Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Kill


When the sound of the sound was heard, it was also the dust that looked at the sky, and then the huge stones that flew up in the sky, and they fell into a lot of places. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

"Hey! Hey!~

Listening to the sound, when looking at it, Jiangyuan is already standing in the air with radiance. When I look at those wild animals, I smile at the corner of my mouth, because this time I have merged these genes, and this is At that time, I didn’t know the sound-sounding gene, but I also knew how it was.

"Ha ha ha, give me a die! 吼_!~"

When a squeaking sounded again, suddenly I saw a ripple of ripples, and slowly spread to the body of fifteen wild animals. When I saw that it was already shaking, the wild animals were helpless. It is soft and fall.

“Hey, the system prompts, killing five ancient crystal scale pigs and getting 3,940,000 bio-energy!”

"Hey, the system prompts, kill five ancient angle horn cattle, get 3.24 million bio-energy!"

"Hey, the system prompts, kill five ancient tiger scale beasts, get 3.8 million bio-energy! A total of 10.98 million bio-energy, the system prompts, is it automatically upgraded?"

“Wow, upgrade, upgrade!”

When I heard the words of the September 25th, Jiang Yuan didn't even think about it. He said this directly, and suddenly he looked at his body and began to have some changes. Slowly, he consumed 98. 10,000 bio-energy.

"Hey, the system prompts, the upgrade is successful. According to the monitoring, inside the grass in the northwest corner, there is a storage ring falling, and it will disappear after five seconds!"


When Jiang Yuan exclaimed, he disappeared directly and disappeared. When he watched a black shadow in the past, he saw a lot of dust and earth flew up and convolved a long distance. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

"My God, really!"

When Jiangyuan picked up the storage ring, a very familiar voice appeared in his mind and said: "Hey, reminder, now I have received the storage ring, and immediately leave or have a live hope, test. It’s coming to a late stage."

"I rely, you don't say before!" Jiang Yuan violently disappeared directly disappeared and disappeared, and the eyes directly rushed back to the original place, seeing the Antarctic fairy and Li Yanxue packing things very hard.

"Land" slot, hurry to run!"

Jiang Yuan said this, but it also made them look at him with some doubts. Just when the horror of the distant moment came out, the Antarctic fairy and Li Yanxue were a little bit trembled and soft. Legs.

Jiang Yuan reached out and grabbed them and began to run.

"Oh my God, can this see the fairy?"

The Antarctic fairy said that the trembling began to move, grabbing his own apprentice, and starting to run forward, at least, it could be faster.

"Hahaha, let's go, don't stay here, where are we going?"

At this time, Jiangyuan followed closely behind the Antarctic Xianweng. At this time, there was not much speed left. After all, if Jiangyuan was calculated according to normal conditions, it was already possible to break through the realm, but his own internal reserve was not enough. However, after all, the practice is not good.

"Hey, system monitoring, a mysterious man in the rear is approaching quickly, slightly off-direction, nothing will happen, is it extracted?"

"Specify extraction!"

Jiang Yuan smiled. After all, can a fairy have no good things? If you say death, you won’t believe it.

"Wu martial arts, smoke and smog, silkworms, after cultivation, can release the clouds of clouds, crazy winding" around the enemy, three breathing use interval.

Cloud silk palm, after cultivation, you can put smoke and sputum clouds into a palm, deep into Dacheng

Gongfa, Jinding Qingsigong, system to improve the quality, can be repaired to the middle of Taiyi Jinxian, and finally become the day after tomorrow. ”

"Specify to extract these three, can you?"

When Jiang Yuan asked, there was no bottom in the heart. After all, it was already said before, and the extraction could only extract one. However, what happened to Jiangyuan unexpectedly happened. "Hey, the system prompts, because the upgrade is successful, Therefore, the reward can be 80% successful! Oh! The extraction is successful! It costs 5 million bio-energy."

····Seeking flowers····

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt that his brain began to swell up. Slowly, a pile of knowledge entered his own brain. A slowly and completely complete system was born in Jiangyuan’s mind. How can I have time to watch when I run away?

"Wow, hurry, run!"

The Antarctic fairy was also a helpless face at this time, but did not say anything else. Seeing that Jiangyuan at this time was also busy starting to escape, after all, this is secondary to life.

"Master master, slow down! I can't stand it!" Li Yanxue looked helpless at this time, but how could Antarctic Xianwen really end his own speed? Naturally, how much faster can you get faster?


“Hey, the system suggests that there are a group of ancient crystal scale pigs in the northeast direction, you can use it.” Nine-five two seven

When I heard the words, I watched that Jiangyuan directly took the Antarctic fairy and Li Yanxue to fly in this direction. After several times, the Antarctic fairy was known at this time. Some specials of this kid. The place is really useful.

"After running here for a while, I saw the crystal-scale pigs, rushing straight over, and then don't worry about anything!"

When Jiang Yuanyu sipped, the Antarctic fairy and Li Yanxue around him heard it clearly. Although Li Yanxue didn't hear too much, it was also incongruous.

"Know it." When the Antarctic fairy replied with a sigh of relief, there was no stop. Seeing directly behind Jiang Yuan, he rushed over without hesitation.

When I look at the crystal scale pig below, it is also somewhat fearful. However, after all, Jiang Yuan’s words should have great vitality. Otherwise, how can he be said by him? You know, he is also doing it the way.


When the **** Jiangyuan snorted in the heart of the Antarctic fairy, the sleeping scale pigs suddenly woke up, and one by one, already watching the Antarctic fairy and Li Yanxue’s back, could not catch up, so one by one. It was very angry, but the Xuanxian behind this time was a raging anger, and said awkwardly: "He" the mother came back with the storage ring!".

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