Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 27: monster

After Jiang Yuan’s sword was attacked by the ancient snow leopard, he was actually very lucky, because he and the ancient snow leopard’s strength can be said to be quite equal. If is not this sword, then I don’t know when it will be played today.

"Hey, congratulations to the host to defeat the ancient snow leopard, get 100,000 bio-energy, and now the bio-energy balance is 95,800."

Jiang Yuan is not surprised by this number, because the strength of the ancient snow leopard and the wild ice elephant can be said to be similar, even the wild ice elephants are worth 100,000, this ancient snow leopard must also be worth this number.

Jiang Yuan looked back at the Antarctic fairy, thinking that this person has a fun addiction, and he always looks at it behind, and does not help.

However, I am afraid that the Antarctic fairy will shoot, because he may not be able to grab him. Therefore, the Antarctic fairy does not shoot, but it has also become a source of Jiangyuan, at least the prey will not be robbed. However, when you look at it, don’t you shout for two words? Really. However, people in this era know what it means to cheer?

Forget it, don't think too much, keep going. Now invisible, Jiang Yuan has already led the team. This made Jiang Yuan also proud of it.

Jiang Yuan led Jiang Yuan and they continued to move forward, but Jiang Yuan suddenly felt how suddenly there was a warm current around this place? Shouldn't it? This snow and ice, the warmth that comes?

Suddenly I saw a volcano in the distance and quickly ran towards it. At this time, the system’s prompt voice was also heard: “Hey, the ancient red-spotted tiger was found not far from the front. Is it fusion?”

"Confirm the integration." Jiang Yuan

"Hey, please choose whether the host chooses random extraction or extract. Look. Yarn, Chinese net" 9252

Jiang Yuan had expected that there would be such a nonsense, so decisively said: "random extraction." Jiang Yuan

"Hey, congratulations to the host's random extraction of the ancient erythema tiger's bonfire gene, is it fusion?" 九?

Jiang Yuan is a bit awkward, what is it? Bonfire? What is the bonfire? Have you already had the power of the industry? No matter what, since it is obtained, there is no reason for not integrating. "Confirm the integration." Jiang Yuan

"Hey, congratulations to the host for the power of the bonfire."

The force of the bonfire enters the body and immediately collides with the power of the fire. Jiang Yuan’s body tumbling. This made Jiang Yuan regret a little bit of the power of this bonfire into his body. But it is useless to say anything now. Can only wait for them to slowly merge. Although Jiangyuan's body is very tossing, but there is not much pain, so it can barely hold back.

Jiang Yuan saw that the ancient red-spotted tiger was in the blink of an eye, and naturally it is necessary to use the newly acquired power of the bonfire.

Before the ancient red-spotted tiger approached, Jiangyuan immediately mobilized the power of the bonfire, a burst of pure red flame, quickly spit out, and the speed of let Jiangyuan could not believe that he had just used this ability.

The power of the bonfire suddenly hit the body of the ancient red-spotted tiger, and the force of the bonfire was fast, but the explosive power was also strong. Under this circumstance, the ancient red zebra tiger was shot a few hundred meters away.

Just when Jiang Yuan was worried, he suddenly felt that his body was light, and a force of bonfire hit Jiang Yuan’s body. The speed is so fast that Jiangyuan has no reaction time at all.

Jiang Yuan thought that the power of this bonfire was not used to burn, but to launch a sneak attack. And even if the big sneak attack, the other party may not be able to hide.

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt that he was really a big bargain. A thousand bio-energy has gotten such a good ability.

Just when Jiangyuan was obsessed with the shape, the ancient red-spotted tiger on the opposite side was issued with a burst of firepower, and Jiangyuan was suddenly shot. This made Jiangyuan feel that he had suffered a loss. He attacked the ancient red spotted tiger once. The other party actually attacked him twice. This is not the case.

Jiang Yuan quickly flew away, and the speed was so fast that even Jiang Yuanyuan could not believe it. Even the Antarctic fairy was a little surprised. Because it does not meet the strength of Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes came to the front of the ancient red-spotted tiger, suddenly urging the power of the bonfire. The ancient red-spotted tiger was immediately beaten, and Jiangyuan once again touched the power of the bonfire after the landing of the ancient red-spotted tiger. The ancient red-spotted tiger was once again beaten.

In this three rounds, Jiang Yuan did not want to use this bonfire. I also felt that I had reached the treasure, but at this moment, I felt that it was not as good as the generous benefits.

Because Jiang Yuan found that the power of this bonfire, although the attack power is concentrated, as long as they hit the other party, they can immediately push the other party out. But this damage is really low. When it’s low, it’s been played three times. This ancient red-spotted tiger can still be alive and kicking. And when playing on himself, Jiang Yuan did not feel how much damage, can be said to be harmless to Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan estimates that this ability is used to be defeated by himself, and the other party is still in hot pursuit. Because after all, you can also fight for yourself to escape time. But even if he wants to escape, Jiangyuan still needs this ability to assist? Jiang Yuan suddenly felt that he had suffered.

Jiangyuan gave up the power to continue to use the bonfire, but instead used the power of the fire, and the power of the fire broke out. The ancient red-spotted tiger that immediately burned was left to hide.

However, the ancient red-spotted tiger once again touched the bonfire attack and once again flew Jiangyuan out of the distance. Jiang Yuan is also very depressed, thinking that this is really a good life-saving skill.

However, Jiangyuan was not used to the fault. A frozen force hit the ancient Red Spotted Tiger and instantly frozen the ancient Red Spotted Tiger.

After the ancient red-spotted tiger was frozen, Jiangyuan wanted to harvest it, but suddenly the surrounding temperature suddenly rose. In all directions, it suddenly became a sea of ​​fire.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but think that on this ice source, how could it be useful (good promise) fire monsters appear, it is a bad thing.

However, Jiangyuan’s strength in armor is of course not afraid of this burning. On the contrary, Jiangyuan’s speed has also accelerated. Jiang Yuan is afraid that if it is frozen and dissolved, it will not be so easy.

Jiang Yuan quickly came to the front and gathered all his strengths on his left fist. Then he fell suddenly. He only listened to the bang, and the ice burst instantly. The ancient red zebra tiger was also lying on the ground, giving a low sigh. The sound is obviously dying.

Jiang Yuan’s strength in this boxing is not to mention the ancient red-spotted tiger, but a mountain can also collapse.

Jiang Yuan gave a punch to the ancient red-spotted tiger, and it was considered a journey. At this time, the system also heard the voice of the system: ". Hey, congratulations to the host, defeated the ancient red zebra tiger, and obtained 100,000 bio-energy, and now the bio-energy balance is 1,060,700." Two seven.

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