Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 100: Second dragon ball

At this time, Boma suddenly heard the sound coming from the top of his car, and felt that the sound had an inexplicable familiar feeling.

Then I saw that Boma slowly extended his head out of the window to see who was above his car.

However, after just looking out, Jiang Yuan directly said a smile to Bumma.

"Hey, wife. What are you doing in such anxious situation? Is there anything that makes you so anxious? Is it going to find me? Or is it that you have lost what you see?" After the words, the cracked open mouth, the bad laugh A bit.

At this time, Bouma saw that the person sitting above his car turned out to be Jiang Yuan. He was surprised first, then shouted happily.

"Hus husband, you have nothing, great. It’s really great. Do you know how much I worried about it? After hearing the shocking screams, I was worried that I would drive the car in that direction. I rushed over, but I haven’t felt it for a long time. How about my husband, is there any 13 injuries?” Boma asked anxiously.

Jiang Yuan heard a smile and then put on the shape of a bodybuilder and said with a smile.

"Look at what I am like now, is there something like it? Don't worry, the big cat has been cleaned up by me. Your husband is so powerful, just a big cat, it will not pose any threat to me." "Jiangyuan said with a smile.

Boma heard a sigh of relief, and then felt that the strength of the whole body was sent away, but it was such a sudden loss of consciousness. I saw that there was a big tree in front of them, and because of the loss of the car that the people controlled, they rushed straight toward the tree.

Jiang Yuan saw this situation and shouted a cautiously. Then he rushed to the front of the car in an instant. With both hands, he lifted the car directly.

When Bomma heard Jiang Yuan’s caution, he immediately noticed the big tree in front of him, but at this time Buma was scared and shouted, but he didn’t know what to do. And closed his eyes.

But just as Buma had just closed her eyes, she felt that her car had been lifted up.

With this feeling, Bumma looked at the big tree that was about to hit in front of him and gave a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the bottom of the car. At this time, he just saw Jiangyuan’s brave appearance, and the left hand gave the car to him. It’s up.

"Hey, wife. What do you want to do? Want to test if our car is strong, or is the tree strong?" Jiang Yuan laughed.

Boma heard a shy red face.

"Oh, didn't you just be so excited? I said that my husband is there, I believe that these things are not a problem at all, so I am like this." At this time, Bumma said that he was not mad at him. There is no such feeling of panic.

"Hahaha, isn't it? I just wanted to see who was afraid because of it, but I closed my eyes. It was like confessing my life. Is it because I have an illusion?" Jiang Yuan sang.

Buma heard the shy death, and did not speak for a long time.

Looking at Bumma's cute look, Jiang Yuan would smile, then slowly put the car on his hand, and then directly opened the door to take the Boma to the car.

"You are really not careful, fortunately I am here, or we will completely see the face." Jiang Yuan said.

Bouma spit out his tongue, and he was embarrassed to hate.

"Well, now it's okay, my wife. I don't disgrace my mission. Dragon Ball I found it for you." Jiang Yuan said.

When Bom heard that Jiang Yuan actually found the Dragon Ball, he was happy to die, and then shouted.

"Really? Ah, my husband is too powerful. I didn't expect to be found by you. I didn't hope before. I didn't expect you to find it. It's so good. Come out quickly, I see. I saw the dragon ball at the bottom. "After finishing, Bumma couldn't wait to spoil the river."

Looking at Bumma's cute look, Jiangyuan had no way to refuse. He took a dragon ball directly from his pocket and placed it in front of Boma, ready to play Buma again.

"That, this is Dragon Ball. As we have guessed, this Dragon Ball is really on a tiger, and the screaming sound that you just heard just when I was fighting this tiger, he made The sound came out. "Jiangyuan explained.

In the moment of seeing the Dragon Ball, Boomer completely forgot the previous things, just a faint oh, then stretched out) and took the Dragon Ball directly, and carefully checked it in front of him. After many times, Boma confirmed that this is really a dragon ball, and after a star, Bumma smirked and placed a star bead in his backpack.

Jiang Yuan saw the way of Bouma, and said helplessly.

"Hey, I don't think Dragon Ball is important yet. Forget it, I am too disappointed. I was still prepared to give you a surprise. It seems that I don't need it. Since I am not important, I will give it to others. Maybe Others will thank me, "When Jiang Yuan reveals a distressed expression.

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s words, Buma’s hate, but when I heard Jiang Yuan’s surprise, Buma’s doubts were 327. Finally, I heard that Jiang Yuan had to give surprises to others and shouted directly. .

"No, my husband, you are too stingy. I just just got too excited. I don't care about you. Well, my husband shouldn't be angry. You won't be relieved. What surprise is your husband?" Asked.

Jiang Yuan heard a faint sentence.

"There is nothing. It was when I was struggling with the tiger. After killing the tiger, I found a very similar thing to the glass ball next to the glass ball, and it seems that they are still the same thing, nothing. In particular, it is estimated that you don't want it, then I will give this glass ball to someone." After Jiang Yuan went straight away.

Upon hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, Boma lived in the end and directly ran to the front of Jiangyuan, directly blocking the way of Jiangyuan’s way.

"Husband, what have you just said, there is a glass ball, where is it? Where are you not lie to me, is there a dragon ball on this tiger? It is really good, this time, Just missing a dragon ball, hurry up and take out her husband." Boma spoiled.

Seeing the appearance of Boma, Jiaoyuan shook his head helplessly, and finally listened to the words of Boma and took out the second class of Dragon Ball from his pocket. .

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