Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 54: beat

"Looking for such a long time, you are here. It is no wonder that it is so difficult to find. If it wasn’t for me, I thought about it, I might have missed it, but the chicken rice was found. I am going to set this place today. "When you finish, you can see Jiangyuan swimming directly to the top of this barrier, and the speed is very fast!

After a while, I saw that Jiangyuan had reached the top of the barrier. I only saw Jiangyuan’s eyes staring at the entire barrier and then looked at one or a few of them.

Just when Jiangyuan stared at this point, he only saw this point, flickering and shimmering, but the time of this flashing light was very slow, only one minute flashed once, if not Jiang Yuan When I came over, I noticed this feature from a distance. Perhaps Jiang Yuan finally thought that this is the key to unlocking this - the barrier.

After trying to understand, Jiang Yuan gradually swam to the side of the spot, and then after using a little bit of energy on his left hand, he pressed directly against the spot.

Just as Jiang Yuan’s left hand touched the spot, he only saw the barrier change immediately.

The barrier that was completely invisible before, at this time, flashed its ripples, and after the ripple appeared, it saw the sea water in front of it spreading toward both sides.

After a while, in the constant surge of ripples, I suddenly saw a passage above the spot, which is where the city enters.

At the moment when he saw this passage, Jiangyuan immediately rushed toward this passage, and Jiangyuan rushed into this passage. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

After Jiangyuan entered the passage, the barrier changed again. Only the ripples on the barrier were more intense, and they continued to gather toward the passage. After a while, they saw that the ripples were directly blocked. The entrance to the passage, and then the calm was restored, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at all the strange performances around, Jiang Yuan’s heart was also very surprised, but it has already come in. Jiang Yuan’s attention is directly concentrated on everything in front of him.

At this time, Jiang Yuan heard a sound.

The voice that came from this voice was very strange. It was brought to Jiangyuan from all directions and made Jiangyuan feel it.

"Welcome to you, someone who is very happy, I am very glad that you can find my city. I am very glad that you can come to my city. You are the seventh to enter here. I hope you can get what you want. I am this city. God, my name is Poseidon! And the city also has a resounding name, that is Atlantis!" said the voice.

Listening to the voices coming from around, and the message conveyed, Jiang Yuan stunned, because Jiangyuan completely could not think of the city he entered into the legendary Atlantis!

Legend has it that the culture of Atlantis is the most prosperous culture on earth. Everyone here is very rich, and money is a number for them.

And the emergence of this city is precisely because of Poseidon, it is Poseidon created this city, so people living in the city are respected as Poseidon as the father!

Hearing such a huge amount of information, Jiangyuan was surprised, but at the end of the river, Jiangyuan grew up directly.

"No, isn't this the world of Dragon Ball? How come the gods of ancient Greece, and God, what is the situation, completely confused, and Atlantis, what is the situation!" Jiang Yuan asked loudly.

But in this city, it is obvious that there is no one in the whole city, so no one can answer him at Jiangyuan's problem. Then he heard that the 9252 was jumped out again and explained.

"It seems that you are thinking wrong. Do you think that there is only one Poseidon? Can you not call it Poseidon? You think too simple, and if the legendary Poseidon only has this kind of If it is strong, it is too weak, so you think this is really what Poseidon created!" asked in September 5th.

Jiang Yuan heard a careful thought about the amount of information given in September 25, and after a while, Jiang Yuan immediately asked.

"Is it true that this city was created by others, and the name of Poseidon is just one of his entertainment, but not right, when Poseidon made us on earth, the name of the Greeks, It’s impossible for anyone else to know. Isn’t it true that the people who created this city are the same as me, and they are also people of the earth, for some reason, they came to the world of Dragon Ball, and the name of their own fun is called Poser. Winter!" Jiang Yuan said.

····Seeking flowers······

In the September 5th, the news nodded and said that Jiang Yuan was right.

Although Jiang Yuan has already thought of this result, Jiangyuan is still unacceptable after the recognition of 9/27, because Jiangyuan really can't think of it. There are still many people crossing, and he is just a follower. On this tide, I am only one of them.


Seeing the sturdy Jiangyuan, 9527 comforted.

"You really don't have what you said, and you think it's right. There are many people who cross the world. It's not just the earth, there are other people in the plane, there are many people who are crossing, but you only see the opportunity to get together. It’s really too little. What you see now is just a city created by one of them. So don’t worry, there are still opportunities for you to meet in the future. Sometimes the doubts in your heart can be solved slowly. Opened." said nine five two seven.

After listening to the words of 9:527, Jiang Yuan sighed and then sighed.

"I think too much, even if there are a lot of people crossing, even if I am just one of them, even if my strength is not what it is, I am still alive. That means I still have the opportunity to progress. At that time, I am very likely to be the strong among these people. Although I don’t know what so many people are crossing for, it’s obviously not for the sake of the game. It is very likely that there are tasks, such as defeating everyone else! Right? 9527!" Jiang Yuan asked,

Hearing the analysis of Jiang Yuan, the 9257 was very surprised, and the same was true, and the same was true, because from the above of Jiangyuan, 9252 was a good master! .

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