Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Sun Wukong vs Tianjin Rice

After Sun Wukong suddenly felt a dangerous breath after vomiting blood, he immediately saw Tianjin rice, which was attacked again by himself. His eyes were condensed, and after using his strength, he immediately went from the pit. Crossing out, it is because of this, Sun Wukong has escaped this fatal blow. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

After hiding this attack, Sun Wukong was because the situation was too tight, and the mental state was fully concentrated. Another point was that he had just used a lot of power before he escaped the attack of Tianjin Rice and only saw it. Sun Wukong’s constant C is rude.

Tianjin Rice did not think that Sun Wukong actually used this strange state to hide his own attack. After smashing God, he laughed again. "Three seven seven"

"Kid, good, I can't think of you still able to hide my attack. I thought I had finished the battle. It seems that I have to waste a little time!" After that, Tianjin Rice once again rushed toward Sun Wukong. A punch hit the Monkey King.

Because of the situation that just happened, Sun Wukong was very nervous at this time, and she was always staring at Tianjin rice. At this time, she saw the Tianjin rice that she attacked again. Sun Wukong immediately evaded and appeared in Tianjin. Behind the rice, he kicked the waist of Tianjin rice.

At this time, when Tianjin Rice saw that Sun Wukong, who was about to attack, suddenly disappeared, the situation around the observer who had been paying attention all the time, suddenly saw the change behind him, Tianjin Rice immediately turned to Behind yourself. Then, after holding his arms in his X), he wanted to block this foot of Sun Wukong.

And Sun Wukong obviously uses a very huge force, and wants to return the losses he has eaten before! Therefore, even if Tianjin Rice protects its former X, it still flies out. And constantly flying out to the outside of the martial arts.

Just in the moment when Tianjin rice was about to be beaten out of the martial arts, Tianjin rice immediately returned to God. Then, after a scream of the two feet, the feet were checked against the martial arts, and then I saw that the feet of Tianjin rice were inserted on the ground of the contest, and it was because of this that Tianjin rice escaped.

Sun Wukong did not intend to achieve results in this attack. At this time, he saw the appearance of Tianjin Rice, and smiled and ridiculed.

"I still said that you are not the same, now you are no better than me, so we don't laugh at anyone, they are all in the same state!" Sun Wukong said with a smile.

After all, it was ridiculed by his opponent. Tianjin rice will inevitably be angry, but he knows that the strength of Sun Wukong is definitely not under his own strength. If he is angry, he may lose the game because he loses his sense. After a tone of breath, he replied with a smile.

"Boy, don't you think that your three-legged cat's effort can really beat me? Is it too much to look down on me, or you are too confident about your own strength, just that I am just warming up, now warming up It’s over, it’s time to let you know what it’s like fear!” Tianjin Rice said.

When I heard Tianjin rice, even if it was explaining and wanted to hide my own desolateness, Sun Wukong also knew the strength of Tianjin rice, and did not continue to say anything, but continued to stare at Tianjin rice to prevent the next attack of Tianjin rice!

At this time, Tianjin rice suddenly screamed, and then saw a strong breath from the body of Tianjin rice, although this breath is not as terrible as Jiangyuan, but it is still very strong, only Seeing this momentum straight into the sky, and also ready to break through the sky!

And Tianjin Rice himself is also because of this powerful momentum, the body has actually produced a slight change, only to see the muscles behind the body of Tianjin rice is constantly shaking, and finally even tearing C open, It's like there is something to be drilled out.

Tianjin rice continued to change. In the end, I saw only two bones appearing behind the Tianjin rice. When these two bones reappeared, they still did not slow down. They continued to grow until they finally reached the length of their arms. ...

But it has not stopped here, only to see the flesh and blood on the two bones, and then these flesh and blood covered the bones quickly, and finally turned into two arms!

At this time, the Tianjin rice turned into a four-armed look.

And this has not stopped. At this point, I saw two bulges from the waist of Tianjin rice, and the two convexs changed again. At the end, they also became two arms!

At this time, there were three pairs of arms on the body of Tianjin Rice, and each pair of arms looked real. It was not the fake virtual arm that was caused by the movement.

At this time, I saw a force from the Tianjin rice cooker, a pair of three arms in the void, and then I heard the sound of the air in the fist of Tianjin rice! From the sound of the sound explosion, you can clearly feel how powerful the power of Tianjin rice is.

After using this change, Tianjin Rice is constantly wearing a rough gas, just like using a very big effort, has been angry with C. After a while, it finally returned to normal.

Then I saw Tianjin rice smile and looked at Sun Wukong.

"Kid, this is originally the Jiangyuan big brother who wants to leave it to you, but I didn't expect your real 5.0 power to be good. It forced me to move this move. You should be honored to lose in my Shura style. But after this trick is tried, you will lose no doubt! "Tianjin rice said confidently.

Seeing the change of Tianjin rice, coupled with the sound of the previous sounds and the momentum of the sky, Sun Wukong knows that this move is absolutely very powerful, but Sun Wukong is also very sympathetic to his IDE strength, feel that he also It won't be lost so easily.

Then he said with a smile.

"Do you think that I have only this, I will let you know how strong I am, but I need to see if you are qualified to bear my next attack!" said Sun Wukong. .

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