Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 76: disappear

Seeing the alienated beast, Jiangyuan is not calm, I thought this is not to say that the alienated beasts are in the land of the magic. At this time, the nine five five seven reminder: "Hey! System prompt! This alienated wind dragon belongs to the semi-spirit. See ‘毛.线,中.文,网

In other words, it is considered to be created. "Hearing here, Jiang Yuanzhen looked at this alienated Middle Age Dragon. I didn't know what to say for a while."

The star boy is laughing: "Hurry up, start quickly, I have to prepare to watch the show."

At this time, Jiang Yuan looked back at the star boy and said: "You tell me the truth, is your cultivation still there?"

“Why do you say that?”

"What about the wind dragon?"

Star Boys naturally said: "Of course I am looking for you."

"Looking for?"

He was watched by Jiang Yuan. Even if he lived for more than three hundred years old, he was a little embarrassed for a while, but his facial expression was still indifferent. Then he looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "Some things (love is not your kid. Ask, because you know the 13 of these things, you will die very badly! The death is terrible!"

Jiang Yuan said without a smile: "Is it not to die? I am not afraid!"

Star Boy shook his head and said: "It's still young! Kid, I can only tell you now, you are not strong enough now, knowing too much has no benefit to you, well, just say so much, the next training you want If you don’t want to practice, you will pull it down."

After saying that the star boy jumped out of the tree, and then left Jiangyuan's departure, I don't know why Jiangyuan looked at the back of the star boy, the total feeling (I feel that this old guy has a lot of things (I didn't tell myself clearly, and still not I was able to pull myself in. I am very uncomfortable with

But now that I have been involved, in addition to facing, there is no way, who makes their strength is not enough? Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan is more and more eager for strength.

Slow (slow turn and look at this wind dragon, Jiang Yuan thought that this guy will attack people? This is 9257 reminder: "Hey! System tips! Semi-spiritual things, controlled by the owner who created it Is it an attack or other instruction, or depends on the meaning of its owner." Hearing here, Jiangyuan turned helplessly and left here.

Finally, I went back to the temporary residence and found that (a smaller figure had fallen asleep, shrugged, and after laughing, I fell to the ground and began to fall asleep. Because these two days are too tired, Jiangyuan has nothing. I am in the mood to sit and sit still.

After Jiangyuan fell asleep, the smaller figure slowly began to look at Jiangyuan, who had fallen asleep, and said a sigh of sigh: "The kid, the future road, we can say no," Perhaps the hardship may be as smooth as it is, but the foundation of these must be based on your certain strength. I hope that you will understand my intentions in the future."

In this way, the night soon passed, and the two started very early, one after the other came to the place where the wind dragon was, and after a night of thinking, the star boy feels (feeling that it is necessary to tell some east ( West to Jiangyuan.

Finally, pointing to the wind dragon star boy said: "As you can see, this guy is my whole, maybe you think I am lying to you, but you have to know that this world does not necessarily have to be done to do anything. (Love, some things (even if the high energy that is on the top of the summit has something they can't do (love.)

"Then you are talking about how you got it out?"

"The old man is a natural skill, do you believe it?" Hearing here, Jiangyuan is very reluctant to believe, but seeing the star boy is very serious, do not believe and have to believe.

"Maybe you still don't believe it, but what I want to tell you is that I have this ability by nature, not attached to the body (physical, but the soul of the soul.) Hearing here, Jiang Yuan understands.

Finally, the star boy smiled and said: "Okay, kid, you still want to train today. This wind dragon is your final training goal. As long as you can clearly see the route of your flight, then you will pass." That means we can leave this ghost place."

Jiang Yuan was amused by this sentence: "I am really funny, although I admit that this world is not surprising, but if I can't even see the route of his flight, then I am not living?"

Seeing that Jiangyuan is so confident, Star Boy laughed: "Good boy, since it is so confident, how about we bet?"

"What gambling?" "Just bet who is listening to who is on the way, how?"

Jiang Yuan frowned and said: "This is not good."

"What? Are you afraid?"

Being so radical, Jiang Yuan is certainly not convinced. "Oh, I am afraid? Jokes, come, I will let you take it orally!" After finishing the two preparations, the star boy is small (the hand is waving, the wind dragon disappears instantly) There is no trace of it. I thought that Fenglong was taken back by him, but I didn't expect that the wind was in the vicinity and the wind dragon reappeared at this time.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuan stunned. "This is clearly disappearing, okay!"

"Kid, don't say no one else can't! You still keep your promise!"

Jiang Yuan still dissatisfied and said: "I just didn't get ready, this time I can see clearly, definitely, right!"

Star Boy shrugged and said: "Well, if you want, if you can't see clearly, you have to..."

"Well, I know, let's get started!"

The words fall, the star boy is small (hand wave, the wind dragon disappears instantly, disappears without warning, so that Jiang Yuan is completely tempered, and the wind dragon is also appearing in the same place.

Seeing that Jiangyuan is no longer protesting, the star boy came to his body (side, wanting to pat his shoulder to comfort him, but there is some gap in his height, so he had to take back the small (hand, then smiled: "In fact, you I could have seen it clearly, but you forgot a bit."

Jiang Yuan immediately lifted it up (He asked: "Which point?"

Star boy is small (hand (refers to the chest said: "heart!"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan seems to understand, but some understand it, and then helplessly said: "Well, you won."

Upon hearing this sentence, the Star Boys returned to the usual hippie smile, and pretended to be serious: "I said the kid."


The star boy smiled and said: "Today's training is here, then, let me go back."

After hearing such excessive demands, Jiang Yuan immediately did not do it. "You don't have long legs."

Star Boys grievously said: "I am tired."


I thought that I could hold back for a while, and the old guy was waiting for Xiaoye.

After the little ancestor was back, Jiang Yuan heard the star boy smirking, and it seems that he has just won his own thing (in love).

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