Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 141: God of forgiveness

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s eyes, the dragon’s fear is dying, and combining with what he saw before, Shenlong finally knows why he is not an opponent of Shenlong. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

"In fact, I dare not slow down adults. In fact, I have met people like you before, but his future is okay and he can see a little bit, but it is too difficult for adults to have a different future. It’s just invisible, I can only understand one, but it’s probably too rare. In addition, although I know a little about you, I know it from that person, because I saw it on her body. A little bit about your introduction. "The dragon said.

Jiang Yuan heard a word, then immediately asked.

"What other person you said is similar to me? Who is it? What does it look like, what it is, and what his future looks like, let me talk about it?" Jiang Yuan asked.

Shenlong heard the words and continued to reply.

"In fact, it didn't take long, that is, two years ago. At that time, the Dragon Ball was collected. At that time, I saw a man with a blue hair and a very handsome man, but there was a strange charm in the handsome. The feeling of this evil charm is really uncomfortable, and what I was asked directly at the time was what his future looked like. I was also like the present, but still resisting, but there is no way, that person’s The strength is too strong. It is not stupid that I can compete, not even say that I am, even if you are an adult, you may not be able to survive under his hand, and at the time I felt that he was able to use his strength and use all of it directly. The power to resist, but a move, tightly only one move, that person just let a single attack to destroy my attack, and then directly asked me. finally no way, I will show him Have a look at his future."

"But even then, I left a little bit of information and did not tell him, that is, he will die in the future, and when he is fighting with a person, although he is good, but he still died in the end. In the hands of the people, and the appearance of that person is very vague, it is really impossible to see what it is like, just like a fog covered by fate, nothingness. Hey!" Shenlong answered.

"Blue hair, two years ago? The strength is super strong, or use a knife, huh, huh, maybe I know who it is, but I didn't think that you came here at that time. After it became the king, it was able to shuttle. In other worlds, that said that under the sea should be the one he made at that time. Interesting, interesting!" Jiang Yuan said.

"But it's not right, time is not right, forget, maybe there are other things, Poseidon, I also know a little bit of information about you, dead, opponent, strong, or covered. Interesting, things are more interesting." Jiang Yuan said.

Looking at Jiangyuan's constant chanting, Shenlong dare not say a word, like a worm, waiting for Jiangyuan's next move in the sky.

After a while, Jiangyuan returned to normal.

"Oh, I basically understand it, but I don't want him to be like that. Are you sure that you have already said it? No information is hidden, just like treating him!" After Jiang Yuan finished, his eyes waited. Then, I asked directly to the dragon.

And Shenlong saw Jiang Yuan’s eyes more fearful, and immediately said that there was no more.

Jiang Yuan felt the state of the dragon, feeling that the dragon did not lie, and then nodded.

"Well, if this is the case, I will spare you a life, but you now give me the wishes of my wife. Of course, I am not talking about the first, but the one of the most powerful technologies in the world. Listen. Is it there?" Jiang Yuan said.

Shenlong heard the words and agreed to it, and then directly yelled at the sky, and then saw a hole in the dark clouds in the sky. After the hole appeared, there was a burst of it. The sound, and after this sound appeared, a group of purple light descended from the sky, and finally reached the body of Boma.

In this ray of light, Bouma slowly floated up and looked at the sea of ​​appreciation, but Jiangyuan asked for the safety of Bouma.

"You haven't played tricks? For example, what kind of hands and feet are moving in it? If you let me know Hu, I believe that you understand the consequences. I am right? Jiang Yuan said.

Looking at Jiangyuan’s evil smile, Shenlong repeatedly shook his head and said.

"Adults, you can rest assured that there will be absolutely nothing. I want you to promise, and I don't dare to lie to you. To be honest, adults today, I want to let you spare my life. Let me do a favor for me, although I know that this request is a bit harsh, but no one else can help me, only you can, if you want, I can meet your wish again, please! 々神龙 pleaded with Jiang Yuan.

Looked at the dragon and looked at Bouma.

"Although this dragon may not help me, but I can still help Bouma in the future. Maybe it is also a good choice for him. If this is the case, maybe I can really think about it." Jiang Yuan thought Then asked directly.

"Let's do it, you said, if I can help you, I will help you once, but I told you that only this time, and you promised me, you must do it, I have what you have to ask. Satisfied I know, or I will not help you, it is very likely that you will kill you if you are in a bad mood (good promise Zhao)! Understand! "Jiangyuan said.

Shenlong heard the words and nodded immediately, saying that he would never deceive Jiangyuan, and Jiangyuan saw that the expression of Shenlong knew almost, and then he screamed to tell the dragon.

Shenlong has been staring at Jiangyuan at this time to see Jiangyuan nodded and said directly.

"Actually, my request is that if one day, you met the cosmic dragon, I hope you can help me kill him, and also bring me the seven universe cosmic dragon beads?" Shenlong said sincerely.

When I heard the request of Shenlong, Jiangyuan stunned, because Jiangyuan couldn’t think of it. Why did Shenlong have such a request, because in Jiangyin’s impression, it’s not bad to see God’s dragons. It shouldn’t be like this. There must be a story that will make Shenlong such a determination, hope to kill the universe dragon! .

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