Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 73: Win

But at this time, the hateful voice of the bear head passed.

"You are Jiangyuan, right? I thought it was a powerful person. It turned out to be you. The body is so thin and can't bear the attack of the bear grandfather!" The bear head laughed. Said.

Just when the bear headman said this sentence, the referee’s eyes suddenly jumped, because before the battle between Jiangyuan and Hexian people, this plate still saw the process of fighting, at this time the bear The head person actually wants to provoke this comet not knowing whether it is because the strength is too strong, or the brain is too strong!

The bear head is actually the latter. Because the battle between Jiangyuan and Hexian people, the Xiongtou people did not see the battle process, so they will say this, if they see the strength of Jiangyuan. If so, perhaps the bear head will surrender directly!

However, there is no regret in the world to eat. When the bear headman said this sentence, Jiang Yuan smiled inexplicably, and Jiang Yuan’s action, in the eyes of those who are familiar with him, is exactly what Jiangyuan is angry with. Performance, at this time everyone knows that Jiangyuan has become angry.

At this time everyone was sweating for the bear heads standing on the stage, because they were only able to pray, and the 420 heads of the bear heads were not too bad.

"Well, since someone is looking for death, then I will end the battle early, let's talk again, hey, interesting, I don't think there is such a person who doesn't know how to live. It's interesting. Waiting for me soon." The source flashed to the top of the contest.

Jiangyuan's speed is very fast, and it is on the stage for a moment. At this time, there is still one minute left before the start of the game.

Looking at the Jiangyuan on the stage of the match, the bear head stunned and finally realized that his opponent was not so easy to deal with. Look at the 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network, but the bear head is still very confident about their strength, after all, those who can break into the top six are not ordinary people.

"Yes, yes, the kid looks like you still have some strength, is it interesting?" The bear head smiled and said that he had licked his lips and revealed a bloodthirsty expression. I hope to make Jiangyuan fear.

However, Jiang Yuan simply did not pay attention to the movement of the bear head, but the brick looked at the referee.

"I am not late at the game now. Is the time still not started? Then when will I start? I don't want to wait." Jiang Yuan asked.

When I heard Jiang Yuan, the referee was still very scared about Jiang Yuan’s comet. At this time, Wen Yan immediately nodded.

"There is no late or late, now the game begins!" After saying that he directly retreated to the edge of the contest venue, he was afraid that Jiangyuan’s game hurt himself.

Jiang Yuan said with a smile when he heard the game.

"What you said just now, although it is to irritate me, but if there is strength, it is arrogant, but if there is no strength, then it is forced to force, and the result of the force will need to bear it, so I am sorry, then Your ending will be very miserable!" After that, Jiang Yuan stood straight and smiled and looked at the bear head.

Seeing the expression of Jiang Yuan’s arrogance, the bear head was angry first and attacked Jiang Yuan directly.

Jiang Yuan turned his head and shouted at Boma and others.

"Wait for me, I will end soon." "The voice just fell, Jiangyuan immediately disappeared in the same place, and immediately appeared in front of the bear head, smirked and said.

"Sorry, then you may have to bear a little bit of pain, and this pain is because of your insult to me, I am very angry, you need to pay for yourself!" After Jiang Yuan’s hands were caught, he seized it. The palm of the bear head.

Feeling that his bear's paw was caught by the moment, the bear head first slammed, and then desperately wanted to break away, but the bear head who is very confident about his strength, no matter how free he is, Jiang Yuan's (bdei) hands did not loosen at all, but instead they stared at the bear head and smiled.

At this time, I saw Jiang Yuan’s smile. The bear head feels like a demon smile, and wants to break free.

However, when the bear head once again wanted to break free, Jiang Yuan’s hands were hard and only heard a bang. It is the painful mourning of the bear head!

Jiang Yuan heard the mourning of the bear head, as if he had not heard it. He continued to attack the bear head and attacked the past. Then he saw Jiang Yuan’s feet and the left leg against the bear’s knee. Just kicked in the past,

Peng Peng, hey, Jiang Yuan immediately kicked two feet against the bear's double legs, and the two feet directly turned the two heads of the bear head into shattered. Then the bear head suddenly fell to the ground because there was no knee as a support point.

At this point, Jiang Yuan directly released his hands and stepped on the bear's head again. He only saw it all at once. The bear's feet bent over at a strange angle. Can't use it anymore.

"This is the price you put on, so if you have another time next time, I hope that you can find a suitable person when you force it!" After that, Jiangyuan seems to be playing enough, facing the bear. The head of the man's stomach is a foot, and the bear head is kicked out of the hinterland.

The bear head who flew out of the contest venue was still mourning on the ground.

After seeing the appearance of the bear head, the medical staff of the contest gathered immediately rushed up the single frame, then forced the bear head to force it up and immediately took away the treatment.

At this point, the referee has not responded, because all the previous games, did not end the battle so quickly, but also tortured their opponents into this kind of person, at this time silly standing in place did not know at What is going on?

Seeing the appearance of the referee, Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at the referee.

"Hello, may I ask if my game is over? I won't win. Can I go on?" Jiang Yuan asked with a smile.

Just as Jiangyuan’s voice just remembered, the referee looked at Jiang Yuan’s smile with a cold sweat, and nodded desperately, saying that it was over, and then announced the news that Jiangyuan won.

Hearing that he won, Jiang Yuan smiled and said a thank you to the referee, and then walked down to the contest.

"I will say, I will end the game very quickly, okay, there are two more games, and you will start your game in Goku. I hope that you will go all out and I can see it in the final. Your existence, then we both have a painful fight! "Jiangyuan encouraged to look at Sun Wukong. .

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