Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 53: terror



Listening to Jiang Yuan’s sly voice, but also people have some fear, but there is no one who will say anything, because at this time the Antarctic fairy and Li Yanxue are all cautious, looking at the sky Jiangyuan in the middle.

“Hey, the system suggests that there are a lot of energy groups around the host, whether to extract it!”

When listening to the sound, Jiang Yuan did not have any means, but had to choose to extract, in this case, it can be more relaxed, after all, I still believe in this system.

"Extract!" After flashing this thought in my mind, I saw that the thunderclouds around me began to gather in the body of Jiangyuan, without any hesitation.

"Give me practice!"

Seeing that this body of Jiangyuan began to produce a different change, it seems to be a terrible transformation, starting to shine, blue light, people's shining eyes are a little open. \

"Master, is there really nothing?"

Li Yanxue was a little surprised at this time. After all, this thing has not been seen by himself. Although he knows that some people will have something vision when they cultivate, they have not really seen it.

"Do not worry, there is nothing."

At this time, the Antarctic Sin Weng actually said that there was no 393 bottom, but it must be stabilized by Li Yanxue. In fact, at this moment, the Antarctic Sin Weng made all the preparations to sacrifice himself to save him.

"Hey, look at it, this kid should be fine."

The Antarctic fairy said this at the same time, but he did not hesitate to do anything else. Looking at the air at this time, Jiangyuan’s mouth was laughing at this time but he could not know how to express his face, but he also laughed. Said: "Give me a condensate!"


A burst of thunder began to emerge in Jiangyuan's body, and then began to expand into the surrounding space, gradually changing everything in this source.

"Hey, the system prompts that the host has been quenched successfully!"

When listening to the sound, Jiang Yuan directly turned around and saw that it was a flash of light, and gradually a piece of clothing was produced on his own body.

Without any hesitation, I saw the Antarctic fairy at this time also said with a smile: "Ha ha ha, rest assured, that kid is fine."

Li Yanxue also laughed, (bdbh) After all, what his master said, how can he believe it? When I nodded, I saw that the thunderclouds in the distance were completely scattered and even exposed the clouds in the air. It was beautiful.

"Look, this is the rainbow!"

Looking at the color of the sky, the Antarctic fairy at this time stretched his finger to the far side of the sky. However, Li Yanxue at this time also saw what happened, so he smiled and revealed his teeth and said, "It's beautiful!"

"Haha, okay!"

When the Antarctic fairy smiled, it was also a little emotional. After all, how many years did I not see such a beautiful scenery?

"Ha ha ha, wait for me to stay closed for a while, or you should go first. I will find you again by then!"

When the ten halls said this, they did not hesitate any more. Seeing that at this time, the Antarctic fairy singers waved their hands and waved them all around, and all of them gave Jiangyuan’s body a secret. It’s up.

"Well, Li Yanxue, let's go, let him retreat here!"

When the Antarctic fairy said this, there was no hesitation. The direct one was a big hand, and suddenly he looked at Li Yanxue and he had disappeared directly from the place. When it appeared, it was already direct. It’s gone far away.

"Master, don't we really want to wait for him?"

Li Yanxue’s words are very helpful to the Antarctic fairy, but the Antarctic fairy can’t say anything. Who wants this to be necessary? But it is also impossible to really say nothing, so he looked at Li Yanxue with a smile: "Do not worry, nothing, the kid will not do anything, not to mention, the master has already arranged a lot of arrangements for him. The pattern is protected."

"Okay, okay, what do you do when you get there? Can he find us?"

Li Yanxue’s words made the Antarctic fairy a bit of a headache, but it’s also a slogan: “Reassure, he’s already a mysterious person, and he’s also self-protecting. If you look for us, maybe Look at the opportunity."

"Well, okay, let's go."

Li Yanxue said this, but also looked at the Antarctic Xian Weng took out his own magic weapon, directly began to swear, and he looked at the symbols that began to come out, all of which are one by one. The ripples trembled.


As the Antarctic fairy said this, and Li Yanxue stepped into the channel, watching the passage, it has disappeared and disappeared.

"Ha ha ha, give me a condensate!"

At this time, Jiangyuan was happy, because the reason for this pattern caused the aura here to be much richer than the general place. So, so that he did not hesitate and began to absorb and refine more. Turned it up.

Seeing that the energy at this time was condensing in Jiangyuan's body, Jiang Yuan also began to frown. Although the pain is not what it is, it is also a tormenting thing.

"Okay, okay, what should I do then?"

In this big hall at this time, these people, there is a very familiar person, that is, the mountain is high, the face is tight) Zhang, looking at the people here, this is the question, but no one said Anything, I saw the person who was as good as him at this time said: "If it doesn't work, let's go back to the Baihong School!"

"Hey, go back!"


The high mountain of the head is also unable to agree, so when nodding the response, he said to the crowd with a hand: "Okay, then you can start preparing, go!"


When I left here one by one, this tall back is also somewhat decadent. However, I didn’t really say anything. When I sighed slightly, my eyes groaned and looked at the grass and trees of the hall. How long did it last? time.

It’s so easy, it’s just a matter of handing it over, just because of a run-down family, so that they have to flee, because it’s a horrible thing because it’s just a branch. And the main house of the king's family is angry. .

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