Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 7: Flight ability

Jiang Yuan followed the dwarf monks to the Dwarf Valley. The dwarfs here are almost as tall as themselves, but each is a little taller than himself. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

The leading dwarfs introduced the species of the beasts to Jiangyuan, and the beasts were divided into two types: the dwarf and the giant.

During the period, he also introduced this place with Jiang Yuan. This place is called Beast Lingyuan. The Beast Spirit is divided into five parts.

The first part, the area where they are located, is called Phoenix Mountain. It was ruled by the Fengming beast and the immortal family.

This immortal family, the legend can be reborn. On the strength, it may be the weakest in the ruling class of the Beast, but no one dares to provoke them by virtue of their undead skills.

In the eastern part of the ruling place, named Panlong Mountain, the ruling ruler there is a nine-headed serpent. One is quite the same person.

The name of the ruling place in the west is Hua Tian Ping, and the ruler is the ancient swallowing beast. Swallow the beast, the world, there is nothing that it can not eat. Legend has it that their ancestors once swallowed the sky and let the heavens and the earth fall into a chaotic period of tens of thousands of years.

In the south, the name of the ruling place is called Jianjia Island, and the ruler is the ancient giant beast. The power of an armor, no one can hurt it. Even the power of the fire can not cause any harm to it.

The northern part of the rule is called the swamp forest. There will be a swamp next to all the trees inside.

As long as you are not careful, you will get stuck and want to come out. It is impossible. And the ruler there is even more devilish. Often seen in the swamp, as long as you go, there must be no chance to come out. As for the identity of the ruler, no one knows.

After listening to these words, Jiang Yuan had a crazy year. Look at the 1 Mao 2 line 3 Chinese network original strong are distributed in these places. If you can extract their genetic capabilities, then you don't know how powerful.

This thought is madly growing in the heart of Jiangyuan. If it is really possible, then its own strength will be so powerful.

Jiangyuan plans well, starting with the dead bird. Jiang Yuan also asked the residence of the dead bird. But the dwarf man told him that the dead bird would not have to find it. They pass through every part of their territory every day. So there is no need to find them, they will appear on their own.

Jiangyuan stayed here for one night, but did not see the figure of the dead bird. It is a bit disappointing.

However, at noon on the second day, the system suddenly sounded a warning tone: "Hey, I found the ancient Fengmingbird not far away. Is it possible to extract 々~."

When I heard this, Jiangyuan still needs to think about it and directly said: "Confirm the extraction." Jiang Yuan

"Hey, congratulations to the host for the rapid flight of the dead bird. Whether it is a fusion."

Flying fast? Have you made a mistake? Just give me this? Although I also want the ability to fly quickly, but now Jiangyuan wants more than the rebirth of the dead bird.

Although I don't want it, I mention it, and there is no reason for it. "Confirm the integration." Jiang Yuan

“Hey, congratulations on the success of the host integration.” Nine five two seven

Seeing that the dead bird flew out of the distance in a blink of an eye, Jiang Yuan is mentally calculating whether or not to chase. But the next second Jiangyuan quickly chased.

The following dwarfs who are watching are shocked and scared. Jiangyuan has the speed of flying leopards, coupled with the rapid flight of the dead birds, it is much faster than the immortal birds.

Soon, Jiang Yuan jumped in front of the dead bird.

The immortal bird was shocked and suddenly stopped in the same place, even without the effect of inertia. Jiang Yuan looked at the dead bird and did not speak. The immortal bird called a few times. Jiang Yuanyi analyzed it. It should mean whether he wants to die or want to live.

Jiang Yuan is not used to such a problem, and rushing up is a punch. Jiang Yuan knew that the dead bird was very powerful, so he used it all at the beginning.

Jiang Yuan’s fist has to be tens of thousands of pounds. Coupled with the impact of rapid flight, the force is immediately ten times stronger.

The weight of hundreds of thousands of pounds, the entire space of pressure is violent. The spark is instantly wiped out in the air, and the entire space is quickly brought up by a string of fire lines. If it is night, it must be very beautiful.

The immortal bird saw that this strike was not what it could bear, and wisely chose to avoid it. The speed of avoiding, even did not let Jiangyuan see clearly, just like the flash, a blink of an eye flashed to the side.

This shock, with a weight of several hundred thousand kilograms, is impossible to forcibly stop. Therefore, Jiang Yuan also allowed his body to move forward.

After a while, Jiangyuan hit a big mountain opposite. The mountain suddenly collapsed and countless gravels flew toward the sky.

The dead bird looks at this scene with a cold eye, as if to laugh at Jiang Yuan’s stupidity. But in the next second, Jiang Yuan quickly flew back to the side of the dead bird.

The immortal bird seems to have some shock, so that he can come back alive? But the dead bird didn't think much, and wanted to leave. Jiangyuan will let it go.

The inner force of the fire of the industry, a raging fire, like a swallow, rushed to the immortal bird. The dead bird saw it here, but instead of running, he stayed where he was, letting the raging fire engulf himself.

For a moment, the immortal bird will turn into nothing. Jiang Yuan is very strange, so dead? Jiang Yuanjue's is not that simple.

But after waiting for a while, there is still no movement. Jiang Yuan thought, isn't it? Doesn't it mean that you can be born again? Why are you not born again?

However, Jiang Yuan immediately thought that it might be reborn when the flesh was present, but the smoke was gone, it is estimated that it would not work, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan’s heart has also relaxed a lot. Turning around is going to go, but suddenly there is a burst of sound behind. The dead bird rushed to Jiangyuan at the fastest speed (good).

As Jiang Yuan was just walking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Because the system did not give him bio energy. Therefore, Jiang Yuan’s heart was raised again.

This time, the sneak attack was not successful, nor did it rush to the front like Jiangyuan.

After the death of the dead bird, the whole body immediately stopped in the air and did not go halfway.

The next second of the dead bird stopped, and quickly flew in the opposite direction. Jiang Yuan saw that the dead bird had to run again, and it was very speechless.

Is this a little ruler? Just hit it and run. This is no problem, and you have the power to be born again, are you afraid of a hair?

When Jiang Yuan saw this, he would no longer chase it. Something in the future is an opportunity. Thinking of this, Jiangyuan quickly flew back to the place of the Dwarf Valley.

This is not something that can be done overnight. It is not too late to make plans. .

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