Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 125: lesson

After three hours, the trio finally arrived at the Dragon City. When they saw the first sight of the Dragon City, Jiangyuan only wanted one word to describe the Dragon City, and that was big! And not very big, standing at the foot of the Dragon City.

Jiangyuan has a feeling of being very small, although he does not know why such a big city is built, but Jiangyuan knows that there is some truth in it. Simply no longer think about it.

After the two women saw the Dragon City, they were also pleasantly cheered. Then the two women looked weak and looked at Jiang Yuan: "This son... can we leave?"

For a time, I forgot the two women’s Jiangyuan and heard that the two women were watching themselves. Then they nodded and said they could go.

Seeing that Jiangyuan agreed, the two women were like the sparrows released from the cage, and leaped to the Dragon City. Seeing that the two women left, Jiang Yuan also looked at the Dragon City from the "eighty-eight zeros" and then went to the gate of the city with a rare flow of people.

When Jiangyuan walked to the gate of the city, Jiangyuan found that there were many city gates at the door of the city, and they were checking what was being done one by one. Then Jiangyuan saw the man who was driven away by himself yesterday. . Then I learned a lot about the grievances in my heart.

Then I began to figure it out, "Hey! The system prompts that there are 30 people in the Xuanxian Xiu in the Dragon City, and three people in the late Xuanjie, Xuanxian Yufeng. Some names under Xuanxian. Is it extracted?" Hearing here, Jiang Yuan pondered a bit, because it is not convenient to talk now, and then the random extraction is defaulted in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Hey! The system prompts the host to get a thousand resistance genes, and the host has acquired the ability to change capacity. It costs 30,000 points of bio-energy." Hearing here, Jiangyuan did not think that he actually gained the ability to change capacity. But I just don't know how this capacity is. Seeing that there is still a distance from the gate of the city, people at the gate of the city could not see themselves. Then Jiangyuan closed his eyes and began to communicate this ability.

Then Jiang Yuan only heard a subtle sound of water waves, and then thought about success? Touching his face or his own face, Jiang Yuan feels that he has floated a layer of East and West on his surface, but he does not delay his words and deeds.

Then Jiangyuan followed the queued people slowly and steadily to the gate of the city. When it was his turn, Jiang Yuan immediately looked at the man, and the man looked at Jiangyuan but frowned. He always felt that this person seemed to have seen it, but his face was a vicissitude. The person with a sly face, then just frowned and then did not look at Jiangyuan.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuan is also a little surprised. Jiang Yuan did not expect this ability to be so good. I thought of it here, Jiang Yuan smiled. After the inspection of the city soldiers, Jiang Yuan was released. At the time of leaving, Jiang Yuan also took a look at the man.

Then Jiang Yuan hangs this ‘mask’ and walks on the street. No one can see the difference. This makes Jiang Yuan feel a lot more secure.

The greatness of the Dragon City makes Jiangyuan somewhat unbelievable, and it is considered to be prosperous compared to the ancient mountain forest outside.

When I walked to the end of the street, I saw that many people were gone before they disappeared.

This made Jiang Yuan also curious, and when Jiangyuan took a step, the space in front of Lu Tianyou was distorted, and then he saw that the environment around him had changed.

At this time, the 100-meter-high stone gates in three different directions stood in front of Jiangyuan, and each of the stone gates appeared in this aura. It was like a sparkling water. When you saw it, Jiangyuan looked back and found it. There is also a stone gate. When I saw it here, Jiang Yuan also understood why he appeared here, and the feelings of his own inadvertently came here.

There is a large square between Shimen. There are many people who sell and sell Dongxi West here. Then Jiangyuan saw the big characters on Shimen from the left to the right of the stone door that they just entered: North, East, South, West.

Seeing this, Jiangyuan directly took a person who passed by himself and then asked: "Dare to ask these four stone gates..."

Shangyu looked at Jiangyuan, and the person said: "The four areas of the four stone gates, here is the center of the dragon city. Each area has a strength to look after." After saying this, the person left.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan sank to death. This dragon city management is really the head. It is really to admire Jiang Yuan, but then Jiang Yuan began to be somewhat guilty. Should the four directions go there?

Then I closed my eyes and thought about it, then I chose the East Gate and went over...

When I came to Dongshimen, Lu Tianyou stopped in front of Shimen and thought about it and then entered it.

As the space was distorted, Jiangyuan came to another area. Seeing here, Jiang Yuan’s glimpse, what I did not expect is that it is not a city, but a dense jungle world.

After seeing this, Jiangyuan followed the crowd and walked to the distant village.

Although it is a jungle world, the trees and grasses inside are crisp and unbelievable. The wilderness of the wilderness is just a heaven and a ground. And the air here is very fresh, taking a deep breath, the spleen's heart and lungs, people have a fascination with this feeling.

At this time, the front not far from the front, Jiang Yuan went to the past and looked at it. At this moment, a black shadow that flew out almost hit Jiangyuan, and Jiangyuan turned away from the side. Look, flying out is actually a daddy wearing a rags.

With the heavy old man who had already vomited blood and looked at his life, at this time, one hand stretched over and wanted to push Jiangyuan away, but the conditioned Jiangyuan directly caught the head. The human hand, when the person has not reacted, directly throws the person out.

The man stopped flying a dozen meters away. After all, Jiang Yuan knew that this person had been repaired to 3.2 steps in the land of the immortal, and he was not qualified to let himself produce a hint of killing, so I thought about teaching this person, and I should take revenge for the old man.

However, Jiangyuan intentionally let go of this person, but this person is not going to finish.

In the case of screaming and calling, the person got up and pointed to Jiangyuan to drink: "Bad boy, dare to beat Laozi, who is Laozi? Fenglongzhai!"

But just after this person just finished, Jiang Yuan reached out and waved, and a white light instantly swallowed this person, even the bone residue did not stay. And that white light is also lightning-like back to Jiangyuan's body. The work is done between the blink of an eye.

Seeing that this person suddenly disappeared, everyone on the scene was kneeling in the same place, because they did not know what happened and everything happened too fast. .

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