Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Turtle immortal injured

The power of the turtle fairy is very powerful. It is just this hook, and Sun Wukong can't help it. He goes straight to the rear. After watching the 1 wool 3 Chinese network, I heard a plop, and the huge body of Sun Wukong fell directly on the ground and stirred up a very large smoke!

After the turtle immortal landed, he stared at Sun Wukong again to observe the next action of Sun Wukong, but at this time, a voice made the turtle immortal vomiting blood.

"Okay. Old man, you are really amazing, but you can put Goku in one fell swoop. It is indeed **** or old spicy. It's too powerful!" Jiang Yuan said loudly, and also applauded.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s appearance, the turtle fairy shouted angrily.

"Kid, you are still waiting for something to do there, hurry up and work together, Wukong is now such a "four nine zero" is definitely not so simple to be able to knock down, we have to join forces to attack, otherwise it is impossible! "The turtle immortal shouted to this source.

When Jiang Yuan heard the words of the turtle immortal, he directly sat on his chest and sat down on the ground.

"Oh, no, my chest is too stuffy. The attack that didn't just go to Wukong was so powerful. I couldn't stand it. My body suffered a serious internal injury. I couldn't help it. I can't do it, I have to rest and rest!" Jiang Yuan said, sitting on the floor and grinning.

The turtle fairy completely couldn’t think of Jiang Yuan’s arrogance at this time, and then he was ready to continue to speak, but at this time, Sun Wukong attacked the turtle fairy again.

At this time, although Sun Wukong was lying on the ground, the position of the turtle fairy is now at the foot of Sun Wukong. Only Sun Wukong’s feet are lifted and his feet are lifted and waved down!

The turtle immortal felt that Sun Wukong’s attack was not to be said, but he avoided the past directly, and then continued to attack the Sun Wukong attack. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

"All fell to the ground, still not honest, today, if my master does not teach you lessons, you don't know what is called respecting the teacher!" said that the last turtle immortal has reached the chest of Sun Wukong.

At this time, the turtle immortal was immediately prepared to let Sun Wukong lose the fighting ability, and directly attacked the acupuncture point on the chest, but at this time, the change occurred, only to see a huge black shadow in the rapid attack to the turtle Immortal.

At the same time, the turtle fairy was still preparing for the final blow of Sun Wukong, and he did not notice it. When the turtle immortal felt the attack, it was already late.

When Sun Wukong lying on the ground felt the threat of the turtle immortal, his hand was quietly lifted up. When the turtle immortal was ready to give himself a final blow, Sun Wukong finally couldn’t help it and lifted his own. Hand, attacked the past with the fastest speed to the turtle immortal.

The turtle fairy responded only to this attack. Only one moment, the turtle fairy was directly hit by Sun Wukong’s unexpected attack. Only after seeing Sun Wukong touch the body of the turtle fairy, the hand Forcefully, I caught the turtle fairy directly and clenched my fist.

The turtle immortal who was held in the palm of his hand by Sun Wukong felt that all the positions on the whole body were very painful, and they were all overwhelmed by a strong squeeze.

At this point, I saw that the turtle fairy was constantly struggling in the fist of Sun Wukong, and wanted to use his powerful power to directly escape the **** of Sun Wukong.

However, the power of Sun Wukong is really too big. No matter how the turtles struggle, it is not helpful, and it is getting tighter and tighter! At the end of the turtle, the man was highlighted with a blood.

Sun Wukong, who turned into a gorilla, didn’t know the turtle immortal at this time. When the turtle fairy vomited blood, he was so excited that he shouted, and the other hand covered it. Live the body of the turtle fairy, keep making efforts.

The feeling of pressing) is getting stronger and stronger. The turtle fairy who is held in the palm of Sun Wukong’s palms turns purple, and because of the constant north squeeze, the oxygen in the body is getting less and less. Finally, the turtle immortal felt that his chest and head were all in an oxygen-deficient state, and he would soon faint.

Seeing the appearance of the turtle immortal, Sun Wukong actually smiled and then continued to make the effort to grip the turtle fairy in his palm....

"Hey, Wukong, are you playing a bit too much? You look at what the old man looks like, should you let go, or the old man will die, and let go, or I will shoot." I don’t realize that Zhongyuan came to the foot of Sun Wukong and shouted loudly at the Monkey King.

At this time, Sun Wukong was still playing the turtle fairy in his palm. He suddenly heard the voice of Jiang Yuan. The attention was directly concentrated on Jiang Yuan’s body. At this time, he saw that he was yelling at himself. The small point that flew out of the attack, suddenly angry, to die, directly lifted his left foot and stepped down to Jiangyuan.

At this time, Bumma, standing at the edge of the audience, looked at Jiangyuan, standing at the foot of Sun Wukong, and stunned his mouth. Ba, shouted loudly and rushed toward the front.

The dry forest saw the appearance of Boma, although it was also worried about the safety of Jiangyuan, but if Bumma rushed up at this time, it would completely create trouble for Jiangyuan, and directly stopped Boma from letting Bumma rush.

Bumma felt that he had been stopped, and he was constantly struggling to rush to the front, but he was not an opponent of the dead forest. He could only cry constantly and begged the dry forest to let himself go.

However, at this time, Jiang Yuan did not see the same, the body did not move, still standing in the 5.6 place, and when Sun Wukong’s left foot was about to fall, Jiang Yuan raised his fist directly, facing Sun Wukong. The sole of the foot is a punch.

Jiang Yuan’s fist is skillful. All the power is concentrated on the top of the fist, and the position of the attack is the position of Sun Wukong’s foot. Only Jiang Yuan’s fist is immediately at the foot of Sun Wukong. There was a wound left on it, and the wound was very deep.

Just after Jiang Yuan gave Sun Wukong’s foot to leave this huge wound, Sun Wukong immediately felt it, then screamed loudly, and then the hands spread slowly, and the turtles slowly slowly from the sky. It fell, but because of the move of Sun Wukong, the turtle fairy has lost consciousness. .

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