Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 126: Flying

Just as this light flashed, everyone was covered by this dazzling light, and closed his eyes directly, and King Pirafu immediately fell to the ground, no matter how it was shaken, he did not wake up. Look. Wool, Chinese net

In the crowd, people saw that their Lord was completely fainted, and suddenly lost their minds. Then several of the radical people looked at Jiangyuan and Bouma, and the two eyes were full of anger.

"It's all you, the Lord is to destroy your two devils. It will be like this. The Lord has grace for me, so I must avenge the Lord. Don't believe it anymore. The Lord is now like this." Now, thinking about us, now the Holy Lord is gone, we must resist ourselves, or we can only die!" Said the last man excited and died.

As the man's voice remembered, he only saw a few people standing up in the crowd. Looking at Jiangyuan and Bumma is like killing the father and ugly, full of anger.

Not only that, as people’s emotions are manipulated, people who were sensible before have lost their senses and glared at them. Finally, they don’t know who screamed in the crowd to avenge the Lord. Then all the people I thought about Jiangyuan and they rushed over.

Looking at the intense reaction of the crowd, Jiangyuan was helpless.

"A real group of ignorant human beings have been deceived by these three jumping clowns. It is ridiculous, but it doesn't matter. Well, I will give you a solution to this matter today, lest you be blinded again." Jiang Yuan stood in the same place.

However, in contrast, the performance of Boma is very tense, because Bumma is now very good, but it is just beginning, so it has not experienced actual combat, but it has not been used by people. The crowd shot and rushed over, and suddenly it was a mess.

"Husband, what should I do? I think they look like they are going to eat us. What should we do? What should we do? Her husband? You say a word." Boma fears backwards backwards. .

Seeing the situation of Boma, Jiangyuan can understand, because he felt the same feeling when he first encountered this situation, but now that Boma has encountered this situation, the same feeling is also appropriate, but Jiangyuan knows this thing. Bouma really can't accept it, and finally sighed and said.

"Wife. Don't think too much, they have been deceived. Now it is a group of fishermen. Although it seems to be imposing, but just give them a lesson should be fine, so wait for you to watch it next to see how my husband solves it. This situation!" Jiang Yuan still stood in the same place, but blocked in front of Boma waiting for the arrival of everyone.

All the villagers saw Jiang Yuan’s disregard for themselves and suddenly became more angry.

"Mother's, don't think that you are a demon king, you can be arrogant. Tell you, Lao Tzu is the most powerful person in our town. If it is not the Lord, my old lady is still sick now, I must avenge the Holy Lord!" After that, the man took the lead with a knife and went to Jiangyuan. It was a knife to Jiang Yuan.

Looking at this slow dying knife, Jiang Yuan smiled a bit, then touched it, all the people did not see how Jiangyuan shot, this person was hit by Jiang Yuan, directly hit a building Above the house, the house collapsed in an instant, and this person lost his fighting power.

However, when I saw this person being shot, everyone just stunned and then continued to rush toward Jiangyuan.

Jiangyuan knows that this request cannot be withdrawn. It must continue to be shot. Otherwise, it will be fuller. Only Jiangyuan will be in the crowd for a moment, and it will be a few times. More than 20 people will be attacked by Jiangyuan. Fly.

After reaching this group of mortals, Jiang Yuan returned to the original place and shouted loudly to the crowd.

"You still can't see it, you have been cheated, don't be blinded by this scam, all three of them are liars who want to benefit from your pharmacy. Now this time they are hiding behind, you have to We rushed over, don't you feel embarrassed, hurry up and wake up, otherwise I really want to do it for you." Jiang Yuan shouted loudly.

Just after Jiangyuan was welded, the Kobolds of Pirav’s two men also shouted.

"Don't listen to them, they are the devil, the strength is tyrannical, what we have to do now is to let the Lord wake up, and then seal the two devils again, otherwise we will have a big problem, so go ahead, wait for the holy When the Lord woke up, we won." The kobold shouted,

People who were hesitant because of Jiangyuan’s words, once again like brainwashing, immediately rushed over to Jiangyuan again, and Jiangyuan saw that all people were unrepentant and sighed. Take a sigh of relief.

"Hey, ridiculous, being deceived and still going to be deceived, you are really pitiful. If this is the case, today I will fulfill you, let you know what is powerful, and I don't want to shoot you." Not because I am afraid of you, but because you are annoying, I don’t have to take it. Since you are so stubborn, then I will let you know today, what is called real power, who is the real The Lord!" Jiang Yuan disappeared in the same place and appeared in the crowd.

Although murder can make Jiangyuan get bio-energy, but no matter what, these people are just mortals who have been deceived by people like Pirav and others. Jiangyuan is always reluctant to squat, (good), but now Jiang Yuan knows that he can't be merciful.

"I want to die, then I will fulfill you, let you see, in the end, I am really afraid of you, since you all call us the devil, then I will show you the devil!" After that, A strong momentum around Jiang Yuan’s body immediately flashed, and the group immediately flew out. Not only that, but also many of them lost their consciousness.

At this time, there were not many people around Jiangyuan. The rest of the people saw Jiangyuan, the demon king, so powerful. At this moment, they wanted to retreat. They stood in the cold sweat and kept staying behind. I don't know what to do.

The Pilav network waking up when Jiangyuan released his momentum, watching the heroic Jiangyuan, knowing that he had encountered the iron plate, and immediately wanted to escape. .

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