Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 77: Sun Wukong turned

Although the second woman said that she was very worried about the safety of Sun Wukong, since Jiang Yuan said that there would be nothing, there would be absolutely no problem. Then the two women did not continue to talk to Jiang Yuan about this matter, but instead stared directly at the scene. Sun Wukong. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

After Sun Wukong slowly stood up, even if the body was constantly shaking and shaking, but his eyes were still staring at Tianjin rice, if the eyes could kill people, it is estimated that Tianjin rice has been killed by Sun Wukong at this time. Second time.

Looking at the miserable appearance of Sun Wukong, Tianjin Rice sighed and said.

"Forget it, you still surrender, don't struggle. You can't be my opponent now, or you can step down and restore your body. Otherwise, if your body deteriorates, you will never be able to Fighting!" said Tianjin Rice.

However, when Sun Wukong heard the words of Tianjin Rice, there was no hint of wanting to surrender hungry. More meaning is to prepare to continue fighting. I only saw Sun Wukong’s mouth. The bar was a one-in-one. There was no sound at the beginning. After a while, I heard Sun Wukong say.

"Supply, or forget it, I have discussed with 350 Jiangyuan brothers, we have to meet in the finals, I also look forward to the battle of Yu Jiangyuan big brother, so say, what tricks do you have, though Let it come out, I will continue, as long as I am still not dead, I can stand up, I will never surrender." Sun Wukong said.

Before Tianjin rice, because of his master and the relationship of dumplings, he had a feeling of resentment against the people under the turtle fairy, such as Sun Wukong, but through this period of contact, plus Hexian people have already died, and they also There is no bondage, so Tianjin Rice has no such worries. At this time, I saw Tianjin Rice sigh and said something gently. Then I was ready to give Sun Wukong a final blow!

Because he was afraid that his attack was too strong, he would kill Sun Wukong, so Tianjin Rice did not give up all the power, but just attacked the meaning of Sun Wukong, and he was ready to let Sun Wukong appear!

I saw that Tianjin Rice had attacked Sun Wukong in the past, and Sun Wukong had already lost his fighting ability. Only seeing the fist of Tianjin rice (bdfe) hit the body of Sun Wukong.

Tianjin Rice thought that this kind of son could let Sun Wukong fly directly out of the contest, but at this time, suddenly a change happened! It is only at this time that Sun Wukong’s body floats in the sky, and the whole body exudes a strong atmosphere, and this breath is still very strong, just like the sea, the vastness is endless!

However, after hiding for a while, the breath of Sun Wukong changed again. At this time, the atmosphere of Sun Wukong is like a wild beast, very amazing! Then I heard a huge beast from the mouth of Sun Wukong! And the body has changed.

The body of Sun Wukong is constantly increasing, and the muscles are also erupting, and a lot of hair grows.

This is not a big deal. In the end, I only saw that Sun Wukong turned out to be an amazing gorilla! The height of this gorilla has reached a height of tens of meters, occupying the entire contest!

Then I saw that Sun Wukong was like losing consciousness. He continued to scream, and his fists were still hammering his chest, and his mouth was still screaming.

Seeing the change of Sun Wukong, Tianjin rice was the first dumbfounded, because he couldn’t think of it completely. Sun Wukong would turn into this way. He just attacked just now, and he turned Sun Wukong into a huge beast!

At this time, above the auditorium around the martial arts, all the audience saw that Sun Wukong turned into a huge star, all scared to death, and constantly ran out to the outside. Because of the panic, there was an incident of trampling in the audience!

After Jiang Yuan saw the change of Sun Wukong, he snorted in his mouth.

"Cao, how has it changed? According to the truth, it should not be, and according to the plot, Sun Wukong is not like this now. It should be changed when the last tortoise fairy fights. Beat Tianjin Rice. It’s entirely using your own strength! It doesn’t make sense!” Jiang Yuan said.

But things have already happened, and they are in front of Jiangyuan. Everything has become a reality, and Jiangyuan does not believe it.

"Husband, Wukong, what's wrong with this? How did it become like this, what happened in the end?" Because Jiangyuan is by his side, Boma is very scared in his heart, but still has not escaped, just a question of fear. To.

Jiang Yuan only smiled when he heard the words of Bu Ma.

"Do not worry, it's okay. If I am there, Wukong will be fine, don't worry." Then Jiang Yuan walked over to the top of the contest.

At the moment, Sun Wukong, who became a gorilla, is like a beast. He constantly sees the destroyers around him. He only sees that at the side of Sun Wukong, all things are destroyed, and Tianjin rice can only be continually dodging. To avoid the attack of Sun Wukong, I was afraid that I was killed by the Monkey King who became a gorilla.

Looking at the Tianjin rice that is constantly dodging, Jiang Yuan sighed and said.

"Go on, the things here are not something you can cope with, or leave quickly, otherwise it is very likely that you will die in the end, hurry to leave, and your master He Xianren is dead, so don't be like that. Follow us, let us take you to the island of the turtle fairy." Jiang Yuan said.

Tianjin Rice was originally very afraid of Jiangyuan's strength, and since Jiang Yuan spoke, Tianjin Rice finally only nodded and agreed, and then slowly ran to the periphery.

After a while, everyone around the audience has been evacuated. The only one who has not escaped is the people around Jiangyuan, and the turtle who disguised as the old man.

When the turtle immortal arrived at this place, Jiangyuan had already felt it. At this time, the turtle fairy was still standing on the side and did not care, Jiangyuan said with no anger.

"Standing what to do, Wukong has become like this, and I don't want to come over and help. After a long time, Wukong is completely like this. At that time, we can only kill him!" Jiang Yuan said.

Although Guixian people knew that Jiangyuan had already noticed his arrival, but he was very uncomfortable when he heard Jiangyuan’s name. He finally sighed and slowly walked to the stage and took off. Own camouflage. .

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