Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 93: Find Dragon Ball

At the moment when the glass ball was pulled out, Jiangyuan smiled, because from the faint light, this glass ball is the same dragon ball as the three dragons outside.

At this time, by a faint light, Jiang Yuan saw that there are six stars on the dragon ball, and this dragon ball is a six-star bead.

"Oh, I said that it is no coincidence that you can mutate. It turns out that you are doing it, and you don't know what magic you have. It can make an ordinary octopus finally look like that. It's fun and interesting." After Jiang Yuan wiped the dirt off the body, he rushed out of the octopus's body and smashed toward the edge of the upper coastline.

After arriving at the shore, Jiang Yuan jumped out directly and jumped to the side of Bu-Ma.

When Jiangyuan entered the lake, Bouma was praying that he must find the Dragon Ball, but when Jiangyuan jumped out, Bouma found that Jiangyuan had no expression of joy through the expression on Jiangyuan’s face, and then disappointed. The ground was headed out, but the head was lifted again in an instant, and the face was smiling.

"Husband, it's okay, isn't it a Dragon Ball? Can't we find another one, and the Dragon Ball Detector is not completely accurate. I have encountered this situation before, constantly shaking and beating, but there is still no Dragon Ball. Traces." Bouma said comfortably.

Listening to the comfort of Buma, and seeing the expression of Bumma’s pain in his face, Jiang Yuan couldn’t help it anymore. I laughed directly.

"Ha ha ha, wife, you are really innocent, do you think you really can't find it? I just want to tease you, look at your expression, I can't think of you so simple, you are fooled, look at it. What is this, is it the Dragon Ball you are looking for?" After reading it, Jiang Yuan saw a glass ball from the back of his forehead, and this glass ball is exactly the same as the three dragon **** on the Boma hand, just the star. The number has turned into six stars. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

In the moment when Jiang Yuan was seen as a dragon ball from the back of his own trick, Bouma first grew up with a mouthful of mouth, but then found that Jiang Yuan lied to himself, and then immediately became angry and angry. The body began to beat up.

"Bad husband, you have found me to tease me, the truth is too bad, I am still thinking about comforting you, but you are actually lying to me, too bully, hehe. I am angry." Turned around, but Jiangyuan still can see Buma's mouth with a smile, and the eyes have not changed, has been on the top of the six-star beads.

Seeing Buma's expression, Jiang Yuan is still ready to continue to tease Bouma, and then continue to say.

"Well, if this is the case, then I found it and found it. I also let me fight it. It’s all the troubles of this Dragon Ball. It’s really a curse. Then I want you to do something, throw it away. After that, Jiang Yuan directly slammed his hand toward the front. And at the end, I also took my own hand, indicating that Dragon Ball is gone.

Bouma has just been watching Jiangyuan's movements. Of course, he also saw Jiangyuan throwing away the Dragon Ball. At this time, Boma turned his head in anxiously and looked at the angry Jiangyuan.

"What are you doing, how to throw it away, are we not coming out to find him? You are throwing it away now, what are you doing? You don't know how hard it is to find a dragon ball. Now throw it and throw it. Where have you been thrown, you are going to find it. With the Dragon Ball Detector, you can find a little." After the completion of the Buma, the Dragon Ball Detector was handed over to Jiang Yuan.

Seeing Buma's anxious look, Jiang Yuan suddenly laughed out, and finally laughed and looked at Boma.

"Wife. You are so cute, how do you believe it? I am teasing you. Well, don't be angry. Just look at me here." After Jiang Yuan directly took out the six-star bead. . And handed it to the hands of Boma.

When Jiang Yuan handed the six-star bead to his own hand, Boma was afraid that Jiang Yuan would really throw it away, and he grabbed it and held it tightly in his hand.

Bumma's cute look once again made Jiangyuan laugh.

Looking at the constant ridicule of his Jiangyuan, Boma snorted and then turned directly back to his backpack position, directly put the four Dragon Balls together, and stepped on the four Dragon Balls.

Jiang Yuan looked at the angry Bu Ma and said with a smile.

····Seeking flowers·······

"Well, my wife. Not kidding, don't be angry, and say that this Dragon Ball is still what I found. Don't be angry when you look here." Jiang Yuan said with Boma.

Bouma heard a snoring, but the smile on her mouth sold her.

When Jiang Yuan spoke, he kept watching Buma's expression. When he saw Boma laughing, he immediately said something like anxious, and immediately said.

"I remembered my wife. You just didn't say it. Have you ever encountered Dragon Ball before, but the Dragon Ball detector is constantly flashing, but you can't find it, maybe you didn't find everything at the time. What?” Jiang Yuan said.

Bouma heard the words immediately.


"Impossible. I have searched all the things at that time. There is no place where there are any omissions. It is clear that there is no place in this place. This detector has failed." Boma responded.

Jiang Yuan heard a smile.

"Wife. Are you sure? Do you really find it all over? For example, somewhere, or underground." Jiang Yuan said.

"I have thought of these places you said, I have also found them, even I have found them underground, but there is no Dragon Ball at all." Boma once again argued.

"Oh, my wife. You really don't say that you have searched all over, because you know where the Dragon Ball was found? Is it in the brain of the big octopus, so do you really find it?" Perhaps the dragon ball you were looking for was also on some other creatures," Jiang Yuan said.

Hearing this, Dragon Ball was found in the brain of the big octopus. Bumma grew up with a mouthful.) Finally, he looked at the Dragon Ball in his hand and did not respond for a long time.

"Well, my wife, so I said, maybe we should go back to the original position to find out, maybe we can really find a Dragon Ball at that time, even if we can't find it, let's play it, just play it. "Jiang Yuan said.

Bouma heard a sigh, then went straight ahead.

Jiang Yuan saw the action of Boma and immediately followed. .

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