these light spots are like Jiang Yuan's body. The same as that produced, it continues to spread toward the surrounding.

Slowly, Jiang Yuan’s fist completely shattered all the light bombs, and Jiang Yuan also broke through the intensive attacks of Hexian people, and continued to attack the past against the cranes.

Before the cranes in front of Jiangyuan disappeared, they also smiled proudly, thinking that Jiangyuan had nothing to do. In the end, he saw that Jiangyuan even wanted to use his body to counter qigong. Hexian was even more How ignorant Jiang Jiangyuan is.

However, after watching his own attack again and again by Jiang Yuan, Hexian people finally knew that the original 490 was just whimsical, because Jiangyuan’s physical strength is too strong, and his attack can’t help but The body of the source.

Looking at Jiangyuan who attacked himself, Hexian people rushed to change the attack track and prepared to block Jiangyuan's attack, but Jiangyuan's speed was too fast. I haven't waited until the cranes are shown, and Jiangyuan has already rushed to the front of the cranes. Then a punch hit directly on the face of the crane. Then I saw that the cranes flew out directly.

At this time, on the side of the contest between Jiangyuan and Hexian, there is an old man standing. This old man is the turtle fairy after makeup.

Looking at the two fighting on the stage, the eyes of the turtle fairy are very dignified.

"I don't think the strength of the two of them is really strong. I didn't expect that my younger brother has now reached this situation. The most unexpected thing is this kid, the strength is so strong, it looks like this year's competition. There is a big fight in the big game, and my biggest opponent looks like this kid." Turtle immortal (bdbg) said. Then the eyes stared again at the two people on the field.

After Hexian was beaten, Jiangyuan did not immediately follow up and gave him a fatal blow. At this time, Jiangyuan stood in the same place, staring at the crane immortal who flew out, his mouth full of smiles.

After the Hexian people flew out for a period of time, they stopped directly. At this time, the mouth of the crane was left with blood.

Wiping off the blood of his mouth, Hexian people looked at Jiangyuan's eyes more cold.

"Kid, you completely irritated me, I want you to die! You give me to die!" Hexian people shouted loudly, only to see the sound of the cranes in Hexian, just screaming, and then a shocking The momentum is skyrocketing and it is also possible to see a gas column rushing into the sky.

Just in the moment when this breath appeared, the body of Hexian people changed. Only the cranes who were just very thin were seen. At this time, there was a piece of muscle on the body, and these muscles were very huge and directly broken. The clothes of Hexian people. And even the height of the Hexian people has changed. It was originally a thin old man, and now it has become a three-meter-high giant. Then the Hexian people finally stopped changing.

"Kids, it is your honor to be able to die under my tricks. Then I will let you know what is irritating me!" After that, the cranes rushed to Jiangyuan.

Only the cranes at this time are very fast, and they arrive at the front of Jiangyuan in an instant, giving the impression of being like the momentary movement.

Jiangyuan did not respond at this time. The crane immortal had already rushed over and was immediately hit by the crane immortal. At this time, Jiang Yuan’s stomach was smashed with a punch of the crane.

This is not finished. Hexian people were hitting Jiangyuan for a moment, and did not kill him. On the contrary, Hexian people also attacked Jiangyuan again at this time. In a few seconds, Jiangyuan The stomach was hit again for a few laps. Jiang Yuan’s mouth is also constantly infiltrating blood to the outside.

After coming to the Dragon Ball World, Jiang Yuan has never found a suitable person to absorb the ability of defense. The body's defense ability is completely based on the previous physical quality. If there is no promotion in the Marvel World, this time Jiang Yuan is likely to have died.

However, Jiang Yuan at this time did not die, but the body also received a very heavy injury. Some of the internal organs in the body are misplaced.

After that, Hexian people still did not stop the attack and continued to bombard Jiangyuan. However, at this time, Jiangyuan had already reflected it. He only saw Jiangyuan, who was donating blood at his mouth, and reacted instantly in Hexian. Jiang Yuan’s backhand held the fist of Hexian’s man in the next attack.

At this time, Jiangyuan’s eyes are red, and they look very infiltrating, like a demon coming out of hell.

Looking at Jiangyuan's strange eyes, Hexian people are also afraid, and directly forgot to use force again.

"Is it enough? Next, should I look at my attack." Jiang Yuan did not say anything with vitality. Then Jiangyuan directly used the turtle qigong to strengthen his body.

Only Jiang Yuan’s body was attached with a huge cyclone. When this cyclone appeared, Jiang Yuan was like standing in a small tornado.

Just in the moment when this cyclone appeared, Jiang Yuan directly kicked out to the front of the crane, and saw that at the moment of Jiang Yuan’s kicking out, there was no kick in the crane. However, the cyclone covered on the foot directly attacked the cranes.

Hexian people simply couldn't think of Jiangyuan's so strange attack method. There was no guess at all, and it was hit in an instant.

Jiang Yuan’s attack did not directly affect the body of the crane. Instead, he saw only the constant rotation of the cyclone, which directly destroyed the internal functions of the crane, and then the crane The vest spewed out. And Yu Wei continues to ravage everything around him! .

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