Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Large amount of bioenergy

Seeing the change of armor, Jiang Yuan smiled and touched again. He touched him and then looked at the palace in front of him.

"Ten strong, five kings, three supreme, and one god, although your strength is very strong, but I believe that I will be able to surpass you in the end, and I will use a kind of world. The attitude is to face you, and at that time, you will know that I am strong, I will be your opponent!" After Jiang Yuan directly turned away.

"I don't know how long it has been in the past. But it should be a lot of days in the past. It is estimated that the first contest in the world is over. Hey, I still want to take the first place in the world. I don't think I ended up like this." One thing, but it is not that there is no receipt, at least now my real "four nine zero" force is definitely stronger than before!" Jiang Yuan thought.

At this time, Jiangyuan pinched his fist and looked back at the palace again as he walked out of the palace.

"The five kings, Poseidon, is a bit interesting, but I don't believe in these things. I will really stand in front of you in the future!" After that, Jiang Yuan tried hard and was a punch at the palace. Seeing the constant sway of the entire palace rumbling, and finally shattered the gate of the palace.

And when Jiangyuan shattered the gates of the palace, in another world, a man’s eyebrows suddenly jumped, and then his eyes stared at the front. At this time, in front of this man, there are three opponents. These three opponents are all scarred on the body. But the eyes are still staring at the man in front of me.

"Poseidon, today we three people want to kill you. Before you killed my brother, we will help my brother revenge today!" After seeing only three people rushed to the wave Sedon.

"Cut, ignorance, just rely on your little shrimp, but also want to find me trouble, it is simply delusional, I will let you know how big our gap is!" After seeing Poseidon's fist was A layer of tears covered, and this layer of lightning flashed constantly, and in the end turned into a blood red, watching the extreme strange and cautious.

Then I saw that Poseidon didn't look at the three people in front of me. They were three punches directly at them. Then they saw that the lightning covered on the Poseidon fist penetrated into the body of the three people. The body of the three people trembled and trembled, and in the end there was a burning smell.

The three may be due to the role of lightning, the body constantly trembles, even if the body is suffering from a huge cry, the mouth is still not making any sound, just the geese and goose.

At the end, I saw the body of the three people coming straight down. Then I saw three objects appearing around the three people, and these three objects just wanted to escape.

"Master Bai" is crazy, and the spirit is also white. I am crazy, and I want to run away in front of me. Is it because I am a waste? Today, you don't want to run away. I am absorbed by me, go to mine. Off!"

Just when Poseidon shouted out the words of thunder, he only saw a red aperture like a soul from Poseidon's body.

And this aperture looks like a little demon, his face is very fierce, looking at the three objects in front of him who want to escape, stretched out the tongue) and slightly licked his lips, quickly rushed to three In front of the object, the spirits of these three objects were directly swallowed up, and at the end, they were satisfied with a fullness.

After the devour of the night, I saw that the thunder and the three objects that fell on the ground returned to Poseidon. And Poseidon did not look at these three things, and directly received it, then the eyes said gloomy.

"Oh, it’s interesting. For years, no one dared to violate my wishes. Today, there are still people who can destroy my palace. It’s fun and interesting. I don’t know if the three or four guys did it, but you guys. Don't be too proud, because after waiting for a while, my strength will surpass you, and then I will become the supreme powerhouse! As for destroying the waste of my palace, don't let me find you, otherwise I You must cramp your skin!" After talking about Poseidon, it was a ton of feet on the ground, and then disappeared directly in the place....

Just after Poseidon disappeared, the position of Poseidon’s lameness began to shatter. In the end, not only here, but the entire planet was broken. At this time, a planet disappeared. In the universe.

At this time, Jiangyuan did not know these things at all. After crushing the gates of the palace, Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at the walking bodies outside the palace!

"Hey, you have been chasing me all the time. Now I will let you know who is the king. Today I will let you know what is regret, and I can still get bio energy from you. It's not bad. You are my prey!" After that, Jiangyuan laughed and screamed and rushed directly into the army.

Before Jiang Yuan, because of his own defense problems, he did not dare to rush into the army of corpses, because Jiangyuan is likely to die in it.

However, after extracting the Xuanwu gene, Jiangyuan's physical defense ability has increased too much, and in terms of strength and strength, Jiangyuan's strength has also reached an amazing change.

After seeing Jiang Yuan rushing into the army of the corpse, the body is hard against the corpse in front of him. No matter how these corpses attack themselves, the Jiangyuan body at this time is like a mountain. The corpse is simply not breaking the defense of Jiangyuan, only a little spark.

After Jiang Yuan saw this situation, he smiled. He whispered a white idiot, and immediately began a counterattack, and every counterattack of Jiangyuan, you can see a whirlwind wind circle above Jiang Yuan’s fist. After this wind circle appeared, every time The attack is not just the corpse in front of you, but even the surrounding corpses will be hit. Each attack will have hundreds of corpses become fragments! Jiang Yuan himself has not been hurt.

"Ha ha ha, bioenergy, bioenergy, a lot of bio-energy, I didn't get it before. Now I can finally get it. Zombie babies, the grandfathers of the girls, Jiangyuan, are coming, ready to line up and die!" After the case, Jiang Yuan once again fell into the activities of killing the dead. .

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