Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 122: Faster growth

"Okay, boy doesn't think too much. You don't want to compare with the stinky boy of Jiangyuan, although I admit that your strength is improving very fast, and you are working hard, but if you want to change with that." If you compare, it is very likely that you will not know how to die in the end, or you are optimistic about your own path. It is better to take your own path! "The turtle fairy said. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

Sun Wukong nodded with approval and then began to train himself with the pain of the body.

Seeing the action of Sun Wukong, the turtle fairy would smile a little.

"It seems that there is a strong inner opponent. It is good. Wukong is a good boy. It is because of the stupid boy who wants to catch up with Jiangyuan. I will continue to work **** the strength, so I believe that even if it is chasing after the end. Shangjiangyuan can also reach a certain height with its own strength. Hey, old, and even the fighting mind is gone. If I am younger, I will probably be excited, but now, forget it. Ok, it’s time to go to rest. I don’t know if I can see the beauty today, hahaha! “The turtle fairy said, then ran back to his room.

At this time, in view of Sun Wukong, and constantly slamming against a very huge stone, directly relying on his own body to go to the stone to wear hard, slowly seeing the mouth of Sun Wukong left blood, but Sun Wu 337 Kong still did not give up, and finally only heard Sun Wukong shouted loudly.

"I have to catch up with the footsteps of Jiang Yuan's big brother. I have to work hard. Even if he doesn't grab him, I have to be a strong man!" After the talk, Sun Wukong's body was hard, only to see this boulder in the power of Sun Wukong. Under, crushed by the impact.

While Tianjin rice and dumplings were trained on the side, I saw a sudden explosion of Sun Wukong, and my heart was very frightened. After recovering, my eyes condensed and looked at all the training things in front of me, and I began to work hard. Practice, at this time everyone on the island of Xianren Island, in addition to the old hooligans of the turtle fairy, and Kiki, all the people are practicing hard, completely for the next world's first contest.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. Under the practice of Jiang Yuan, the strength of Boma has improved a lot. If the energy in the body of Bumma is only a small one, then the energy in Buma’s body has already Chengdu, which has reached a big river, cannot be compared at all.

"Ah, husband, you bully me, how is this like this, isn't it good to use your strength? You don't know if your strength has changed! And your strength is so strong, isn't it? Can you use the power of the body, speak no words, don't play, okay. Don't play today. "At this time a woman in a valley said to a man spoiled.

Hearing the voice of the woman's spoiled, the man just smiled faintly, and then he only shook his head helplessly.

"Please, my wife, your current strength is really too much. If I don't use my own strength, I will probably be hurt by you. So there is no way. I can only use my own strength. Don't be angry, don't worry, it won't be next time. But you are really bullying," the man said.

The woman smiled when she heard the man’s recognition of her strength.

"Of course, I am a genius. Now my strength has improved so much. It is not all my genius. Of course, there are reasons for my husband’s efforts. Ok, this time, I will not be next time. Yes, let's say that your strength is so strong, defense is so robbing, how can I hurt you. Don't tease me." The woman once again argued.

The man looked at the woman's sophistry and shook his head. Then he ran to the woman's side, directly saved the woman, and took out a towel and handed it to the woman's hand.

"Okay, wipe the sweat, my wife, rest assured that your strength has improved so much. When you attend the contest, Sun Wukong will be surprised, or (bdfa) you can really defeat Wukong. And there is still a year and a half, your strength will be able to improve more, so rest assured!" said the man.

These two people are in the six months of the time, has been strengthening the strength of Buma, Jiangyuan and Bu Ma.

Bouma smiled smugly.

"Of course, I am a genius. Although I can't compare with you, I can still compete with others. Wukong Hehehe, this time I let him know the power of women." After seeing, Boma is bad. Laughed out.

Looking at Buma's smile, Jiang Yuan prayed for Sun Wukong, because he knew how much Bouma's strength had improved, and also feared that Buma's competitive strength was overwhelming.

In the half year period, the two trainers of Boma and Jiangyuan continued to train. At the beginning, Jiangyuan was able to use his own flesh to resist the attack of Boma. After all, Jiangyuan’s body was strengthened by Xuanwu’s defense. Over.

But after a month's time, Jiang Yuan felt that Bouma's attack on himself could leave a little mark on his own body. In the second month, it was able to leave a little bit of scar on Jiang Yuan’s body.

And the fourth month, The strength of Boma is even more terrifying, and it can actually let Jiangyuan vomit blood.

It’s been half a year now, and Jiang Yuan knows that if he relies on Xuanwu’s defense, he will probably be defeated by Bouma.

In the end, Jiangyuan forced the use of the power of wood. To constantly repair your body.

At this time, Jiangyuan clearly felt that his basaltic defense could not keep up with the rhythm of the times. At this time, Jiangyuan began to consider the ability to absorb.

However, Jiangyuan has no results yet. He can only wait until the time when he encounters any ability. Finally, Jiangyuan is silent.

"Even Bouma can leave scars on my body, and the boy of Goku must be able to threaten me. It seems that the next improvement in ability must be considered." Jiang Yuan thought.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s silent style, Bouma thought that Jiang Yuan was scared by himself, and directly defended Jiang Yuan’s shoulder and said.

"Oh, rest assured, my husband, although my strength is improving very fast, but it will take a while to catch up with you, so don't worry, there is absolutely no problem, Ann, even if I am surpassed, you also Should be proud!" said Boma proudly. .

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