Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Strange action

After Jiang Yuan just finished speaking, he also stunned in the past and slammed into the ground. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

After Sun Wukong slowly restored the original appearance of the city, Bumma and others knew that they might have misunderstood Jiangyuan. Just Jiangyuan’s heart-throat pulling the tail of Sun Wukong is likely to make Sun Wukong return to its original state. made.

The facts show that Jiang Yuan is really doing this just to get Sun Wukong back.

For Sun Wukong's ability to change his form, Jiang Yuan is also very taboo, and he is afraid that his own strength can not suppress Sun Wukong, so he started the Super Saiyan, and summoned the armor for the sake of caution. It is precisely because of this that Jiang Yuan will fall directly on the ground because of the overdraft of power.

Just after Sun Wukong restored the original, Bumma and others began to walk toward Sun Wukong. At the end, Jiang Yuan was fainted, and everyone couldn’t help it anymore. He rushed down quickly. Bouma was worried because he was still running when he was running, but after he got up, Bouma was rushing toward Jiangyuan.

After arriving at Jiangyuan, Bouma suddenly fell on Jiangyuan.

"Husband, husband, what's wrong with you, don't scare me, how are you 223." Boma shouted as he shook Jiangyuan. However, Bu Ma did not notice that when he was shaking Jiangyuan, Jiang Yuan’s face became more and more white, and he couldn’t help it anymore. He slowly opened his eyes and whispered.

"Hey, my wife doesn't want it. If I shake it, I will really die. Stop and stop. Otherwise, I am really dead. It is your fault. I was not killed by Goku, but I was shaken to death. Then I will be shameful," Jiang Yuan said.

When he heard the voice of Jiang Yuan, Bouma first glimpsed, then shyly stopped shaking and asked with concern. Look. Wool, Chinese net

"Husband. You are okay, how do you suddenly faint, scared me, are you okay?" Bouma asked.

Jiang Yuan smiled.

"Nothing, rest assured, that is, the power is used too much, the physical strength is a bit overdraft, so it is fainted, don't worry, rest and rest." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

When he heard Jiang Yuan, Boomer finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, things have been solved, we should go back to rest, take a good rest, because Goku has just gone crazy, the entire contest meeting was destroyed, it is estimated that it will take some time to repair, and we are now All need to restore their strength, we will go back quickly." Jiang Yuan said again.

Bouma heard a word, then pulled up Jiangyuan and walked over to the residence.

But the strength of Boma is really too small, completely unable to pull the body of Jiangyuan, and took a few steps to be embarrassed. The dead forest saw the movement of Buma, and smiled a bit, then placed the turtle fairy On the hands of Bouma and Kiki, the dead forest picked up Jiang Yuan in his own hands, and his back and Sun Wukong went back to his residence.

After a while, everyone returned to their place of residence, and when they arrived at the house, the dead forest found that the entire world village was already full of people, and finally saw the appearance of Jiang Yuan and other people, they all showed a nervous expression.

Looking at the expressions of the people, the dead forest and others know that it is entirely because of the previous fighting, so that people have already had fears about Jiangyuan and others, but they don’t know how to explain at this time. They can only smile and continue to move toward it. I have my own place to live.

After arriving at the residence, the dead forests sent Jiangyuan, Sun Wukong and Turtle Immortals to their residences one by one before returning to their room to lie down and rest.

After lying down again, the dry forest recalled the battle scene today, and his face smiled bitterly.

"Because of the strengthening of strength, I thought I could have been able to compare with Jiang Yuan’s big brother and the turtle fairy teacher, but at least I can compete with Wukong. I didn’t think that these are all from me (bdab I thought it was, oh, it seems that the next cultivation needs to be more diligent!" The forest whispered.

Finally, the dry forest seemed to want to open, and the eyes fixed firmly, and after a decision, they quickly went to sleep.

At this time, in the rooms of Jiangyuan and Sun Wukong, there are people waiting to wait for them. Jiangyuan’s bedside is Boma, who has been watching Jiangyuan with concern, and constantly wipes the body for Jiangyuan, and Still looking at Jiangyuan with distress.

In the room of Sun Wukong, Kiki is a little girl. She is still staring at Sun Wukong with concern. Although Kiki is not very old, she still takes care of Sun Wukong very carefully.

As for the turtle immortal, it is like a loner. After being put back in the room, just after the quilt is covered, no one will take care of him.

In such a slow passage of time, Buchachiqi basically kept taking care of the two in Jiangyuan’s room, and the dead forest was only able to accompany the turtle immortal, and lamented life. Unfair.

After a few days, among the three, Jiang Yuan first woke up.

Jiangyuan was mixed because the power overdraft was too serious, and the body did not suffer any harm at all, so the recovery was very fast.

Jiang Yuan, who was awakened, looked at Bouma next to himself and smiled.

But Boma found it in the first time that Jiangyuan was awakened, and said happily.

"Husband, you woke up, how, how do you feel about your body, are you uncomfortable, have anything you want to eat, I will do it for you," said Boma.

Listening to Bu Ma's concern, Jiang Yuan smiled and shook his head, but then nodded a little.

Looking at Jiangyuan’s strange movements, Boma asked anxiously.

"What the **** is it, what are you going to do?" Bouma asked.

Looking at the anxious Bu Ma, Jiang Yuan smiled and waved his hand, indicating that Bumma was approaching himself.

When Bouma saw the action of Jiangyuan, he slowly approached Jiangyuan to the past, and his ears were carefully listened to Jiangyuan’s mouth.

But just after Jiang Yuan finished, Boma immediately shyly retreated to the side. I don't know what to say at all.

But Boma can have such a reaction, completely because Jiang Yuan said softly when Bouma approached himself.

"Wife. It's hard, hard work, take care of me. If you ask me what I want to eat, I think about it. Finally I finally know what I want to eat, and that is, now I want to eat you!" After that, Jiang Yuan laughed badly. .

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