Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 84: Aggressive

Then Feng Jing said: "The meal is here, I am here to find you to eat."

When I heard the meal, the star boy just landed, and found that the figure of Jiang Yuan had already disappeared. The star boy and the wind net servant were really stunned. Finally, the star boy said with a black face: "Big brother, let us go back." ”


Because of this half-day training, Jiang Yuan can be said to have used the strength of the next half of life, and with the last bit of strength, Jiang Yuan found the place to find the smell of the food.

And that Luo Gongzi had already arrived here and had a good conversation with Feng Yaoqing. After seeing Jiang Yuan’s return, he also quietly closed his mouth, because he had eaten it once, and now he is also remembered in his heart. I saw that Jiang originated but did not want to say anything more. If it is not here, he may have to clean up the river ~ source.

At the moment, Jiangyuan directly ignored everyone. When he did it, he began to eat it up. He saw everyone squatting in the same place. The work in the handcuffs was also a time--forget it.

At this time, Luo Gongzi frowned and said: "If you don't teach, you don't have to raise, and you don't have a meal to eat. What is it?"

Hearing is to say his own Jiangyuan, put down the tableware, and sighed at the wind and swayed, and said it was a greeting, but Fengyao Qing is not very optimistic about Jiangyuan, and did not respond to anything, and then Jiangyuan got up and gave The Luo Gongzi had a big mouth.

Let everyone be a glimpse, especially the wind and the star boy who just came back, just saw this scene, but also some doubts, and my heart is also thinking about why Jiangyuan wants to play this Luo Gongzi.

Luo Mingzi’s full name, Luo Ming, is the second son of Luoyun Mountain Villa. He is very arrogant, but he is very careful. The two major villas have this competitive relationship in addition to the interests. The relationship between them is good. it is good.

Luo Ming was somewhat worried by this slap, and then pointed to Jiang Yuan with anger: "Little bastard, you dare to hit me?"

Then everyone heard the sound of slap into the flesh, crisp and deafening, and these people felt that they felt pain.

Jiang Yuan slaps two slaps in a row, and when Luo Ming turns and wants to resist, Jiang Yuan flies out of it, then sits down and looks at the wind and smiles clearly: "The wind lord is sorry, at you I am looking for forgiveness on the site."

But before he could say anything, Jiang Yuan began to wind up again. In the blink of an eye, he had already wiped out a dish, and the people around him were all stunned.

When Fengyaoqing was about to attack, Feng Jingjing quickly came out to discourage: "Father, my friend, some friends are too active, some of his words should not be in the heart. Besides, you are an adult, true to a child. It seems unreasonable."

When I heard this, Fengyao liquidation was held back. After I looked at Jiangyuan, I got up and said, "You continue, there is still something for the father, and you are not here to accompany you."

Then he turned and left, but Jiangyuan said that he did not raise his head: "If you can't get used to it, just say it, turn it around."

When I heard this, the face of Feng Yaoqing immediately darkened, and then I couldn’t stop leaving without it. Jiang Yuan, who is watching the wind and watching the food, is very helpless. He said: "Jiang Xiong is a bit bad. He is my father after all. You are so embarrassed to him."

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan turned his head and looked at the wind and said: "Others respect me a foot, I respect others. Don't think that I didn't see it, your father looked at my eyes, it was a scorn. I Tell you, I am not willing to come here.

You all know. So I don't want to say anything. After all, we know each other. I don't want to be too lyrical, but let your father look at people. ”

After talking about the bull's head, the star boy left here. Leave the wind clean and helpless, standing in the same place.

The star boy who was taken away by Jiang Yuan was not mad at Jiangyuan. He muttered with a sigh of relief: "A good meal, you are full, see what the old man is hungry? I don't know what the old man is now. The young body is the time to grow up, and where are you going to go? Hey!"

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s enthusiasm, and finally came to the training place, Jiang Yuan looked back at the star boy and said: “Follow the training.”

When I finished, I prepared everything, and when I saw Jiang Yuan’s first initiative to ask for training, I was very pleased with the Star Boy. In the end, the Star Boys waved a hand and the Stone Turtles appeared in the same place.

····Seeking flowers·····

As soon as it enters the night, the positive forest can hear the sound of vibration and sorrow. At the moment, Jiangyuan is like a stimulant, and he is desperately attacking the stone turtle. The star boy is very helpless. I also don't want to undermine Jiang Yuan's first initiative to ask for training.

I thought that it might be a slap in the face of a slap in the face. Then I looked at the sky in the night, the stars were dotted, the moon was high, and the silver moonlight was on the ground. At the same time as the night came, the woods began to be active, and the birds and beasts came out to feed.

Occasionally there will be a few wild animals coming here, but you can see that there is an ancient wild beast here, and you can run without saying anything. How can these wild animals know?


This wild beast is just a star boy, using the celestial temperament of Zhou Tian’s aura, there is a watch, no reality. That is to say, although these wild animals have their original talent instinct, there is one point, that is, no attack.

And these auras of magical aura must be maintained in a place of aura, otherwise they will be scattered.

At this time, Jiangyuan is obviously the stone turtle who is smashing the bucket. If the deity knows it, he must swallow it!

Feeling pained by the fist, Jiang Yuan knows that he can no longer practice, and his hands and his own spiritual power have been exhausted, but this stone turtle is like a mountain that cannot be crossed, Jiang Yuan fights hard. It, people still have the feeling of sleeping, but also have to say that there is a defensive defense, that is, angry people.

Then I saw Jiang Yuan’s buttocks sitting on the ground, and the star boy smiled and said: “How are you squandering?”

"What is the relationship with you!"

Hearing here, the star boy jumped straight and finally came to his side and said: "The air is over, I should talk to you about the business." Hearing that something is right.

Jiang Yuanping regained the volatility in his heart and then looked at the star boy and said, "What is the sensation?"

"I can see that you have a similar practice of refining, but now you will not use it, it is really wasted."

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan frowned and said: "According to your opinion, what should I do?"

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