Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 106: repair

When he heard the words of Bu Ma, Jiang Yuan’s heart was full of warmth. After taking a deep breath, he nodded with a smile and then left with the two remaining dragon balls. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

Jiang Yuan didn't dare to stop because he was afraid that after he stopped, he couldn't help but want to leave if he saw Buma's eyes, so Jiangyuan left very quickly, but he left with a dragon ball in a flash.

Looking at the figure that Jiang Yuan left, Bouma had been watching for a long time. After Jiangyuan completely disappeared, his eyes left with tears and returned to his room. After entering the room, looking at the familiar illusions around, and the food that Jiangyuan had left for himself, the tears that Boma had just left were lying down again.

"Husband, you can rest assured that since I can't help you, but I won't be your burden, so I understand you, and I hope I can help you in the future." Boma said softly.

After Jiang Yuan quickly walked away, he did not go far, but stopped in a place around him. He watched that he had left the sight of Bouma. Jiangyuan was relieved, but although Bouma could not see Jiang. Source, but Jiang Yuan can still see Bouma with his own strength, because Jiangyuan is worried that there will be any danger to Bouma after he leaves.

After taking a deep breath, he adjusted his emotions, then closed his eyes and sat directly on the ground. After sitting on the ground, Jiang Yuan immediately took out the remaining two dragon **** from his pocket. . Before Jiangyuan had absorbed seven stars, six stars and one star, plus the four-star beads absorbed in the front, now only the five-star and two-star beads are not absorbed. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

Looking at the two-star bead and the five-star bead that had been defeated in front of him, after thinking about it, Jiangyuan took out the two-star bead directly and placed it in front of himself, and immediately prepared to absorb it.

Because of the previous lesson, Jiang Yuan was immediately ready to absorb, immediately placed an enchantment around himself. After feeling almost ready, Jiang Yuan woke up and prepared to absorb two stars. .

"Nine-five and twenty-seven gave me the absorption. I want to absorb this ability. I will start it immediately." Jiang Yuan whispered, and his eyes looked at the two-star bead.

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s words, there was a sound at 9257, and then the system’s prompt sounded.

"Congratulations to the host to find the right ability to extract, please ask if the host chooses to extract now."

When I heard this voice, Jiang Yuan chose to choose it immediately.

Although it is said that this tone is a set of words every time, listening to the number of times, it will inevitably feel irritating, but Jiang Yuan does not have this feeling at all, because this reminder represents Jiang Yuan's every time I think of it. The strength will be stronger.

Just after Jiangyuan chose it, the tone asked again.

"Because the host chooses absorptive capacity, and the ability to absorb is only one function, it needs to consume a lot of bio-energy. In addition, please pay attention to the host. When you absorb this ability, you will have a little danger. I hope the host will think clearly afterwards. Start."

"Is there any danger, I have encountered it before, but I still have passed it. Now, immediately, I will start to absorb it!" Jiang Yuan shouted loudly.

"As you wish!" Then I saw that Jiangyuan's biological energy began to flow in a lot, and with the passage of biological energy, Jiangyuan's body has a new energy, which is a little bit of energy. Influx into Jiangyuan's body, it was just fine at first, but later, Jiangyuan felt that something was wrong, because Jiangyuan felt that the energy in his body was too big, and there was a trace of it. The meaning of contracting his own body, but Jiang Yuan knows that this is still just beginning, and since he chose to start, he can't back down. There is no way, Jiangyuan will hold hard and bear the teeth.

As more and more energy poured in, Jiangyuan felt more painful in the body. At this time, the change occurred. Only in the body around Jiangyuan, all the flowers and trees began to grow wildly. At the beginning, only the plants in the Jiangyuan enchantment grew wildly, but as time went by, the plants outside the linkage began to grow rapidly, as if there was something. In catalyzing them the same.

Not just this, Jiangyuan felt that the influx of energy in his body turned into bioenergy slowly, and Jiangyuan still felt that this energy was constantly recovering his body. Jiang Yuan still had a little bit of darkness in his body during the battle, but Jiang Yuan himself did not know that there was such a thing. At this time, the influx of energy actually began to repair Jiangyuan’s body, and the speed of repair was very high. Fast, but not long after, Jiang Yuan’s body has been repaired by more than half.

Feeling this change, Jiang Yuan laughed and died, and then began to laugh and accept this energy, but all things are not so simple, I saw that the energy has just been repaired for some time, Jiang Yuan's body It has been completely repaired, but this energy is still pouring into the body.

Finally at this time, Jiang Yuan felt the horror of this energy, because this energy is not only to repair his body, but also has an impact on his own strength, and because the energy is too strong, Jiangyuan feels that his body seems to be exploded. The same.

". You know that there is no such simple (good) single, there is no free banquet in the world, before it was just a foreplay, and now I finally got the pain. If that is the case, then I will look at it. Who is more powerful, you can't fix the flesh, and I will let you fix it!" Jiang Yuan said loudly.

Just after Jiangyuan had just finished speaking, I only saw Jiangyuan as crazy. The direct confrontation with his body was a punch on his chest, and because the power of this circle is really Too big, Jiangyuan’s mouth and sea left a blood donation.

If there are other people in it, I will see the difference in Jiang Jin’s movements, and ridicule Jiang Yuan’s brain damage, but in a short time, the changes in Jiangyuan’s body are immediately reflected, only to see that it’s just because Jiang Yuan, who was injured by his own attack, recovered instantly in an instant, even healthier than before! .

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