Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Extraction gene

After integrating the men's abilities, Jiang Yuan has already understood what the man's ability is.

It turns out that among the genes that the man had previously merged, there is actually a Buddhist power, and the man’s practice cannot be used before the man was born, because if the Buddhist practice is used in the Dragon Ball world, it will happen. The same situation of Jiangyuan attracts the checks and balances of the power of the world rule of the Dragon Ball World.

But there is no such restriction after the death of a man, because the dead or the state of the soul has already jumped out of the world of Dragon Ball.

Jiang Yuan is the power of the fusion man, so at this time it is also capable of using the power of the man's Buddhist power.

Xuanwu looked at the lion head attacked by himself and was shocked.

"How is it possible, who is the kid you are, why can you use the Buddhist practice of "three-five-seven"? This is the lion seal of the Ming Dynasty. Only the kind of sorghum can be used, why do you use it!" Said awkwardly.

Jiang Yuan heard the words and smiled contemptuously.

"You are really very narcissistic. Can you only come to the world, and I can't use other exercises? Is it too powerful for you? I should say that you are self. Is it love, or is it conceited?" Jiang Yuan said.

And just in the time when the two talked, the attack of the two confronted in the first period. When I saw the Mingwang lion seal in front of Xuanwu, I even grew my mouth. Ba, biting up against Xuanwu.

Xuanwu knows the characteristics of the Ming lion's lion print, just in the moment when the lion's head opens his mouth. The moment, a protective cover is opened directly on his body. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

Although the tortoise, Wang Ba, Xuanwu and so on are the back of the turtle shell is relatively strong, but Xuanwu as one of the beasts, you really can not just such strength, I saw a moment in the opening of Xuanwu's passport, a huge The water curtain was born again and wrapped the protective cover again.

After all the defensive measures were completed, Jiangyuan’s Mingwang lion seal also reached the front of Xuanwu, and the basaltic protective cover continued to bite, but there was a layer of water curtain outside the Xuanwu shield, which was continuously reduced. At the end of the lion's lion's attacking ability, the lion's head was only shredded by the water curtain on the outside, and a crack was left on the shield.

After seeing Jiang Yuan’s attack being resolved, the characteristics of Xuanwu’s arrogance were once again revealed.

"Hahaha, kid, your strength is much worse than me, although you just gave me a surprise, but in the face of absolute strength, all the flowers are nothing, so today you have to die." !" Xuanwu said.

However, when Xuanwu spoke, Jiang Yuan’s mouth rose slightly and smiled.

"Yeah, do you think that I can only do this? Are you too confident? Then look at the next attack." Just after Jiangyuan’s voice was just finished, just between Still standing in the distant Jiangyuan, the body actually disappeared slowly, and finally disappeared completely.

Seeing the appearance of Jiang Yuan at this time, Xuanwu exclaimed a virtual shadow! Immediately immediately, the image of Jiang Yuan, a constant searcher, wanted to prevent Jiang Yuan from giving him a sudden blow!

In the constant search of Xuanwu, Jiangyuan has already come to the top of Xuanwu, and attacked the crack in the crack of the Xuanwu protective cover.

"In the battle, no matter how bad the strength is, don't underestimate the opponent, because it is probably just a small look for you, let yourself die, today I will use the facts to answer this truth!" After that, Jiang Yuan’s hands flashed a ray of lightning! And I heard Jiangyuan Daxie.

"Go to hell, don't move the king's seal!" I saw only in the palm of Jiang Yuan's palm, this lightning hit the shackles of Xuanwu's protective cover, and then saw it just hard. The incomparable protective cover opened a little bit and finally disappeared completely.

Jiang Yuan’s attack target was Xuanwu’s head. At the moment when the protective cover disappeared, Xuanwu’s head was immediately exposed.

Xuanwu itself has not responded to this matter. When he felt that his protective cover was destroyed, Xuanwu immediately wanted to indent his head into his own turtle shell to avoid injury, but Xuanwu simply couldn’t reflect it. It was concentrated by Jiang Yuan, and finally only saw Xuanwu’s wailing in the attack of Jiangyuan because of the pain!

Just when Jiangyuan’s immovable King’s Seal was completely exhausted, the position of Xuanwu’s head had turned dark. The original Xuanwu’s body was red, but at this time Xuanwu’s head was burnt. A piece of black lacquer!

In the moment when Jiangyuan had just exhausted the Ming Dynasty, Jiangyuan knew that he had to take the rule of the ruler, and then prepared to attack the basalt again.... I saw the wind at the foot of Jiangyuan, and the leg lifted to the basal body. This foot is still a steady hit on the body of Xuanwu, then saw Xuanwu painful backwards several steps backwards, and finally squatted on the ground.

Looking at the basaltic squatting on the ground, Jiang Yuan thought that Xuanwu had lost his fighting ability and slowly went up, trying to extract the basaltic genes. However, when Jiangyuan came to the front of Xuanwu, he only heard Xuanwu screaming. The dark head was directly to this source of Jiangyuan, and he wanted to swallow Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan completely couldn't think of Xuanwu's two attacks, and he was able to have combat capability. In the end, he only saw Jiang Yuan's sudden attack in Xuanwu. He did not dodge the past and was directly swallowed by Xuanwu.

Jiangyuan, who was swallowed by Xuanwu, struggled constantly, and used all his own strength to withstand the upper and lower sides of Xuanwu, so as not to crush himself. 3.7

However, how strong the basalt masseter muscle is, Jiang Yuan simply can't help it. In the end, only Jiang Yuan was drilled into the mouth of Xuanwu in an instant, so as not to be bitten by Xuanwu.

I felt that Jiangyuan actually took the initiative to drill into his mouth, Xuanwu stunned, and finally laughed.

"Kid, then I see what else you have, you have entered my stomach, then you can only be digested by me, and finally become my feed, and my owner absorbs your instrument." ! Xuanwu said with a big laugh.

On the other hand, Jiang Yuan, after entering the mouth of Xuanwu's mouth, went slowly along the Xuanwu's trachea and slowly slid into the body of Xuanwu. Slowly, Jiangyuan went to the basaltic esophagus. .

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